All Kinds of Professional

Well, hello there! It’s been a busy weekend, and I’m just now getting a moment to sit down and collect my thoughts.

There’s been a lot going on in my life lately, and most of it good. Louie (who has been going back to school since I’ve known him) got offered a full-time job the other day and he accepted. He starts in December. I am very excited, both for him and for us. He’s worked really hard to get where he is now, and I think the next chapter is going to be really interesting and even a bit fun.

Friday morning I had a few errands to run, and I ended up doing a few things at the bank that will be helpful for my violin teaching business. I felt like such an adult, having a long meeting with a bank associate. A couple of times she told me to check with my accountant, and that made me giggle, since my accountant is a computer program. I also got a flu shot and a library card (to check out books on my kindle, woo-hoo!) so it was just a full day of activity. I would like to say, I think it’s funny when you do errands in the morning and people often assume you have the day off. Why, sure, I have the day off, until 4 pm when I teach and then have rehearsal until 10 pm. So it’s kind of a half day, plus a couple hours of practicing! I think I’d think it was a half day of work if I worked from 8 to 5 too, as that gives your whole evening free Winking smile Maybe I have a problem.

I mostly worked through the weekend—teaching and a wedding on Saturday, and a double rehearsal day for Winter Opera yesterday. We did have a little fun on Saturday night and went to the Symphony and then out with another couple we ran into at the concert. The concert was pretty good, though sparsely attended. I think people who don’t regularly attend arts events are really missing out, especially here in St Louis. Then again, there are so many events that perhaps it’s hard to keep up.  On any given weekend I will have 2 to 3 concerts in mind that I know would be really interesting to attend, but often I don’t make it to any of them…I also get invites and see advertising for tons of great looking concerts on weekday evenings..there is just so much going on culturally that there is no excuse for people not to get out there and see it. Many events are free too. I guess seeing so many empty seats at the symphony (to me it seemed like a lot, maybe I’m wrong) made me think about what people do for entertainment. It can be hard to get off the couch sometimes, because watching TV on the couch is so easy and relaxing and comfortable, but I’m glad we went out Saturday night, and every time I attend a live performance I’m glad I went.

That’s all for now! Time to run, finish some laundry, grocery shop, practice, teach, and run a sectional with the orchestra at Washington University. Busy day and busy week ahead!

One thought on “All Kinds of Professional”

  1. I LOVE being able to check out library books on my kindle! And I love the fact that they just disappear when they’re due…no more late fees for me!

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