All posts by hannahviolin

I am a violinist. I also enjoy running, working out, reading, and hanging with my friends and cat.

Feeling Okay

I can do this. Things are okay. I have a fridge full of fresh fruits and veggies—I have gotten two shipments from a company called Imperfect Foods, and we got a Blue Apron package this week. We keep eating meals full of vegetables under the idea that “down the road” we might not be able to, and honestly, it’s fantastic. We haven’t eaten so well in years, probably, because neither of us has had enough time to cook so much, and suddenly my weekends are just…free.

I’ve often joked that I’d make more money only teaching than playing other gigs. While it’s not true, especially in regards to shows at the Fox Theatre and such, it certainly makes me more relaxed when I’m only teaching and not worried about running off here and there. I’m hoping that Congress passes a stimulus bill that helps people out because then I will be less worried about my students dropping out due to being unable to pay. If people keep getting paid, they’ll keep taking lessons, and things will be okay, even if I’m just sitting all by myself in the room talking to a computer. Not to mention that will help everybody!


If not, I worry that over the next month or two students will start to leave lessons. It’s a hard enough time already without all of us worrying to death about money and health care.

But today I shall stay positive. It’s Wednesdays and things are going to be okay.


We added a new basket to the cat tree. It is popular.

Oh, and I made this video the other day. Enjoy!

Shelter in place

How much difference a week or two makes. Two weeks ago (or more) I was commenting on people’s facebook pages that they weren’t thinking realistically that the virus wasn’t going to come here. And here we are, today, with a  shelter in place order going into effect on Monday.

I slept in this morning, then did a long video workout. I made potatoes and eggs for lunch, and the potatoes took much longer than anticipated, so we ate lunch late while chatting on facetime with my sister Leslie and her family. Then we went out for a walk in the neighborhood (social distancing of course, which meant that people were crossing the street to avoid one another) and then I had to record a video for my band: we were planning to meet this weekend to record a video for the Tiny Desk Concert, but instead are doing it piecemeal. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t. It took awhile to figure out set up and then another while to get a take I was reasonably happy with. Music making is difficult in these times.


I feel like since I never leave the house to work, I’m constantly both at work and not at work. I told my students they can send me videos of practice for feedback and some have taken that to heart! I realize I’m lucky that I can continue to work from home and that so far my students seem to be happy to make the switch to online lessons.

I can’t believe it’s already past 6 pm and it’s time to think about dinner. We did get curbside takeout somewhere last night, and so probably I should cook tonight to save money. Then again, we want to support our favorite restaurants that are doing takeout/curbside service. Then again, does that actually spread the disease more? We get conflicting information from different sources…I guess nobody knows for sure? I wish we had some smart people in charge instead of what we have.


But these guys. They are really starting to be besties again. At least there’s that.

Day 5

Some people are doing a good job keeping up on all the changes from day to day. I’m just struggling to get by—making the transition to online teaching, reading and responding to dozens upon dozens of emails about online teaching, about dealing with the restrictions the virus has thrown upon us…spending too much time reading the news and scrolling (this I need to cut down on)…it’s been a tough time!

I’ve made a document of all the gigs and concerts that I’ve lost so far. It’s been a lot, but I can power through. I’m missing playing though, and I’m debating whether doing a live stream “concert” would be something worth doing?

I’m lucky in that so far all of my private students are agreeing to move online, but the longer this goes on…how many of them will have to cut back on violin lessons as an unnecessary expense? Hopefully few and I can keep my hope up! I’m also teaching most of my college students in a similar way and honestly, it is almost as good as an in person lesson. You don’t need a lot of fancy technology, unless you don’t have a computer or a smart phone. People online will make you think you need a $400 microphone and expensive headset to make it work, but so far the biggest difference I’ve seen in my lessons seems to be the internet connection. I joined a few facebook groups for online teaching ideas, and one of the posts yesterday seemed to imply that you should make sure no one else was using the internet for streaming as it would slow down your connection. I thought that was hilarious because at my house I’m using video chat and Louie is streaming video and using video chat for his job as well and we just have to deal.


