Violin playing shouldn’t hurt, right?

I’ve suffered from playing problems since I was a teenager.  I tend to overdo things, and I tend to practice until I can’t anymore.  I don’t do things halfway, and violin is no different.  But…I am incredibly prone to injury.  Sometimes I deal with it.  Sometimes I take time off.  About a year ago I think I gave up. 


I’m not ready to give up for good though.  I needed my year without really practicing (to MISS it) but at Suzuki Institute I started thinking about it again, and how I love playing, and I want to play for a long time, and I need to figure out what I’m doing wrong.  Other than playing out of tune 😉

This morning I woke up with severe shoulder pain.  Hmm.  First problem:  don’t go from NOT practicing to practicing 2 or 3 hours a day for a couple days in a row.  It seems I am truly an idiot.

Maybe it was from the gym.  Maybe not.  Who knows.


What I do know is that I’m ready to do something about it.  Mike stretched my shoulder at the beginning and end of the workout.  He gave me some advice on stretches to do at home (which I actually have done several times today, so this is so far promising.)  I want to get more advice from him, since a) I actually do listen to him and take his advice which I am really bad at doing from doctors/physical therapists in the past and b) I’m paying him for something anyway.  He thinks for sure I need to strengthen the muscles opposite my shoulder, that the problem is my shoulder is weak.

My thinking is that overall I’m not using my back/arms/shoulders properly.  I might be all out of whack.  My teachers in the past have never really helped me with this, for whatever reason.  I’m not blaming anyone here, just myself.  I also know I have awful tension issues. 


I’ve improved my health immensely over the past two years.  I’ve improved my mental health too.  My confidence is through the roof.  I’ve worked hard on becoming a better violin teacher.

But I need to play well, and I want to attempt to play without pain.  I have never REALLY worked on this.  I’ve always just skated from one injury to the next and relied on high pain tolerance and talent to make it through.  But there are things I want here, and I need to be injury free to practice.  I am tired of making excuses.  I don’t let myself have excuses at the gym—I sure as hell shouldn’t allow excuses in violin.


I’ve got a couple days of traveling ahead, but when I return I am going to do this properly.  I want to figure out what in my posture is screwing me up and go from there. 

How many of you suffer from playing problems or other overuse issues?  Any good advice for me? 


What my fiancé has been up to

As you know, Chris is playing with the Crested Butte Music Festival right now.  My friend Ginny posted some awesome pictures on facebook and I’m posting them here so you can all see what the boy has been up to.  I’m posting first and then he’ll be mad afterwards.  Better to ask forgiveness than permission, right?  😉

He’s staying with two women I know, Jen and Ginny.  No, I’m not worried.



He’s a rock star!  That’s not a viola, it’s a mandolin.  And I love the Colorado decor.


They were evidently showing off their "guns."  I never do this.


On a hike!  I told him to try not to get engaged whilst hiking.  That would be totally awkward later…


I don’t know all these people—somebody, Chris, Ginny, somebody, Jocelyn, somebody.  Ginny and I know each other from Cleveland, and Jocelyn and I lived together when we were in college (in Cleveland).  I pretty much know everybody in the music world from Cleveland at some point—I did live there for approximately a million years, or maybe 10.

Hope you enjoyed!

Wedding do’s and don’ts

I was looking through my wedding planning binder (yes, I have one!  yes, it’s pink!) and found a list of Do’s and Don’ts.  Let me share some that I liked best and will presumably find most helpful, with my thoughts in italics.


Maintain a sense of humor.  (no problem!)

Be receptive to your parents’ ideas, especially if they are financing the wedding.

Register for gifts; consider a price range that your guests can afford. (what?  It’s MY day.  They can suck it up.)

Eat well at the reception, especially if you will be drinking alcohol.  (But my dress will be fitted!)

Keep a smile on your face; there will be many photographs taken of both of you. (There are always many photographs taken of me.  I just usually take them myself)

Try to spend some time with each of your guests and personally thank them for coming to your wedding. (Do I have to?  I hate my guests…)

Expect things to go wrong on your wedding day.  Most likely if something does go wrong, no one will notice it but yourself.  Relax and don’t let it bother you. (Easier said than done…I’m sure…)


Don’t get involved in other activities; you will be very busy planning your wedding. (Like working at a job?)

Don’t be controlling.  Be open to other people’s ideas.  (Again, what?  It’s MY day.  They can suck it up.)

Don’t try to impress your friends.  (Then why are we getting married???)

