
Today was a hard day for me.  On the one hand, I met up with an old friend for the first time in over a decade, and met her husband and 6 month old.  I’ll talk about that more in the future.

On the other hand, I spent a lot of time worried about my friend who was in the car accident.  It was a hard day for everybody who knew her.

My college was a small one, so we all knew each other.  She wasn’t one of my best friends, but I knew and liked her, and I ran into her again in March of this year and we had dinner together and talked quite a bit, about her current life, her fiancé, her wedding, and all other kinds of things.  I’m just reeling from the shock, though I know others are more personally affected and have more right to be upset.  My heart goes out to them as well.

If you want to see what happened, here’s a link to a news report about the accident.  I had a really hard time dealing with driving on the interstate today.  I kept thinking about that picture and fighting with tears.

I am completely blown away by people’s responses on facebook today.  However, sitting here obsessively stalking facebook for news is probably not helpful.

I am struck by the fact that I do indeed belong to a community of wonderful and thoughtful people who live all over the world.  I hate the circumstances that bring this realization.  Today, I am so glad I went to a small conservatory.  Today, I am happy to be still paying my student loans.  I am so proud of my friends.

I think we are all shocked.  This sort of thing could happen to anyone at any time.  We are all lucky every day when nothing horrible happens.  But we humans are so resilient that we continue to be shocked when awful things happen.

I just hope that the human body can be as resilient.


Please pray for Alicia Doudna and Andrew Kratzat and their friends and family. 


I got home from the Harry Potter movie last night and was full of emotions. (for the record, yes, good movie, NOT great movie.  And the feel-good ending bothers me in the book as well.)  I did what I usually do, sign onto facebook (I’m so addicted) and learned that one of my friends had been in a horrible car accident.

I won’t go into too many details here, because most of you won’t know her and it’s not my place anyway.  We went to school (CIM) together, and she is a fellow violinist and Suzuki teacher.  I had dinner with her in March, and we are both engaged to be married.  She was in the car with her fiancé.  Right now it is just a matter of waiting to see what happens, and they are both in intensive care. 

How many miles do we all spend on the road each day/week/month?  I was trying to think of how many miles I have driven in my life—probably about 250,000 if recall the mileage on the various vehicles I’ve owned.  And that doesn’t count the miles I’ve ridden with other people.  We are all lucky every day when nothing horrible happens. 

I am often haunted by a vision from my childhood while on a car trip to visit family for the holidays.  We were stuck in bad traffic due to an accident, and when we finally passed the accident scene (vehicles at this point, not people) there were Christmas presents scattered about in the median.  I don’t know how much of that memory is true and how much has been distorted, but I know how I felt.

One of my friends tweeted this last night– "Please send prayers, happy thoughts to my friend and her fiance who were in a serious crash today. Then hug your loved ones."

It feels so helpless to be sitting on the sidelines wondering what will happen.  Life is short.  We all spend so much time worrying about piddling details.  In the end none of that matters. 

All we can do is be the best person we can be for the time we are given, right?  I know I try to do that, but I don’t do a very good job of it.  Then again, I don’t know.  Maybe I’m a far better friend than I give myself credit for.

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Tonight I am finally going to see the Harry Potter movie!  I must admit I am looking forward to it, but not as much as many have.  Most of the movies have disappointed me.

I started reading Harry Potter back shortly after the third one (Prisoner of Azkaban) came out.  I can’t recall if this was over Christmas break or summer vacation.  I was visiting home and my mother encouraged me to read the books while I was there.  Being ornery, I naturally resisted.  But she kept talking them up and I was visiting for several days.  I started the first one one night when I was bored, and I was HOOKED.  I read all three books in the next 24 hours, and then (if memory serves) I reread them all before I went back to wherever I was living (Cleveland, I believe).

I had to wait almost awhile for the next book though…I pre-ordered it to arrive when I was in Breckenridge, Colorado, the next summer, as a member of the National Repertory Orchestra.  It arrived ONE day before the actual release date.  Go figure.  I was preparing to solo with the orchestra (Saint-Saens Havanaise) but the piece was short and naturally I was having mild playing problems so I took it easy on practicing and read Goblet of Fire instead.  AWESOME.  It took quite the dark turn, didn’t it?

Then it was a long wait for Order of Phoenix.  According to Wikipedia THREE years passed.  It was an awful three years.  By then (2003) I was living in Charlotte, NC, playing with the Charlotte Symphony.  I had had such good luck pre-ordering Goblet that I did the same.  It arrived at my doorstep on the day of the release and I naturally shut myself in to read it.  Intense.  And long.  If you can’t tell, I am an incredibly fast reader, so I really appreciate a long book.

By the time Half Blood Prince came out I was back in Cleveland.  Got that one mail order as well, but I recall I had to interrupt my reading to go play a wedding gig.  I was up late into the night finishing it.  When Snape killed Dumbledore, I was sobbing like a baby.

Then the end:  Deathly Hallows.  I was in the Bahamas when it came out so upon our return to Florida (we were on a cruise) the first stop was a bookstore.  I spent the rest of the day reading it, and then as usual, rereading it.  It was a fantastic ending to the story.  And in my mind, that’s when the story ended.  Though, it never really ends, because you can always start it again from the beginning (and I do, at least once or twice a year.)

So that brings us to the movies.  Since I know and love the books as much as I do, the movies have always disappointed me.  I enjoy them (for the most part, except HBP has some parts that really bug me, and so does OoP) but I don’t love them.  So while I’m looking forward to tonight’s movie (and I am, I truly am) and while I will likely cry every time Dobby gets killed, I will never feel them with the same voracity that I do the HP books.  And it’s not that I don’t appreciate movies, because the Lord of the Rings is just amazing, and I prefer the movies to the books.

