Two Things Toosday


Chris came home from a concert the other night with this. And he doesn’t like bacon…so he said I could have it all.  Note to bacon lovers: marry someone who doesn’t care about bacon: MORE FOR YOU.


Ran today, was 87 degrees for the high. A little hotter than I expected, but it was awesome. I had a great, challenging run, and I am super thrilled with the fact that I’ve been getting out there and running really consistently again.

That’s it for tonight. Quickie blog post. This goes with my trying to blog more consistently too 🙂

Tell me something you are getting back in the habit of doing!

2 thoughts on “Two Things Toosday”

  1. I feel like all of 2013 has been… not in habit. I keep trying to get good habits, but then failing… which is a lot like a habit, maybe?

    I have gotten really good at recording my mileage every day! Huzzah for mileage 🙂

    1. You must get a lot of mileage too, with driving all over town? I am bad with that sort of thing, but at least I keep the addresses in my calendar and can figure it out come tax time..

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