I sometimes think maybe my students are just different than others…other teachers say, make them use zoom. I feel like if I tell mine to do something specific that will just make everyone give up. I asked mine to do what was easiest for them, and truly, everybody has different technology comfort levels. For instance, I was attempting to use bluetooth headphones yesterday and I couldn’t get them to work and so ended up hanging up on a student. Another student couldn’t get the video on skype to work and ended up having to use a different device. Some tell me they’ve never used video chat before and don’t understand it at all…I think the name of the game right now is making people feel as comfortable as possible so I’m teaching using a variety of platforms, and it seems to be working well enough. I won’t insist that their parents stop working remotely during the lesson even if it slows down the internet because that is (dare I say it) more important than the lesson. Music is important to life, but let’s not overstate the importance of a music lesson. I think it’s important for kids to keep things as normal as possible, and that it’s important to learn music, and if we are going to be stuck inside for awhile, we might as well keep going, plus it’s something to keep occupied with and take your mind off other difficulties. But I don’t care if the sound quality is a bit sketchy and if the student isn’t standing exactly in the right place. Maybe I need to step away from the facebook groups!


So how are we doing? Stressed and anxious…but doing okay. I’ve been eating well (we’ve been cooking up tons of vegetables) and exercising daily since getting back from Atlanta. I miss going out and seeing people—I never even thought of myself as that social but there’s something about feeling like you can’t do something that makes you especially miss it. I suppose our favorite activity to do was to go out to eat, to let someone else serve up the food, and we would eat it surrounded by other people chatting and hanging out. Who knows when we will get to do that again?

I am still holding out a twinge of hope that summer is better but I also know this could go on for a year or more, at least in some form. I have plenty of toilet paper because I stocked up before we went to Atlanta. Louie can do his job remotely, even if he also misses going to work and seeing colleagues and being around people (it’s the being around people, just generally, that really bugs me). I am lucky to have him, and I feel empathy for those that live alone and might feel especially lonely. I worry about the long reaching effects of social distancing. I worry about job losses, especially for the self-employed, and also for those with employers. In my field, most people have lost their work, so many if not most of my friends are affected. I have friends who are already on furlough from their jobs as well. We may not get to go to France, but it’ll be okay: we will go another time. Or we will still go…part of me still has hope that the scientists and doctors will figure this out really quickly!

I call this Day 5 because we drove back from visiting friends in Atlanta last Sunday, so this is Day 5 of teaching from home. The weird thing is that I actually have a weekend in front of me: with proper time off and everything, even though I didn’t ask for it and didn’t want it. We’ve decided to start a garden since I have the time, and bought things we needed earlier in the week. It’s been quite rainy this week but hopefully tomorrow we can at least start the weeding and redo the borders on the garden beds in the backyard (they used to have bricks lining them, but with the plumbing issue last year the backhoe ruined a lot of them).


It’s too bad we don’t have any leadership from the state or federal level in this crisis, but our city leaders have been doing well. We need more testing and we need help for people—I am a firm believer in straight up cash to help out, because what else will really do it? But our federal elected officials are more concerned with making profits and hiding the truth than actually helping people or avoiding a pandemic (horrible conspiracy theories involving the president either causing the pandemic for profit or, at a minimum, allowing it to grow for profit, start to feel more real when you read about senators having intelligence briefings, then selling stock and buying stock in companies that help you telecommute, and then telling the american people that the virus is under control or not an issue at all…it starts to make you think anything is possible with these horrible people in charge, who care only about their own personal profits).

I know I’m ranting, but this is my page to do so Smile . And things are rough right now, for everybody. Don’t you wish we had a president you could trust was doing her (or his, I suppose) best for the nation, for everybody in it?

Anyway, what are your weekend plans? Are you going to work on your yard, if you have one? Binge watch TV? Rearrange your furniture? Watch live-stream concerts?

The Prodigal Cat Returns

What a week it has been. I’d say bad, except for some good news did happen!