Don’t invite old boyfriends or girlfriends to your wedding, unless both you and your fiancé are friendly with them; you don’t want to make anybody uncomfortable.  (We’ve done something different and ONLY invited old boyfriends and girlfriends.  Should be interesting.)

Don’t schedule your bachelor party the night before the wedding.  You don’t want to have a hangover on your special day!

Don’t drink too much during the reception; you don’t want to make a fool of yourself on your most special day!  (I’ll save that for all other days.)

Don’t flirt with members of the opposite sex.  (Really?  On the one hand, how can I talk to people without flirting with them?  On the other hand…really?  This had to be included?  Really?)



I’m not materialistic per se, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love getting presents.  What girl doesn’t?  (Especially on major holidays, of course.)  Chris’s mother insisted on buying us an engagement present, and in typical Hannah/Chris fashion we waited a long time to tell her what we wanted.  Actually we wanted until we finished our registry.  Then she also wanted to go ahead and get the wedding present she (well, I guess technically both his parents!) wanted to get us before somebody else did.  What does this all mean?  It means FIVE GIANT BOXES from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  Two came last week and contained three pillows. Today when my folks and I got back from lunch there were three more boxes stacked up in front of my door.  WHEEEEE!!!!

Okay, I may be too excited.  I’m honestly not just getting married for the presents, but, gosh, I’ve been giving presents at weddings for years now and it’s finally going to be my turn.  I have never been one of THOSE girls who just wants to get married (Chris might argue with me, but he would lose that argument.  12 years buddy.  I waited 12 years.) but I am most certainly excited about our upcoming nuptials.  Or at least the party, the dinner, seeing all of our friends and family together in one place, and getting a ton of gifts, and finally having some decent stuff to my name.


Also I need more bookshelves for all of my books and music. 


She chose to perch on the box that seemed most precarious.


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Before the boxes showed up (which I was worried about getting before I skip town) my parents came back through St Louis.  If you recall they were in town the other weekend.  After that they drove to Boulder, Colorado to visit my sister and attend a variety of concerts there.  They were on their way home and just stopped in for lunch.  We went to Basil Spice.  They didn’t stay long as they wanted to get on the road again. 

My father plans to be back in town in September as part of his "bike across america" trip.  Or at least he is planning to bike here, bike the Katy Trail, and continue on to Phoenix and maybe on to the Pacific ocean then.  Yup.  That’s where I inherited my hard-coreness from!

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I ran outside tonight.  I considered going to the gym, but I wanted to give it a try.  The heat index was about 100 when I set out.  It wasn’t THAT bad, but it was tough—luckily the sun had basically gone down, but I still felt pretty weak by about the halfway point and ended up having to walk much more than I anticipated, and felt pretty faint for the last mile or so.  I also probably hadn’t quite eaten enough though, so I can’t entirely blame the heat.

It’s late, I’m off to bed!  I would do a delayed post, but MEH you can just read this in the morning if you want :) 

Happy Monday!

Hello readers!  Welcome back after a fantastic weekend.  I pretty much partied like I was in my early 20’s.  And lived to tell the tale, though perhaps barely.  I may have left my pride somewhere in June, or perhaps pre-Memorial Day.

I’ve got a few students to teach this week and then I am off to CHICAGO to visit my friend Karen and go to Avec.  Or maybe in the other order (Karen isn’t a blog reader so I can totally get away with that.)  Karen is one of my best friends from my freelancing days in Cleveland.  She’s now in the Phoenix Symphony during the year and with the Grant Park Orchestra (in Chicago) in the summer.  When I first met Karen I was totally intimidated by here, but after a few years I garnered enough courage to ask her to hang out.  The rest was history. 

My mom called last night and said she and Dad were just west of Kansas City and could stop in around lunchtime.  So my plans for today have changed a little, but I plan to go run ON THE TREADMILL DUE TO THE HEAT I JUST CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE followed by some housecleaning, teaching, and laundry.  Super exciting stuff people!  Someday you too can live my life. 

I collect pictures in a folder on my computer labeled "blog ideas".  Here are some I’ve been saving up.  I hope they make your Monday a little bit brighter.

chrisjesus chrisup

(Chris, having a little fun before a concert at a church.)


Totally the same.  No big deal.


Stupid criminals.


Ooh, fantastic deal!  Only a slight urine smell. 


I have only done this once before?? 


What does that say about me? 

26 Mmm Fish Pie

It’s a fish pie.  I forget why I have this picture. 

Do you have a good picture for my blog?  Send it my way!
