All posts by hannahviolin

I am a violinist. I also enjoy running, working out, reading, and hanging with my friends and cat.

St. Patrick’s Day 5 Mile Race: Recap

March 12:  9 am.  5 miles in downtown St. Louis.  Approximately 12,000 runners expected.

Goal:  to run the whole race under 1 hour

My friend Jen told me she was running it, so I signed up right away!  I had been thinking about it, but didn’t want to run a busy downtown race all by myself.

My trainer Mike was considering it too, and I thought we might see him downtown, but he wasn’t able to find us…oh well.  He probably ran too fast anyway! 

The race was run a little differently than others I’ve done.  They mailed you your bib and then you took your bib to a local store and picked up your t shirt.  I guess that made organization easier for them, and it was easy for me as well.


I went to Big River Running for my t-shirt, which ended up being a WOMEN’S FIT TECH SHIRT(tech shirt means the shirt is made of sweat wicking material and thus better to wear for working out). How fantastic is that!?!


(What is the real color?  Who knows!  I am NOT taking my shirt outside to photograph in the sun.)

Evidently the race is sponsored by Michelob Ultra…yuck!  Supposedly you could get a free one after the race as well…again, yuck.

Jen and I got matching headbands and wristbands in honor of the occasion, plus t shirts from Target.  Unfortunately the Target selection was slim so we weren’t able to match.  I purchased the last pair of shamrock themed knee socks in the store.  Fact about knee socks:  some go up to my knee, others barely make it around my calves.  I don’t know if that is because I have awesome muscular calves, because I am tall, or because these are simply inferior, cheap knee socks.  Perhaps a bit of all three.



We got there about an hour early because we were worried about the crowds and parking…it was super easy at that hour, but quickly the area became VERY crowded. 


I stood up on the wall for awhile to look around.


This was my “I’m king of the world” pose.  I get silly when I’m around Jen, a camera, up early, whatever.  Basically I get very silly when I can.  Unfortunately it was a bit too sunny for this picture to turn out.  I was also looking for Mike while I was standing up there—he had sent a text saying he should be easy to find as he was wearing green.

We met up with a friend of Jen’s named Kristin as well.  Jen said Kristin was a super fast runner (for us 8 minute miles is super fast…) though Kristin denied this.

Soon it was time to line up, and start racing!



The gun went off (well, somebody over the loudspeaker counted down) and then we waited 10 to 15 minutes to get going.  And then we were off! 

It was a beautiful sunny day, and quickly I was too warm for my jacket.  We had a tough time running together for the first mile or two as there were tons of people around.  Some were walking, some jogging, some “yogging” as Will Ferrell would say, and some pushing a wagon with a keg of beer in it and blasting music from Top Gun (true, we really saw this).  The race never really thinned out as it was too short and there were too many people, but eventually we got into a good rhythm.  Kristin really kept Jen and I going—we were running 10 to 11 minute miles even UPHILL for a lot of the race—things to remember for the Go! Half marathon is that downtown St. Louis is full of hills—and she kept talking to us.  We probably held her back but she didn’t seem to mind. 

The first 2 miles went by pretty easily but then it was getting quite hot and I hadn’t brought water with me…around 2 1/2 miles there was a water stop which was a bit of a mess.  We actually got split up and I thought I had lost my friends for the rest of the race but then I saw them ahead of me.  I was glad as I didn’t really want to run 2 1/2 miles by myself without my ipod.

The rest of the race was tough, but we persevered and kept running.  When we got close to the end Kristin ran on ahead and Jen and I ran as fast as we could…and finished in official time of 53:58!  I was super pleased, as my goal had been to run in under 1 hour and we more than did that.  We also only walked when we had to stop to get water (and yes, you did have to stop, that is why next time I need to carry my own.)


Can you believe it?  Average speed of 6 mph for the last mile?  Go me!! And weird that occasionally I maxed out at 12.8 mph…perhaps that’s my sprinting speed when I would try to get through crowds without getting cut off.



And there we are at the end—not quite as photogenic (evidently sweat makes my zits really POP). We totally lost Kristin because the crowds were ridiculous.  There was a huge line (by line I mean mass of people) to get to where the water (and michelob ultra?) was, so we just headed to the car as it seemed that was closer, and there was water there.

I would definitely run this race again, and go even crazier with my costume.  It was fun to run with so many people, plus the price was good and the tech shirt was a great bonus. 

And, yes, it’s a PR (personal record) as this was my first 5 mile race!  All in all, a great day.

St Pat’s Day Run

Wooooo!  I did my 5 miles in (garmin time) 53:54.  Much faster than I had thought I would…thanks to some friends pushing me through Smile






Can you believe I ran 12.8 mph on occasion?  Now that’s awesome…or a glitch…

I’m exhausted, and now I have Suzuki Group class to teach, followed by (hopefully) a nap and then our first opera performance.  Complete race recap will come later.

