Category Archives: Grand Ideas

10 in 100

I had my own "retreat" this past week at Suzuki Institute, so I hadn’t worried much about the Virtual Summer Retreat.  However, last night I was just relaxing and unwinding and I figured I’d better see what was going on!

The most recent assignment:

creating a list of self-improvement/work goals may come naturally to many of us, but what about . . . the rest of life? 100 days from today is october 1, 2011 [in my mind, the real beginning of fall]. can you think of 10 enjoyable/fun things you would like to accomplish between now and then? 

Hmm…10 fun things…some of these are already planned but nonetheless haven’t happened yet so still count as they are going to be enjoyable.  And I believe I get until October 4 as I am a few days behind here.

1.  Go to Chicago and visit Karen.

2.  Have a 4th of July BBQ at my house.

3.  Go shopping with my sisters Leslie and Carrie.

4.  Wedding cake tasting with Chris.

5.  See the new Harry Potter movie.

6.  Visit the St Louis Zoo.

7.  Visit MOBOT, not while playing a wedding.  The extreme tree houses exhibit looks very interesting.

8.  Run a half-marathon, and PR.

9.  Attend another blogger meet up of sorts.

10.  Go to another festival of sorts.  Lots of options, I’m sure.

Okay, that’s the plan.  Can I do it?  Some of those activities are definitely already in my calendar, and others…well I will have to make time! 

If it isn’t posted on the internet, has it really happened?

I feel that’s the updated version of the old "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does make a sound?" 

Today I am going facebook-free.  I am NOT going internet-free.  I am NOT quitting facebook, because I am determined to do something in moderation, plus facebook is too awesome for that.  I simply mean I will not be checking facebook until after I get to Kansas (next weekend). 

Why?  Well, a few things have inspired me, and I woke up this morning and realized that a facebook vacation would be helpful.  Two recent blog posts triggered this idea:

"Comparison Shopping" by Eden’s Eats was one I read yesterday that really spoke to me.  I am terribly guilty of comparing my life and myself to other people and naturally I assume that I come up lacking.  I recall when I first joined facebook I would look at other people’s pictures and see how much more fun they were having than me, or read their statuses and see how much better their careers were, or people traveling to exotic locations while I sat at home with my cat.  It doesn’t help that so many of my friends DO have wonderful fantastic lives.  And while I am {generally} happy for my REAL LIFE friends who have wonderful lives, perhaps I can’t quite bring that same feeling to my so-called "facebook" friends.  And I try.  And the thing that KILLS me is that deep down I know I actually have a pretty freaking awesome life.  Which will in no way be improved if I lose 10 more pounds.  Because then I’ll just want to lose 10 MORE pounds.  (Though I DO want to lose ten more pounds, because that would make my thighs less jiggly looking and then I would look more awesome in facebook photos for the world to see, right?)

The other blog post was the one by the Shubox for the Virtual Retreat, "Taking a Break."  She has been going through some issues and has been feeling down for some time, but still manages to do all kinds of wonderful things for herself and others (including the virtual retreat!).  This week she decided to go "unplugged" and not look at blogs, the internet, or facebook for the whole week.  She is still checking email though (when people truly go "unplugged" I do wonder how they manage with work!) of course.  I am simply taking a facebook break, blogs and twitter and such are okay for me at this time.

(Oh, just to let you know, I will still be PUBLICIZING my blog on facebook, because that is different than being ON facebook or obsessively checking to see if anybody commented on my status update or photos.  I get most of my readers through facebook links and since I am not taking a blog vacation, I will continue to do that.  It’s not a double standard.  I am nothing if not practical.)

Okay, I just spent 5 minutes doing a google image search, and this the best I have for you this morning:

image image


So for this week, my life will not be posted on the internet.  Okay, sure I’m cheating a little, as I have a blog and a twitter (come follow me @hannahviolin) but STILL.  Really it’s more that I won’t be reading about YOUR life anymore.  And then when I return, well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Maybe I’ll do a texting vacation next.  (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  No seriously that’s another problem I have.)