Backing up a bit, so with all the Covid-19 stuff, Louie and I thought long and hard about taking our trip to Atlanta, but we decided to go for it: we were driving, and we were mostly just going to visit our friends April and Charlie, so we figured we weren’t interacting with huge numbers of people nor would we be at the whims of the airport. I packed a few extra items in the car in case of emergencies (little did I know that toilet paper would become an emergency and I would have brought more to leave with April) and we set off.

We had a great time in Atlanta. I might share more later, but that already feels too long ago.

Our last night in town, I got a call which left a voicemail. I started listening to it, and froze. It was a place calling to tell me they had my cat, Miles. THEY HAD MILES.

They had actually had him since October but for whatever reason, hadn’t run his microchip. When they finally did, Saturday evening, they found us. We told them we would be there as soon as we could.

We left Atlanta very early Sunday in order to get to the shelter before it closed.

And then we took him home. He’s been missing since April 20 of last year. Oh, and before being in the shelter, he was visiting the porch of a woman who lives in our neighborhood, about 5-6 blocks away. I even interacted with her on nextdoor, but didn’t know it was him (she said he was unneutered, and he is neutered, and I didn’t get back in touch with her due to a variety of reasons, one being I was in touch with so many people about black cats, and I also guess I figured she would run his chip at some point since that was mentioned in the thread…oh well!) But most important, he seemed well fed and happy, and the people at the shelter seemed very nice and loved cats.


Today is day two of online teaching from home. How quickly our lives change and yet already seem normal. This is the amazing part of being human, is that we adapt so quickly. We are struggling to figure out how to deal with life as it is now, with social distancing (who even knew this word 7 to 10 days ago?), working from home (thank goodness for the internet and video chat, right??) and spending far more time together and less time with other people. It looks like I wasn’t insane two weeks ago to stock up on food and such, though there isn’t actually a food shortage, it sort of feels like it.

I went to Schnucks (our local grocery store) yesterday afternoon for a few items (milk, notably) and it was shocking. Empty shelves everywhere, though there was still plenty of food, if you were willing to be flexible. No bananas, but still apples and pears. They were out of a lot of pastas but not all, and the same with breads. They did have a ton of green cabbage, 29 cents per head, and I just couldn’t imagine making cabbage right then. That’s how you know it isn’t really a food shortage…if there were we’d also be buying the cabbage.

I did get milk, though not my preferred brand, and a few other items. I think mostly we will just be cooking at home more and not having to pack lunches either, so our cooking styles will change over the next few weeks/months. I’ll have more time too as I’m only teaching and don’t have any extra gigs. We’ll see how much I miss them! Right now, I’m not feeling like playing the violin because I’m a little bummed about all that’s going on.

In any case, this is a wonderful time to be home with Miles and Muriel, and watching them interact and get used to each other again. Do they remember? No idea. Does Miles remember us? Again, no idea, but he seems to be settling in well and doing some of the same things he used to do, but that could just be instinct. (Likes the same toys, hiding in the same bathroom drawer, etc.)

How are you coping? Are you working from home (are you lucky enough to be able to?) Are you struggling and hoping relief comes your way (we will need cash in people’s hands soon)? Are you just going on, life as normal?

Will we always have Paris

And like that, we booked tickets yesterday for Paris. Will we get to go this summer? Who knows! Louie is going to a work conference and so we are staying afterwards. If the conference gets canceled due to the coronavirus, we’ll figure out our next move, but the airline was offering no exchange fees for tickets purchased now and we figured if we were going to go this summer we should go ahead and buy. Worse case, we don’t go, but we should be able to exchange for other flights, or I imagine get a refund if things really get crazy. Better to pretend everything is okay, right?