I know a lot of {younger} people that grew up with Harry Potter.  I feel like I grew up with Harry Potter as well, except it was my early adult years.  That’s what I find most interesting.  Those years at the end of school and at the beginning of my career and my adult life…that’s when I had Harry Potter.  Like many other musicians, I haven’t exactly followed a direct path anywhere, and I still don’t know where I’m going.  Sometimes it feels like no matter what we do, we still just have to wait for something to happen to us. 

Kind of like you are a young boy, living under a cupboard.  Okay, no.  No that’s not the same at all.  I’m sorry for even attempting to make that analogy.

But still…I remember being young so well.  I still feel young a lot of the time.  In fact, maybe I didn’t grow up with Harry Potter.  Sometimes I feel like I am still waiting to grow up.

Do you feel that way too?  Like you are still waiting to grow up and any evidence to the contrary is simply you faking it?  Do you also wonder why Harry and Ron can’t ever learn anything without Hermione’s help?  Is that just a guy thing?

What’s most amazing to me is that Chris and I have been dating the entire time I’ve been reading Harry Potter.  And that until we got engaged people found that to be a bad thing.  Why is it so horrible to have dating somebody since 1999?  Doesn’t that show a certain level of fortitude and commitment?

Last word for today:  A friend messaged me a link to a blog that I wanted to share with you about balance and exercising.  She suggested that I was too hard on myself sometimes.  (I know.)  That’d be a whole ‘nother blog entry, about my lack of balance and how I seemingly cannot pursue anything half heartedly.  BUT I must publish so I can practice another hour before teaching while standing up straight with my chest up (when in doubt, chest up) and I will tell you all more about posture another day.

P.S.  If you haven’t done so, introduce yourself in my last entry!  I’m so pleased to hear from some of you and I’ll be checking out your blogs (if you have them, it’s not at all required) later tonight or tomorrow.

P.P.S.  I feel a little manic today!  Sorry for all the blog posts, I just have so much to share.


Introduce yourself!!

I’m curious about you, the readers!  If you are a reader, PLEASE consider introducing yourself in the comments.  Where do you come from?  Why do you read my blog?  Any questions or suggestions for me?  I’d love to hear from you!

Every single day somebody finds my blog by searching for “cheese” or “cheese slice.”  Do I talk about cheese very often?

Other searches this week:

very beautiful pedicure – why thank you, and a manicure now as well.

marathon running loses control of bowels – never fails, people love searching for this.  I had to take the picture down though. 

jon hamm personal email – if you find it, let me know!  I’m sure he’s waiting to hear from me.

getting into a symphony without a good resume – how about getting in without a good audition? But have you read my orchestra auditions for non musicians post?

i am a reader and a runner blog – I guess I’m these things…I hope they enjoyed what they found!  Remember I also play the violin and I’m mildly sociopathic with an inflated sense of self…just kidding!

violin cake – sounds delicious!

purple pig calamari – oh YES.  So good.  Also contains vegetables, a bonus!

outdoor hot yoga phoenix – wouldn’t that simply be doing yoga outside in phoenix in the summer?

There’s something narcissistic about having a blog and writing about yourself.  (I think that’s probably an understatement 😉  )  The question is:  have I become MORE narcissistic since starting this blog or have I always been that way?  Karen and I were discussing this the other night—she thinks I haven’t changed much since we were friends in Cleveland.  I guess I was narcissistic then as well?  I think I’m a good friend too though.  I try not to just talk about myself, in fact, since I put it all out there on the blog I can spend more time with friends asking about them and listening rather than telling them about my life.

Or am I deluding myself?  What do you all think?

Unrelated:  my weekend may have caught up to me last night during my run.  I was going for 4 miles, and only made it 2 miles before I had to stop and almost threw up.  I fought against nausea for the rest of the run…I could blame the heat, but I will probably blame my weekend activities instead.  No lasting harm done though, I’m sure.  Only up two pounds this morning…not great, not great.

Remember:  PLEASE introduce yourself in the comments here!  No more lurking 😉

Blistered feet

I knew I’d be doing a lot of walking in Chicago, and when I was packing, I considered my footwear carefully.  I failed though.  I failed so much.  I spent several nights in severe pain.  I don’t understand what went wrong—I chose shoes I had worn for lots of walking in the past…maybe it was all the walking in the rain?  Either way, how gross are my feet right now?  And seriously, yes, some of those blisters hurt so much but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.  Become one with the pain, right?

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I am vain enough that I wouldn’t consider wearing my running shoes around town sightseeing, so after a few days all I was left with were my old school, cheap (free from a wedding), old navy flip flops in black (versatile, match everything!).  And I wore them all day yesterday when Karen and I walked over 6 miles.  You might be surprised to hear that my calves and feet are really sore now.  Crazy, right?  

Every time I try to pack lighter, I wish I’d packed more stuff.  I always pack the wrong stuff.  I needed more shoes and more shirts.

Happy Birthday to Leslie

It’s the big 3-0 for Leslie (my younger sister)!  Go you!




Rock’n’Roll Phoenix Marathon 2010

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Leslie and Albergo the cat, Leslie from a younger time


Leslie and her fiancé Peter

(Really I’m just stalling here…I am done teaching and I need to get a run in to counteract the ridiculous amounts of calories I ingested over the weekend…and it’s really hot.)

And I forgot to blog about my brother Jesse’s birthday a few weeks ago…Happy belated birthday to Jesse!