February recap!

I know there is one more day of February, but I wanted to go ahead and recap, since I am very busy tomorrow as well…I’ve been trying to keep up on my goals for the year.  It’s all part of my project to become a better person, a happier person.

February:  What a crazy and wonderful month!  It turned out to be a little different than I had expected (I did NOT anticipate that Chris and I would get engaged ) and as a result some things didn’t happen according to plan (no races or yoga).  However, I will NOT consider that as a failure, but as a tremendous success.  And I will just forge ahead and try to get back on track (particularly with my diet as February turned into a bit of a “celebration” month).

How did February’s goals go? Purple for stuff I did…twas a great month, lots of CHECKS

February Plans/Goals:

Books:  one classic, one related to teaching violin or children, one non-fiction—Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Wonder of Boys by Michael Gurian, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (plus finish reading list from January–Teaching with an Open Heart and Fixing School Lunch) –finished my reading list entirely—CHECK!

New Restaurants: Nora’s, Cicero’s—Check!

Social: Dinner with Reycrafts at Café Mochi and the Gelateria, SLSO Concert then drinks at Robust with two other couples, lunch with Melissa at Nora’s, drinks with friends after opera at Bar Louie, drinks with friends after opera at Sub-Zero, Opera cast party at Dominic’s on the Hill, Jon’s Trombone Recital followed by drinks at Cicero’s—Lots of activities with friends, Check!!

Recipes (at least three): Blue Cheese Stuffed Chicken, Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges, Beef Stew, CHECK!

Continue attending spinning class—missed one due to laziness, one due to schedule…but still, Check!

Start using Groupon from Urban Breath Yoga—it’s for five classes, let’s try to get at least three in this month (it’s a busy month.) am postponing the start until my wrist is feeling better, I worry that yoga might exacerbate the issue, especially as it became much worse after I did a yoga DVD.

Frosty Five race on February 12 (5 mile race) DNS due to below reason….

Creative “date night” with Chris? Got engaged Winking smile  check, check, check!

Get rid of 11 things from ONE room— kitchen  cleaned out jewelry box instead plus got rid of more clothes, so CHECK!

Attended Mark O’Connor Teaching Training Workshop, continue Parents as Partners Online—Check and Check!  Plus my article got used for the Parents as Partners Workshop—follow this link and you might be able to read it…

NEW Goal for February:  No new clothes this month.  Exception:  may purchase new running shoes.  NOTHING ELSE for the whole month.  Ordered new running shoes from running warehouse…there is an updated version of my model so I am hoping they work well, no other clothes…it was tough but I told myself NO.  Check!

Let me add something about The Happiness Project.  At the beginning of the year I thought it would be something that I would work with on an ongoing basis.  But I’ve realized that even before signing up I was already influenced by Gretchen Rubin as I had recently reread her book, and many of my goals/plans for the year were based on ideas of things that I love to do (read, for instance) and was already participating.  Thus you won’t hear that much about the project specifically, but keep in mind that most everything I am doing here is really in that direction. 

Overall, February, though busy, was a fabulous month.  It started with a snowverreaction, contained some great reading, had a bit of crabbiness, GOT ENGAGED TO CHRIS, and finished up with a teaching seminar.  Basically I read, ate, worked, ran, and got engaged.  To be married!  After 12 years!

Yes, my favorite part was getting engaged. 

I didn’t run any races, but I trained hard and should be in decent shape for my March and April races…

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine’s Day is such a tough holiday.  It’s a holiday supposedly celebrating “love” but really just seems to celebrate “spending money to buy gifts for your girlfriend so she doesn’t hate you” or “making single people feel bad about themselves.”


In elementary school Valentine’s Day was fun because you gave valentines to everybody in the class and received them from everybody.  No picking and choosing.  I remember really enjoying that!  Of course you would always try to give some people more special valentines, but nonetheless the number remained the same.

As we got older that changed, and in high school they sold carnations that boys would buy for the girls.  Of course, just certain girls…not everybody.  And they would deliver them during school.  Really obnoxious, in my opinion.

