Category Archives: Christmas

Lazy Sunday

I slept in today, and my legs (hamstrings) were super sore, so I decided I wasn’t going to be able to run.  I’ll just have to trust that I can skip this long run and still turn out okay as I won’t be able to make it up.  Honestly, it’s been a bad running week anyway, so I’ll just start fresh tomorrow–

I spent a little time preparing for my classes tomorrow.  At Child of God school we’ll be celebrating our performance last Wednesday and preparing for next week’s performance (lots of overlap, of course).  At Good Shepherd we’ll be working hard to be ready for this weekend and the following Tuesday’s performance.  I’m most concerned with this weekend—the older students are playing in a concert with other schools in the area and have two pieces for that.  I’m hoping they have practiced in the meantime, as a few of them were not at all ready last week, and I can only do so much once a week.  I lay down the law, as it were, for one of the students, and told her if she hadn’t drastically improved I couldn’t, in good conscience, let her play the concert as she would be lost, frustrated, and not be representing the school well.  I was pretty harsh, but I’m hoping it pays off (fingers crossed!).

Then it was Christmas Tree time!  Chris and I went to Home Depot for the tree, as has become our tradition.  Three years ago my sister Leslie was visiting and we decided to decorate the tree with her (Leslie and I enjoy it much more than Chris does.)  We went to Home Depot for the tree, and as the man finished loading it on top of the car, Chris tried to tip him.  He backed away, wildly, saying loudly, “no thank you, sir!  no thank you!”  We realized that it must be against store policy and he must not have wanted to get in trouble, but joked about it for awhile, ultimately having the story end with the man yelling, very politely, “SCREW YOU SIR!” 

Maybe you had to be there Winking smile

In any case, the second year we went back (minus Leslie) and much to our excitement, the same man was still working there.  And today was no exception! 

It was very cold, so I didn’t want to spend much time there.  We quickly picked out a good tree (I am not picky, I just don’t want it to be uneven and balding–frankly I prefer fake trees, but Chris loves the real ones.)



Loading on top of the car!


We’re going to let the tree “settle” a bit before decorating it—that’ll be tomorrow night.  But so far so good!  Now’s it time for a movie and getting to bed early to prepare for a busy week ahead (next time I have a day off it will be Christmas vacation!)

HBBC:  7 f/v: 1 point, 40 minutes strength training: 2 points, 20 minutes stretching: 1 point, total: 4 points