Gah! More videotaping to come soon…

My procrastination is going very well, and indeed this week I need to videotape myself teaching both a private student and a group class.  I think.  This is how this semester seems to be going–I’m not even entirely sure.  I’m sure on the group class, which will be this Saturday, and I’m already freaking out, but I’m not sure about the private student, I think I have to?  So now I get to panic all week, stay up late worrying, finally do it, watch the thing and cringe at the sound of my voice, and then (hopefully) learn a little bit about myself and my teaching…again.  Probably I need to talk slower and less!

Less than one week until our quartet performance!  It’s been a bumpy ride getting things going between music problems, snowstorms, and the like, but hopefully we can pull off a fun/decent performance on Sunday.  I also hope we get a decent audience who enjoy it.  We’ve ended up with an eclectic program–Mozart, Villa Lobos and Piazzolla–that should entertain a variety of folk.  3 pm, Sunday, February 28, St. Margaret of Scotland Church.  Free admission!