College was better—nobody really cared.  I have had wonderful Valentine’s Days hanging out with a bunch of girlfriends as well.

I am celebrating Valentine’s Day in my classes for everybody, so I can show my love for my students, even though they annoy me sometimes.  Today is an exciting day for my students—I have planned a small party for each of my classes, with homemade cookies and candy.  They are in for a treat.

Is this the best Valentine’s Day yet? This one is AWESOME, of course…knowing that people can finally understand and validate my relationship with Chris is priceless…

Some people say “Oh, but I show my love for my boyfriend/husband everyday.”  Well, DUH.  Don’t we all?  That doesn’t make you superior—I don’t think?  Don’t all of us do that, not only for our significant others but for our friends and family (and pets) as well?  If not every day, certainly very often.  (We are all allowed to have bad days, where we can be cranky and not demonstrate our love per se.)

What are you doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day?


2011 Goals/resolutions

I’m not usually a “writing down my goals” sort of person, but I have been inspired by reading other people’s blogs.  Plus, it’s fun to make lists!  So I’ve put together a bunch of ideas I have for stuff to do this year…I’ll reassess occasionally and see what I’ve accomplished, what I’ve decided isn’t so important after all, and make some changes along the way.  Flexibility is key…

Theme for 2011:  Be happier and try new things

2011 Goals/resolutions

Happiness ProjectI have joined up for the year and will see what Gretchen Rubin throws my way.  I think many of the things I’m going to list here will be things that make me happier—so that should work out well.  We’ll see how the project goes through the year though—I reserve the right to modify as needed! (I’ve realized I don’t need Gretchen so much as my list was really made through her influence!)


As far as goals/resolutions go I’ve made a very specific list by category.  I’ve read that resolutions and goals should be specific so I’ve tried to do that here…I will update in purple things I accomplish, in blue for scheduled activities.  If I have to modify or add something I’ll use green. I’ve had a really fun time over the past few weeks coming up with this list, so don’t mock me –I am a list maker and a planner.


1.  Take another summer pedagogy course, either Mimi Zweig or another Suzuki Institute Course. Went to Ottawa, Kansas to take Book Five with Susan Kempter.

Not summer, but related: Went to Mark O’Connor Workshop in February, attended SIUE Teacher workshop with Susan Kempter

2.  Participate in the SAA’s “Parents As Partner’s Online” in January/February, plus my article “Making Tone a Priority” got reused

2.  Take another SLSO audition…if the opportunity presents itself.

3.  Play on two chamber music concerts.

4.  Another private student recital in June. June 5

5.  Pare down my schedule for fall—too much driving around, not enough quality teaching time (this is less specific, but I don’t need to be specific yet!)

6.  Read one book per month about teaching or child education/psychology.

  • January: Teaching from the Balance Point AND Teaching with an Open Heart by Ed Kreitman
  • February:  The Wonder of Boys by Michael Gurian
  • March:  Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua
  • April: The Social Animal by David Brooks (will finish soon, was siderailed due to theft of kindle)
  • (May/June, got derailed)
  • July:

7. Appeared on Fox2 Morning Show in January with Chamber Project St. Louis (not planned, but still awesome!)


1.  Be nicer to Chris.  Try not to get upset over small things!

2.  Do at least four creative, fun, “date nights” with Chris, something other than dinner/movie (i.e. Kitchen Conservatory class, dance class, ballgame).

3.  Do something with a friend each week.  Could be lunch, pedicure, coffee, movie, whatever.  I’ve been doing great with this—I  am not going to list stuff anymore (at this time) as it’s been lots of stuff, but the main goal of being friendly and social and getting out of the house has definitely been happening.


1.  Entertain at home at least four times during the year-one down!  Planned 4th of July party.

2.  Have another cookie swap party.

3.  Cruise or other fun vacation in summer!  Somewhere I haven’t been before. (Probably not, since now we are saving up for a wedding and honeymoon!)


