All posts by hannahviolin

I am a violinist. I also enjoy running, working out, reading, and hanging with my friends and cat.

Bangert Island

I had the day off today so Louie and I thought it would be fun to take a short hike somewhere. He’s pretty swamped with work, so we wanted something nearby, not too long, but still “a hike” rather than a walk. I found Bangert Island in Steve Henry’s 60 Hikes in 60 Miles, and off we went!


It’s a little easy to miss the last turn, so pay close attention. And take my advice, don’t attempt to drive on the Katy Trail. But do check out this hike if you want an easy hike that takes you out of your everyday life and into the woods. It’s in St Charles, and right along the Missouri River. It was cold but sunny, so we just bundled up a bit. The paths weren’t well marked, but we just mostly stayed to the right at every option, and pretty much hiked all the way around. It’s technically an island, I guess, but there’s just a little stream in between and a bridge you can go over easily. They say in high water this is not the place to be. Oh, and a note to readers: the map in my 60 hikes book is out of date, and in retrospect I should have printed out the map online which I now realize is a little different. (And then I went down the rabbit hole, which ended with finding out that there’s a new edition of the book coming out in November, so I’ll have to get that!)


This picture was taken from the little bridge to get across to Bangert Island from the trailhead.

I’d thought it wouldn’t be muddy since it was cold, but that turned out not to be true. It was muddy in a few spots but not enough that we regretted our choices. My boots will be fine after they dry.


I always enjoy seeing the Missouri River up close. I had to work hard to keep the casino across the river out of my shot though.


We took a selfie that I wanted to share here, but it only shows up upside down. This is an occasional issue that I have never been able to solve.  You can look for it on Instagram!


All in all it was a nice 3 or so miles of “wandering around in the woods” and a nice diversion. It was pretty flat so not difficult or taxing, but it was nice to be in a wild area in winter—everything was DEAD and grey and brown, though we did see a fair amount of (live) birds, and a quick glimpse of a really beautiful woodpecker with a red plume! We only saw a few other people hiking, so it felt quiet and pretty deserted.

A downside is that you are really close to the highway and can hear it pretty well on the north side of the island, but it’s kind of fun to be in the woods hearing the cars and feeling a sort of odd separation.

In any case, it was a lovely way to spend part of the afternoon. I would recommend checking out Bangert Island if you want an easy hike to take your mind off life’s stresses.


This winter has been gloomy lately. I suppose that’s normal, and in all honesty, it reminds me of living in Cleveland (you’d think that was a bad thing, but it’s not!). But as most midwesterners, I’m prone to wish for weather we don’t have…right now I’d love the sun, but I’m sure in July I’ll regret that wish and long for a cold, rainy day like today.

Life is chugging along. I found out last night that one of my dad’s good friends for many many years passed away, and I’m very sorry for him. I had a moment of “oh my goodness everybody I know is going to die or just get old” and then I passed it, and just felt sad for the specific death, because there’s no good in dwelling on the enormity of loss.

I have been feeling a bit “what am I doing with my life” lately though. Along the lines of, why do other people seem to enjoy teaching so much more than I do, and why do students even bother taking music lessons, and are music lessons worth it in a family if it just causes more arguments between parents and a child? Combine that with the stress and drama of freelancing and I’ve been feeling kind of blah about it all.


I’ve been escaping by reading cozy mystery after cozy mystery, and by diligently planning and making camping and other reservations for our big summer road trip. August seems far away, but the National parks book up fast. I’m hoping our government is open in August, and that the forest fires out west aren’t as bad as intelligent people worry they will be. I am also trying to focus on the positive in each day (and this is a real struggle for me, I am not good at living in today), and trying to be a more positive person (another struggle!).


In any case! The cats are adorable, I recorded with my band over the weekend and that was fun, and this Saturday is a day off. I feel constantly burned out, so I just need to allow myself time to relax and regain some strength and motivation. I’m often torn between my extroverted tendencies (let’s have lunch, dinner, go for a hike together!) and my introverted ones (no, I think I’ll just stay home and curl up with a book) and as a result I end up making plans with friends, and then kind of dreading them, but then having a wonderful time.


I think the weather is affecting me more than I realize. In the meantime, I’m going to read about hiking in Yellowstone and get myself pumped up to workout!

Friday again

This week went by fast! I suppose the holiday on Monday helped the speed, though I did of course have a few things to do on Monday. Otherwise, the week has been taken up with teaching and opera rehearsals, with some quartet sprinkled in. I’ve been making a concerted effort this year to work out nearly every day and I have to pat myself on the back a little bit because I’ve been keeping at it! Has the scale moved, not exactly. But I’m feeling good about it, and I think ultimately that’s what matters.

