
Time…it just marches by so quickly, doesn’t it?

Well, August is here and I’m excited. We’ve got our big trip soon…today is my last day of teaching before it and it’s time to do the actual packing. Laundry first, I think.

I’m not dreading the fall starting, in fact, I’m looking forward to it, which means I have made some good decisions about my jobs, I think. I’m happy to not be leaving the house at 6:40 am and I’m happy to have some amazing private students to work with. I also have organized my teaching schedule to allow for book and movie club meetings, and I have some fun gigs and concerts booked for the fall, and it should all be pretty nice.

But first, of course, Sweden and Finland. It will be glorious to be out of this oppressive heat! We went out to see some jazz music last night at 9:30 and the humidity was just awful. Still awful when we came home after 11! I can’t wait to have a little cooler weather and spend my days walking around seeing new stuff, sightseeing, kayaking, riding ferries, and eating strange foods.

With all this, it will mean the summer is over. I’ve been spending the last two weeks putting my summer schedule together and communicating this with the parents I work with, and it’s been like herding cats into a house of cards, as usual. I am trying not to stress over it: either things will work as they stand or they won’t, but I’m doing my best, there are limited hours in a week, and if people choose not to open emails I mark “important, please read and respond” and then they miss out on something, it’s not my fault. (I am always aware that current students might be reading this: if you see yourself in it, be aware you are not the only one and I’m probably not even talking about you, but I’m just venting anyway, and if you know you read your emails, I am eternally grateful to you for saving me hours of time.) I know this time of year is hard for parents with scheduling and school starting and there are so many moving pieces, but it’s also hard for those of us that work with kids! I may be a childfree cat lady, but I sure do a lot for this nation’s children.

I haven’t taken as many pictures lately: the past week has been a lot around the house, getting things organized to travel, finishing up summer work, prepping for fall, etc. Lots of emails, lots of reading, some practicing, and making sure the itinerary for our trip is in order. I have some great stuff planned, and lots of time to spend walking around exploring.

How is the end of your summer going? Any end of summer trips? Or maybe you have a life where summer is no different than other times of year except it’s hotter? That must be really strange in some ways, haha.