Stress and a little rant

Today’s topic idea:  “Are you stressed out?”

Answer:  Of course!  I’m way too high strung to not be stressed out.  I set my standards for myself very high and constantly berate myself for not meeting them.  Of COURSE I’m stressed out—that’s why I constantly chew on my fingers and fingernails.  Duh.  *kicks blog impatiently*

Unrelated jump to teaching:

My students at Child of God School were great today.  I am very pleased with my new class arrangements (completely by grades, not level) as the behavior was better.  I have totally spoiled them however, as they were begging today “when is the next party?  can we play a game?”  Today was review day, since FEW had practiced over break.

Got a 4 mile run in this afternoon.  It’s not that cold outside, but my ear headband thingy kept slipping and my ears kept getting cold.  Boo.  Also I stepped in a pile of mud.  I should really just run inside.

Now I’m off to the Ballet School to teach my four students there.

Other random thought:  I was surfing the web (yes, I am old to use that term) and ran across a quiz called “how bad is your diet?”  The quiz intrigued me since it assumed my diet was bad (I think it’s actually pretty good, since I lost 35 pounds on it and now have maintained for months…).  The questions had to do with chocolate, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners.  Now, I’m not a diet expert.  But—what I needed in my diet when Joe changed it was more fruits/veggies and more lean protein.  What was the key for me was thinking of food as something GOOD for you.  Food gives you energy to live.  Versus, trying NOT to eat certain things, or eating dark chocolate because it’s “good for you” and using that as an excuse to be 100 pounds overweight.  Seriously.  More vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, cut out the junk.  Oh, and portion sizes.  I consider vegetables to be an unlimited portion, just fyi—as much as you want.  (I will stick to my old “nobody gets fat from eating too many fruits or vegetables”).  And guess what people:  every meal doesn’t need dessert, and if you want to lose weight, you’ll probably need to go to bed hungry on occasion.  And I probably should drink less coffee, but seriously, I’m not a saint. Okay, rant over.

HBBC:  January 5: 4 miles: 4 points, 7 f/v: 1 point, total: 5 points, January 6: o points, January 7: 1.3 miles: 1.3 points, workout with Mike: 4 points, 7 f/v: 1 point, total: 6.3 points