The Olympics!

As long as I can remember, I have loved the Winter Olympics.  When I was in elementary school, I recall our class doing a big project on the Calgary games, learning about the various countries and sports.   Now, I actually haven’t really participated in many ACTUAL winter sports, other than the occasional turn around the rink on ice skates (and I am not talking about anything fancy here, just trying not to fall too much).  But I do enjoy mountains, and snow, and watching figure skating.

Figure skating is the ultimate musician’s sport–where else do we watch sports AND listen to classical music?  At least some semblance of classical music…very romantic/dramatic with interesting cuts (so many odd renditions of Scheherezade, and we haven’t gotten to the ladies yet).  Plus as a musician I can certain respect their level of dedication and hard work.  Not to go on a tangent, but that reminds me–the other day I was watching, and there was a 16 year old skating (I think?) in the pairs contest, and the announcer says “She has been so busy training she hasn’t had time to get her driver’s license!!!” as if this is a huge, gigundo THING that she is missing out on…I think of MANY musicians who didn’t get their licenses by then either, or even later, because they were just as busy (lazy?) and yet, we don’t get to be on NBC…oh well.  I suppose they are trying to shock the common people into how hard athletes work?  I don’t know, I think they shouldn’t sell people short–many Americans are actually able to realize that it’s not that easy to be an Olympic athlete.  In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s difficult, more difficult than being a violinist, since I don’t see many figure skaters at weddings…