Pumped for Saturday!

My friend Jen and I are becoming annoying to our friends with our excitement over the race on Saturday.  Well, I’m not entirely sure we’re becoming annoying, but I’d say there’s an 80 percent chance.  We’re both playing for Winter Opera and I am just psyched to have somebody to run a race with!  I enjoy the solitary aspect of running, but I also enjoy running with friends. 


Jen and I at our last race together. 

Anyhow, I’m exhausted now—I taught a bunch of students (though several were sick, poor guys!) and had our last opera rehearsal.  Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment that I had totally forgotten about until the dentist called to remind me, followed by a workout with Mike, and tomorrow night will be for carb-loading (not really) and the SLSO concert (Shostakovich 1st Violin Concerto, Rachmaninoff 2nd Symphony). 

My last post received some comments regarding my thoughts on women’s rights. I just want women to be taken seriously.  Well, not seriously all the time, I mean, where’s the fun in that, but simply as seriously as men take themselves.  We’re all people, right?  Feel free to add your thoughts and join the comment conversation!

Wordy Wednesday

A few blogs that I read have what they call “Wordless Wednesday” where they just post a bunch of pictures.  I get annoyed by this.  I enjoy pictures, but I prefer the words…so I’m instituting Wordy Wednesday on my blog!  (Okay, not actually, as this is a quick post.)

I finished Sense and Sensibility the other day so I’ve moved onto my next book for the month, The Warmth of Other Suns: America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson.  So far it’s a fascinating read.  I found a little article on the book and the author that you might find interesting.

Growing up in the south in the 80’s racial divides were still very strong and it’s awful to think of how much worse people were treated not that long before.  I know our country has come a long way, but we are not out of the woods yet.  I also think of the various other ways we divide people—not just black and white, but by religion, by income, by GENDER, by sexual orientation. 

I capitalized gender because I feel that is a great divide that still isn’t given enough attention.  As women: We are treated as sex objects first and human beings second more often than not.  We aren’t trusted to know what is best for our own bodies.  We are paid less for the same work…we are still expected to do most of the childrearing and housework yet also work full time outside the home…for less pay.  We are treated as if there is something wrong with us if we aren’t married with children.  We rarely have leadership positions in companies or in the government…probably because we are considered to be less intelligent than men.  Or perhaps because we are then looked down upon, if we don’t spend enough time with our families.  I know we women have it better now that our mothers did, but I get worried sometimes that things will be taken away from us.  Anytime you take something for granted or forget history you risk making mistakes and taking steps backwards.

That’s just some of the things I was thinking about…

Oh, and I finished my 10 mile run!  Just around 2 hours 15 minutes…nice and slow.  Now my ribs and hamstrings hurt from yesterday’s workout and my legs are ridiculously tired.  Good times!

Tuesday Re-do

I was feeling a bit “poopy” earlier, but now I’m feeling a bit better.  So you can cancel all of your “cheer up” bouquets and boxes of chocolates you ordered for me…I’m cheered up enough for now Winking smile

I’ve got tomorrow morning off due to a field trip at the school, so I’m looking forward to sleeping in a bit and then doing my long run—10 miles on the docket.  My long run has migrated to the middle of the week, and will migrate back to the weekend next weekend.  But tomorrow shall be slow running for a great distance (all my running is slow actually…)

Hopefully it will stop raining by then…


Looks pretty good, right?  Remember, Saturday is the 5 miler. (I haven’t raced since Phoenix RnR, so I’m pretty pumped, if you couldn’t tell.)



I saw this on the internet and thought it was wonderful. 

Tonight’s dinner:  shrimp, couscous, broccoli.  Life is good.

Ugh, dreary day

It’s raining all day, and I’m tired of it.  I also got some news today (nothing serious) that makes me feel very dreary on the inside as well.  Sometimes the unfairness of life just really kicks you in the face (or stomach), you know?

On the bright side, the SLSO got a good review in the New York Times for their recent Carnegie Hall concert.  Though it’s a very short review, it’s still a positive one.

I picked up my race shirt for this weekend’s race, and was pleasantly surprised that is a tech shirt (made of special fabric to wick sweat away) AND that it came in a “ladies’ fit”.  It’s funny that the normal shirts are known as “adult” and then you can have a “women’s” or “ladies” fit, as if we aren’t actual adults.  Then again, with some of the politics you hear these days, women aren’t adults, and are treated as if they can’t make adult decisions.  I’m finding that I have to turn off the news more and more lately because it just makes me angry, and I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.

That said, the race should be great fun—5 miles with my friend Jen, wearing awesome outfits…