So we are definitely flying in and out of Paris, and we are definitely spending about 1 week there for his conference, but then we have another week. Should we stay in Paris longer (Louie will have mostly been at the conference up until then) or tool around the French countryside? There are so many great options of things to do and places to go that decision making will be difficult. We also have in our heads that the whole thing might end up being canceled (what if we aren’t even allowed to travel anywhere) so there’s that, but I’m going to just operate under the assumption that we can…and book refundable lodging. We don’t think we want to rent a car, just take trains if we go other places. Ideas from my end so far include Reims or Strasbourg. I’ve got a few more travel books on hold at the library (I’ve been reading Rick Steves of course, but he doesn’t have many pictures, and pictures help me figure out where I want to go!) so I’ll look and see. I may change my mind (if Louie ever gets involved in the decisions, for instance…) but right now I’m thinking go elsewhere for 3 nights and then back to Paris for the last 4 nights. I think a smaller historical town or two would be ideal, someplace to wander and walk around. Or do we want to go to the French Alps and hike? I think that would be fun, but would require hiking boots and such and maybe we don’t want to pack for that and would be better just packing for a city type vacation.

Before that, Atlanta! My week is getting done, my headache is (for the moment) not here, and Spring Break is in sight (it officially starts Wednesday morning for me.) I’m feeling better now at least! I’ve been trying to just relax and not worry about all the things I can’t do anything about, and just focus on more positive thoughts. My band is playing a coffee shop gig Saturday morning, I have the afternoon and evening off, then Sunday is only an opera performance. The opera this week is fun: it’s Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West which is a rarely performed opera (we are doing the St Louis premiere) and I like the conductor quite a lot. (See what I’m doing here, positivity.) I have 5 hours of teaching ahead of me today, but it’s my Friday students…they are always more relaxed and glad for the weekend.

So if you’ve been to France, let me know what you thought! Or if you haven’t, where would you want to go?


I was listening to an episode of This American Life yesterday about delight, and various stories about people who find delight in their lives. It reminded me quite a bit about Gretchen Rubin and the Happiness Project stuff she works with.

I think lately I’ve been struggling finding happiness. Having another headache this week (not as bad as the other week, but still overwhelming at times) hasn’t helped in any way. Worrying about coronavirus and the presidential election (which honestly, hasn’t the primary been going on for a year now and still isn’t over) isn’t helping either. I do find myself happier when I ignore the news, but then I’m uninformed, and I’m not sure I want to trade that.

I was trying to think, what brings me delight? What are moments throughout the day that I can find happiness to relieve the tedium and stress I seem to be finding on an everyday basis. It’s hard. I feel like I’m working too much and not getting a lot of enjoyment out of my work. And then I just get done, and I’m exhausted and Louie is exhausted and we make a quick dinner and watch a show on netflix and then go to bed, and the day starts again the next day the same way. If we are lucky, we might have time to go do something outside, like a hike or run, but lately every time I do high impact exercise (okay, this has been twice in the past three weeks) I end up with a terrible headache after…(each time I started with a  mild headache hoping I would sweat it out). So my running is also super slow, which is something I don’t enjoy but it’s hard, and then that is something else that is bringing me stress. Hiking is fun, and we enjoyed the one last weekend, but then I work a lot of weekends and we don’t always have time. Traveling is fun, and we are planning to go to Paris this summer as part of a work conference for Louie…except we are worried about it getting canceled due to the coronavirus and then what? Seeing friends can be fun, but there’s often a pressure to drink alcohol and I’m cutting back due to my headaches, and honestly, who has the time? It would be nice to do other things with friends, museums, hiking etc, but then it all boils down to time and the lack of it. I’m probably doing too many things, and I’m doing too many things that just don’t bring me enough delight (or joy) but then I just don’t know which ones to give up. All of it? Just quit it all and spend my days in meditation?

So what I’m left with is stealing time during the day to read, which I do truly enjoy. And blog, which is good because even though I just seem annoyed and possibly a bit depressed, blogging is a small delight.


Cats always bring joy, except when they run away and then they bring great sadness. Muriel is not worried about her joy and is just enjoying the sun and bird watching. I should be like Muriel in many ways.

I think having a few days away next week will be really good! I am feeling like I’m in a bit of a funk and usually the best way to break that is to mix things up a bit. I’m visiting April in Atlanta, and I think that will really help my mood. I’m also visiting my doctor soon to talk about my headache issue and hopefully get some ideas on relief. It’s possible they are stress related as well, and I am going to reflect on how I can reduce stress, at least on the inside. I can’t control the my outside world (I’m talking on a larger level) but I can work on my inside world, and my immediate outside world.