RFW and running up hill

Ran about 2.5 miles today.  Mainly uphill, as all the runs in St Louis are.  I’m sure that’s not true, it’s just that you don’t notice quite as much when you’re not running uphill, so you don’t appreciate it.  But you notice the uphills.  (Deep, right?)

Some friends and I are running a 5k on June 17 that is advertised as entirely downhill or flat.  I don’t know how they are doing it…I presume half the time you get shuttled up the inevitable hill to the next downhill.  But AWESOME, and I figure all my uphill running will absolutely prepare me.  I am getting back into shape, though I don’t know if I’ll be in PR shape by then.  I will certainly try though.  Any readers running the race too?

Have you seen me use the hashtag #RFW on my twitter account? (@hannahviolin)


The phrase was coined at the gym, and if you don’t know what it means, then you don’t rip weights.  (I did a demonstration for a friend of the difference between lifting weights and ripping weights while at a restaurant.  Caveat:  Do not pretend to rip weights unless you are one hundred percent sure the waitress isn’t walking up behind you.)

Yes, it’s one of those car stickers.  Of course I don’t put stickers on my car (I’m not one of THOSE people) though I would consider this.  I just want the notoriety and fame…I want RFW to be the next GTL.  Or the next BTW.  As in, btw, Chris thinks I’m insane for having made these stickers.

I sent some to one of my favorite bloggers as well—figure she can make the west coast RFW.  You’re welcome!

Her picture is better.  Maybe she used an actual camera rather than an iPhone?  Hmm…or maybe she drank less coffee before taking the picture?  Lots of options here.

Who wants a sticker?  Should I run a giveaway?  Write a funny or awesome comment and maybe I’ll send you one also…I have some to "get rid of".

4 thoughts on “RFW and running up hill”

  1. I’m running that 5k too! I just moved to St. Louis in August and this will be my second STL 5k (I ran the 5k ‘Run for Sight’ for Delta Gamma in early May. It was really cool, it ended at Union Station, running across the tracks and everything). Now I just need to get back to running outside before this race… ha

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