Looking forward to the Columbus Suzuki Institute

Next week I am attending the Suzuki Institute in Columbus, Ohio for teacher training in Book two and three.  I am really excited about this opportunity.

Since I moved to St. Louis, I haven’t been doing as much teaching as before.  I learn so much from teaching every student, and I build on that knowledge for the next student.  Since I have had less contact with students, I feel maybe I have forgotten some things.  In addition, there may be many things that I never thought of before.  I went to school for performance, not education.  My teaching has always been based on my personal knowledge of performance versus a formal education in education.   I’m hoping to recharge, refresh, and come home from the week with more knowledge and ideas in my teaching “toolbox” than before!   I hope that everybody I work with benefits from this week, and I also hope that I will be able to go somewhere next summer as well to continue my training.

I feel very strongly about the importance of education past college and graduate school.  I try to continue learning by reading magazines and books and by talking with colleagues about a variety of topics.  I think it’s a wonderful time for me to continue my education in a more formal setting, and I hope the week is full of learning and enjoyment.  I’ll let you know what happens!