Car troubles

I did a lot of driving last week, as I was playing with the Illinois Symphony, which rehearses in Springfield but also does a concert in Bloomington, Illinois. Those places are not super close to St Louis.  We had a great concert though, and it was super fun to play with an orchestra…playing in an orchestra full time used to be my dream job, and I still absolutely love a big orchestra.

On my drive home, south on I-55, traffic came to a standstill, for nearly an hour. I could see trucks and sirens up ahead, and, ultimately, a lifeflight helicopter landed, and then took off a bit later. It’s always a bit sobering to see these things, and to think how in an instance, everything could be totally different. Once traffic got moving we drove by the scene, and there were at least four cars, all kinds of smashed up and crushed and wrecked, and it was a hard thing to drive by and think about. It really makes you drive more alertly for awhile, and it makes you realize how freaking dangerous driving is. It is seriously the most dangerous thing we do every day!

Then today, after teaching a few students at Wash U, I get out to my car, and nope, it won’t start. I was glad this didn’t happen while I was at rehearsal in Illinois or something, but it’s always a bit frustrating. Louie came to help and tried to jump it, but that didn’t take, so I called AAA. They sent a tow truck, but luckily the driver was able to jump it (he said he had a more powerful starter than just jumping from one car to another) and I was able to drive to the mechanic instead of being towed. It ended up being a small issue, thankfully, but I did end up missing one student and having to postpone taking my violin and bow into the shop for repairs. Louie is bugging me to get a new car, but I’m cheap and stubborn…and I like my car!


I wonder how much productivity gets lost due to various car troubles?

In any case, thoughts from my last post…I had a commenter tell me to stop worrying about what people think so much. On the one hand, that means I should ignore her comment. On the other hand, this is an excellent point. I had a great time in Illinois not worrying about what people thought and just doing my thing, and I think it definitely is something that I should focus on. I have spent a long part of my life trying to please other people, and the sad truth is that nobody cares. The people that don’t like me or don’t like my playing aren’t going to, and the rest of the people will no matter what. I don’t have to care about that first group.


Then again, I’m not going to stop striving for perfection in my playing. But I’m going to do that for me. And well, for my audience so that they feel like they got their money’s worth Winking smile

One more day left of college teaching! I finished up at Lindenwood, and it doesn’t exactly feel real yet. But today is my last Wash U day, with juries and all that, and then I’ll really have more time. My fun focuses are practicing and working out (I promise those are fun things!) and I also have plans to organize and de clutter the house. As one does, right?


From a year ago…finished up then too! I think I was less overwhelmed that semester than I was this semester, but I’m nonetheless relieved it’s done!


Definitely still enjoy coffee and light hearted mystery novels! And playing, and teaching, and all of that. I just maybe need to cut back a little on teaching…I’ve got a couple quitting, and while it’s not that I’m GLAD they are quitting, because I’m not, I’m not eager to replace them. I think I end up having to reschedule so many that losing a few won’t even affect my income!


Planning for May lessons and the summer schedule…I do my best thinking by hand, even though I use an electronic calendar.

This blog post has actually taken more than one day, so I think it’s time to publish. I’m off on another errand, then teaching, juries, teaching, and perhaps avocado toast for dinner.

One thought on “Car troubles”

  1. OMG! I got mentioned in your blog!! How cool!

    And yes, you SHOULD ignore my comments if you think they’re terrible!

    I just don’t want anything to stop you from sharing your talents with the world. I’ve seen you perform a few times and I’m always blown away. When you’re free from the burden of judgement…the music will flow…

    P.S. The kitty pic was still my favorite.

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