1.  Try new restaurants—at least one per month.  Use groupons or the like as available.

2.  Cook three new recipes per month.  Preferably a healthy recipe but anything would fit the bill.  I have a Cooking Light Cookbook and magazines that should serve as good inspiration, in addition to tons of bookmarked recipes online…

3.  Continue to try for 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Uncategorized but no less important

1.  Quit biting my fingernails and fingers!

2.  Get rid of 11 things from each room (inspired by reverb10).  Enlist Chris to help out. Make that 11 things EACH month from a room. Okay, I’ve gotten somewhat bored with this one…why 11?  But I have been trying to “declutter” sometimes.

  • 11 articles of clothing from the bedroom (actually more!)
  • 11 (well, more than) pieces of “jewelry” from my jewelry box

3.  Read one “classic” novel per month (have downloaded many to the kindle so should be no problem)

  • January: War and Peace (thought I’d start big!)
  • February: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland—didn’t realize how short this was!
  • March: Sense and Sensibility—enjoyable!  No Pride and Prejudice though…
  • April: Great Expectations- I found this really challenging.
  • May: Moby Dick
  • June: Don Quixote?
  • July: Crime and Punishment
  • August:
  • October:  Dracula
  • November:
  • December:

4.  Read one additional nonfiction book per month:

  • January: Free for All: Fixing School Lunch in America (for Mrs. Q’s book club)
  • February:  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (so good!)
  • March: The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration
  • April: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

5.  Monthly Financial Goals: (optional)

  • February:  No New Clothes (except maybe a new pair of running shoes)
  • March: Taxes
  • April:  Chris’s Taxes


1.  Continue eating healthily—lose 15 more pounds by June.  Maintain that weight within a 5 lb range for the rest of the year.

2.  Continue running—do 3 to 4 half marathons, maybe a couple of 10ks or 5 mile races and continue to improve on the 5k.

**Minimum of 12 races as I’ve signed up for the “Run for the Bling of It” challenge!


Race Plans/ideas thus far:

Have you made any goals/plans/resolutions for the new year?  Or do you prefer to take things as they come?

Starting to sum up 2010

The year is coming to a close, and it’s time to start thinking about accomplishments and resolutions (outside of reverb10).

I had a pretty good year—I didn’t really make any resolutions last year EXCEPT to lose weight and get in better shape.  Check!

I’m thinking of doing more resolutions this year.  I did so well last year and I want to keep that up!  Plus I am just bursting with ideas of things I want to do, perhaps not exactly resolutions but ideas and plans and thoughts and brainstorming.  Grand ideas, really Winking smile


Things I achieved/started in 2010:


1.  Finished up Suzuki Training in books 1-10.  Attended Mid-Southwest Suzuki Institute in June.

2.  Started teaching at two private Lutheran schools, doing GROUP classes and orchestra.

3.  Added many new private students.

4.  Made plans to teach at St. Louis School of Music in the spring.

5.  Took SLSO audition.

6.  Performed two different chamber music concerts, one I planned and organized and one with Chamber Project St. Louis.

7.  Hosted recital for private students in June.


1.  Got in shape, lost weight!

2.  Started working out with personal trainer, first Joe(the best) and then Mike(also awesome). 

3.  Started running. Ran first half marathon plus several 5k’s.  Currently in training for January half-marathon.

4.  Changed the way I eat, much healthier now, higher in protein, lower in carbs, higher in fruits/veggies/whole grains.

Other (fun/personal)

1.  Took a pottery class.

2.  Tried some fitness classes i.e. Bikram Yoga and Spinning.

3.  Went on a cruise.

4.  Took a class at the Kitchen Conservatory with Chris.

5.  Hosted another Cookie Swap party.

Obviously I did MANY more fun/personal things, but those are some of the big ones that I can think of offhand (also that are similar to some things I am planning to try for 2011). I am currently working on a list like this for 2011…in one year I can go back and see how I did Winking smile  It’s really about trying, not about meeting every goal.  It’s about trying to make life fulfilling and interesting while remaining healthy and being a kind and loving person, right?