Life is busy, but good. I feel much more positive this January than last one, and I am enjoying quite a lot of what I’m doing. I’m not loving every minute, but who is. I have finally gotten my college teaching schedule organized (that took longer than expected, and I should know better!) and I’m even feeling a bit caught up on some odds and ends I’d been putting off. As you all know, I tend to take on more than I should because I feel like I can, and then sometimes things get back-burnered for entirely too long. I’m trying to stay more on top of things this year with a planner/bullet journal combination, and so far it’s been working. Only working 40 to 50 hours a week helps as well, rather than closer to 60…(that is even counting my emailing/admin/business time!) January is a good time to reflect and refresh, and the more I reflect the more I want to keep being less busy…or at least appreciate the time when I am.

Pictures! My mother shared a few things from my grandmother’s house.


This adorable picture of my dad. He already looks like himself here too, as I believe that is his natural expression.


My grandparents came to visit me at Interlochen one summer, and I guess they saved the concert program! I come by my hoarding tendencies genetically Smile But I am tickled that they saved it. I remember looking out and seeing them in the audience from the stage, and it was a nice feeling.


My niece, practicing for being a big sister. (I didn’t take this photo as I’m not there, but love it.)


Miles and Muriel, sitting together. What usually happens is that Muriel sits somewhere and Miles joins her. It’s not as often the other way… I’m not sure what that means, but aren’t they cute? Miles has also been stealing all of my pencils, so I need to either find his stash, or get some new ones. Or both, I suppose.

This weekend I have two opera performances, one performance at a retirement community, and some relaxing to do. I haven’t gotten as much reading in the past few days so I’d like to be able to do that. I’m also planning to get some good workouts in, and maybe even a walk outside in the neighborhood if weather allows—it’s been so cold and gross here, but as I type the sun is shining and who knows, maybe it’ll be possible. We’ve gotten quite a lot of snow here this winter, and …it’s funny, I still love seeing the flakes come down, and seeing everything covered in snow, and that quiet that comes with it all, but then, ugh, being wet, and shoveling sidewalks and digging out cars and worrying about people following too closely and driving too fast, and all the salt and the cold and the grey slush…yuck. I guess that’s a pretty normal way to feel about the snow, but still.

What’s up with your weekend? Have you ever attended an opera before?

January Blahs

Happy (belated) New Year! How is your New Year going so far? Mine is just fine. I had a really nice vacation which was entirely too short, and I’m trying to make up for it by spending my free time reading rather than getting back into practicing and all that sort of thing. I suppose I’m doing fine though—I don’t have quite as many college students as I did and no musical theater gigs at this time, so I have some extra time to read, and I find myself doing that the most.

After Christmas I went to Phoenix to visit Leslie, Peter, and Athena. We had a good time—lots of relaxing, eating cookies (I brought some), reading books (to Athena), playing games, visiting the Musical Instrument Museum, the Zoo, taking a hike, and eating Mexican food.


Louie met me there a few days later. He had been visiting family and I didn’t go along due to work.


Athena enjoyed taking pictures, but didn’t always enjoy getting her picture taken. We did a few “photo shoots” where she would mostly attempt odd poses, and I experimented with some of the settings on my iPhone 8 plus.


Louie brought her a ukulele, which we all had fun playing with when she allowed us to.


This was one of the few pictures I got with her holding the ukulele properly! I don’t know how I teach kids that age to play the violin. I really don’t. Athena is adorable, but she is the most stubborn person I know and insists on doing everything her way and in her own time (well, okay, she’s pretty much exactly like I am) and you have to really be creative in order to get her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. She is going to be a big sister soon, so that bossiness will come in really handy!

Anyway, after the holidays we came back to St Louis, where the weather was only about 5 degrees colder than it had been. I got back into my private teaching, Louie got into panicking over the upcoming semester, and we watched some netflix and hung out with the cats. We also went to see the Bad Plus at Jazz at the Bistro.


College classes started this week so it’s been entirely too much emailing and trying to schedule them. It occasionally feels like herding cats, but I’m feeling good about my spring schedule, now. I’ve done a few other kind of random but fun things: helped put together some music for a repeat of the play I did the other year, but this time I won’t be there (worked with the Shakespeare Festival on that one!) and I helped out a friend by doing a little improv for a song he is writing…I don’t know what I’m doing most of the with improvisation but I just do it and occasionally it seems like it sounds like something interesting. One of my goals this year was to continue to improve on it, and I think the only way to really do that is to, well, do it.

My band hosted an open mic at the Gaslight Theatre and had a guest didgeridoo player.


And it snowed, like a foot! It was beautiful, at first, and now the snow is still here and still people haven’t cleared their sidewalks, and it’s annoying.


I posted my kind of “new year’s resolutions” on facebook towards the end of the year and received lots of advice on how to set goals…


So far I haven’t failed at any of these things, and I’m already succeeding in a few areas. Woo hoo!

Okay, off to get my workout in, hit the grocery store, make a bechamel sauce for tomorrow’s lasagna, and teach a few students. Wednesday and Thursday this semester will be my easier days, and I’m grateful for that.

