Skinny runner shirt pics

Okay, I am a big fan of Skinnyrunner’s blog.  She is one of my running inspirations—I am totally inspired by her awesome legs and want them for myself. 

Though, when I read that she didn’t like Bridesmaids, I was a little concerned.  But I’ll let it slide.  This time.

Here’s a piece of advice, readers.  Don’t wait to take pictures of yourself until your official photographer (that is, boyfriend) leaves town for a couple of weeks.  Or, never mind.  Do.  Or do not.

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I like it!  P.S. that is the before and after a run pictures.  What do you think is better, mirror image photo or the double handed self-portrait?  Or should I hire a full-time photographer/mockumentarian?  Or some other option?  (Remember, not taking pictures is NOT an option.)

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