I am generally a giant classical music nerd. I listen to classical music or NPR generally in life, never any other music. Except for some reason I got introduced to Ben Folds in the early 2000’s and LOVE his music. I have all his CD’s (albums? what do I even call them?) and have been to a concert in Cleveland. So when I heard the St Louis Symphony was playing a concert with him this fall, I jumped on those tickets.
That’s tonight!
You can read an article from the St Louis Dispatch about the concert here.
30 days of Thanskgiving: I’m thankful for the opportunity to go to the concert tonight! I hope it’s awesome!
Disclaimer: A couple years ago I got asked to play with Ben Folds with the Columbus Symphony and had to turn it down due to a prior commitment. So this is better!
Note to readers: The concerts with Chamber Project St Louis went really well. We could have used a bigger audience on Thursday night but Friday night was packed. I don’t play with the group for a few months but there is another performance coming up soon. Check out the website and come out, support local arts!!
I was really sorry I couldn’t go to that concert! I (obviously) love the symphony, and was first introduced to Ben Folds’ in college and have seen him perform quite a few times. I’m glad it was awesome!