Happy Boxing Day

You guys! I’m officially on vacation. This is my second day off of the month, and I slept in (even though I think I woke up because of a knock at my door, but I didn’t answer.) I haven’t slept in in a long time—I actually slept till about 10 am which is frankly, outrageous. I have some house things to do today, and one violin thing to take care of, but basically I have a day ahead of me and not a whole lot to do, and I’m very excited.

I had a very nice Christmas Day. I played a Mass in the morning (I normally don’t work on Christmas Day, but since Louie was traveling anyway I thought it might be worthwhile), and then after a nap, went to my friend’s Amy and Ana’s and had a delicious dinner and good times hanging out with them and other friends.


We opened a bunch of Christmas Crackers, so I tried on a few crowns. And I brought a nice plate of cookies.


It was a really nice day! I’d been sick (with a cold) for a few days leading up to Christmas, so I was happy to have a low-key celebration.

Working backwards, the night before was Christmas Eve, which is traditionally a day on which musicians can make as much money in 1 days as they normally make in 4-6 days. I played two very nice Christmas Eve gigs which were the same as last year. If I played them again next year I’d be very happy. I know it sounds a little greedy, but for performing musicians, you have to push hard through the holiday season because there is a lot less to do in January. Teaching for me helps even my income out, but there’s still nothing like the month of December for gigs, usually!

Another fun thing I got to do was hang out with my friend April! I saw her on Christmas Eve Eve and we went to Rooster for brunch with her and her boyfriend, and then made cookies all afternoon. I progressively felt worse as the day went on and had to skip a party that evening I had been invited to and instead went to bed early, but it was so wonderful to see her. I definitely miss having as many close female friends as I used to!


I made a fun Christmas Card Tree on a door. I sent out quite a lot of Christmas Cards, and hope to continue that tradition next year. I received a lot back and especially enjoyed seeing a few personal notes and Christmas Letters, along with some nice pictures and that sort of thing. In today’s digital age, there’s still something about an old-fashioned card, isn’t there?


So I’m off to do a few things around the house (laundry, trash), make up a few tunes on the violin, do a workout, and read a cozy mystery or two…hope you aren’t having to work too hard today (and if you are, don’t be jealous, this is only my third day off since early November).

Baking and Parlor Tour

When I was younger I always heard the “grownups” talking about how fast December went by, and I didn’t understand them. Now I do!

There’s only a few days before Christmas, and I’m ready! I didn’t have much to buy, and mostly I’ve just been having fun baking some goodies to share with people. Louie and I have enjoyed a few holiday activities, in particular, the Lafayette Square Parlor Tour.


It felt a little weird traipsing through other people’s houses taking pictures, but we got into the spirit of it quickly enough. This is definitely an event we would do again if I were free for it!IMG_0526

The homes varied from being reasonably sized and beautifully decorated to gigantic and beautifully decorated.


The Lafayette Square neighborhood is filled with gorgeous houses, and it was really neat to see some of them on the inside. The tour was easy to follow and we spent about 4 hours visiting all the homes. There were lines at times, and we took a short break to use the bathroom and get free hot chocolate at a local business as well. There is a trolley you can ride and we did manage to hop on one time!

We went to see the Messiah at the Symphony earlier. I hadn’t been looking forward to it, since I’ve played the Messiah so many times, but I ended up really enjoying the performance! It was very well done (of course) and not too long (ha!). We also went to the see the 442’s Holiday Spectacular at the 560 Center and didn’t enjoy that as much. It was a little more religiously Christmas than we expected for a  “Holiday” show and not really my type of music. I went because some of my students were playing on a few tunes, and I was happy I went for that reason (and I ran into a few families of former students and one former student—former because they graduated, so always nice to catch up!). A little elevator music, a lot of praising god, and a bit of Prairie Home Companion feel—I know people love that show, and I really hate it! The audience really seemed to love the show however, so this is in no means a negative review, just a “not my type of thing but if you like that you’ll love it” type of review!

I’ve also been doing a good amount (probably too much) of holiday baking. I hadn’t really done much baking in a long time, so this is my return to it. I’ve been trying to figure out what I really do enjoy in life and do more of that…I’ve let work overwhelm me the past couple of years and I’m trying to regain some sense of personal life.


A very delicious Cranberry Eggnog bread.


Pomegranate, Sage, White Cheddar Cheese Ball.


Cranberry Shortbread Cookies.


Wait, that’s not a recipe!


Holiday Sugar Cookie Brittle (I’m not sure this one turned out quite right).


Ooh, and Cherry Almond Shortbread. The recipe only makes what you see here, but it was tasty. If I were only making one kind of cookie I’d double the recipe. Note to myself, flatten the cookies a bit before baking.

So that’s what I’ve been up to! How about you? Are you getting some vacation for the holidays? Doing any travel? Have you done any baking or are you still planning to?