Category Archives: Performing

March Madness

We are definitely having the weather whiplash this month! Winter, spring, winter, spring, tornados, winter, etc.

It’s been a busy month for me, which is partly why I haven’t written here. I haven’t felt creatively inspired either, just sort of busy and like what I am doing is the same thing over and over…teaching, concerts, watching tv, reading, teaching, concerts, watching tv, reading, etc.

But a few highlights! Or lowlights, depending. I had a wedding in Paducah, and Louie came along for the ride. He had a lovely time exploring downtown Paducah while I played the wedding and we had a great time in the car chatting and listening to a podcast together. Then I headed to Cape Girardeau for a few nights to play with the symphony there–I played viola and carpooled with a few friends. It was a nice respite from the usual schedule, so I’m glad I did it, even though it was a pain to get my schedule organized.

Pictures of me walking along the flood wall in Cape Girardeau. It was a nice time and I would do it again in the future. I met some wonderful people and got to know people I already knew a bit better, and played some fun music.

Oh, and we had tornado warnings Friday night. I was playing a concert with the Irish tenors and we had to stop the concert and evacuate the entire audience to the basement. This luckily went very smoothly and after the storm passed (an hour or so) we played the second half of the concert and then we all went home.

One thing that is finally in progress here is that we are getting the old house ready to sell. It’s been a slog and there were a lot of decisions to be made (by Louie, as it is his house, not mine, I am just support), and now the decision is made and we are cleaning it out and hope to have it on the market by the end of the month, ahhh! Louie spent most of his spring break there doing stuff. We are selling as is which was part of the decision making. I think it will do wonders for our mental health to unload that property and be able to fully move forward and not have it hanging over our heads.

The cats enjoy the sun but get confused when the radiators aren’t warm anymore. Full disclosure: I don’t actually know how they feel, but I imagine they wonder why sometimes they are warm and other times they aren’t. Perhaps they even forget over the summer that they used to be warm and then are pleasantly surprised all over again? Oh to be a cat for even an hour to understand them more.

Remember how I mentioned we are going on a cruise? When we first booked it, we invited a couple we are friends with and have traveled with before and they said the dates didn’t work out, but we just found out their schedules changed and now they are coming! So they will be there too, which we are excited about! We will do some things together and other things apart and it will be great fun.

This week is lighter on teaching since many students are on spring break, or is it Spring Break, but of course since when I see a blank space in my calendar I fill it, I have a variety of extra gigs: two concerts this weekend, one with Brahms Requiem and another with Bartok Concerto for Orchestra, so lots of fun!

Freelance Work

Musicians probably already know this, but the rest of you may not. Sometimes (rarely) I get questions, like how do people know to call you? Or another question I got recently (okay, in response to a prompt, but still: how do I organize my time?)

Okay, so let’s start with my system. Currently I use google calendar for my everything, and I use My Music Staff to organize my private teaching studio. My Music Staff syncs with my google calendar so it’s all on there, but it makes it easier to keep track of attendance and for students to do their own canceling and rescheduling, plus it sends them reminders via text and email.

I get asked to play for things all the time! I’ll have days where I get asked for a half dozen things at once, and then perhaps a week where nothing happens. Sometimes I try to track these things, but it’s hard to stay on top of, and honestly, it’s pretty much throughout the year. So when I get asked to play something, it could be via text, email, phone, whatever. I try to respond as quickly as possible, and if the answer is, not sure, let me check, I’ll let them know that as well. I want to be the person people ask because they know I’ll respond right away.

How do I decide whether to take a job? Mostly the question is, am I free, and does it pay reasonably for effort? And, if it doesn’t pay well, is it something I want to do for another reason (usually that reason would be, because it is a chamber music opportunity to play something that isn’t commercial but really feeds my soul). I also play things that pay a little lower if I know it keeps me on the radar for other things.

Oh, and it’s always important to consider the location of things: you have to factor in, is there enough time to drive there and not be stressed out about arriving on time? And on time means early for musicians, with different (often unspoken) arrival times expected depending on what the gig is. So I always put the address into google calendar so I know that too, as well as putting important information in the “notes” part of the event.

The question as to if I am free can be a little tricky something. Let’s say I’m not technically “free” but I need to move two students to do something that pays decently–I’ll do that. Unless I look and see that I’m moving those same two students several weeks in a row, maybe, or if I notice that it’s the week before a big performance for them. I might know they are students that aren’t flexible, or perhaps I know they ARE more flexible. So a lot of things go into consideration with that.

Let’s say it’s a several week long show, and yet it conflicts with a small gig or two that I already have (for instance, a wedding)–if it’s a lot of money for one larger job and it’s a decent amount of time away, I might ask the contractor for the one-off job about finding a sub instead. This is where things can get tricky: you want to be seen as reliable and not constantly chasing something higher paying or better, but yet there are obvious times where one job is worth finding a sub for. You have to weigh these options as well.

How far in advance are things booked? Well, I already have some things on the calendar for May, but nothing past that at this time. I’m sure wedding contractors have weddings on the books already for next summer but haven’t asked people yet. That usually starts happening after the new year. Easter and Christmas Eve usually book up 9-12 months early for me, and jobs in December will come up at any time from February on, with some early and others late. People definitely hire musicians last minute, but they also hire them early! I’ll get last minute gigs that fill in a gap sometimes, but other times everything on my calendar will have been there for months.

How do people know to find me? Word of mouth, internet, I don’t know! The more you play out, the more people you meet. My goals are to arrive early, be responsible and organized, be friendly and polite, and of course, to do a terrific job on my instrument. I never want to play a job and have somebody feel doubtful about hiring me again based on my skills or how I do the job. And I always try to give my best effort, regardless of what’s going on around me.

What kinds of things do I play? Everything! Weddings, funerals, church services, small orchestras for choirs, string quartet concerts, other chamber music, pit orchestras, regular orchestras, recording sessions, baroque ensembles (this is a new things to me!), background music for touring artists, and more! One thing I love about being a freelancer is the variety of stuff I do, though a LOT of it is weddings, the wedding business is booming apparently.

The one thing I haven’t mentioned is practicing: I usually don’t worry too much about getting music learned. Generally for difficult things you’ll get the music far enough in advance to learn it, and otherwise I’ll fit things into my schedule as needed. I make time to practice when I can, though it’s never as much as I “should” or as much as I used to when I was younger. Sometimes it would be nice to have more time to practice, but that’s really hard to make happen. I’m also a really skilled sight-reader and I have decades of experience behind me with repertoire, so often what I’m playing I’ve played in the past. So for a less experienced musician, this might be more of a concern, but I don’t worry too much: I figure I’ll make it happen, and I pretty much do. Occasionally I’ll have a performance where I wished I had been able to put a little more time in (usually some difficult chamber music piece) but I do have to treat this whole “thing” as a job, and sometimes that means you take the gig when you get it.

So, let me know if you have more questions! I never feel like an expert (being a classical musician means constantly questioning your skills) but as I get older I realize, maybe I am in some senses.

Rainy Day

I promise I’ll get back to the last two trip recaps, but for today, you get a more present post.

It’s pouring rain outside! I’m old enough to say, aha, we needed it, and it’s nice and makes things feel cozy inside, but I also do need to leave the house at some point, and that is less fun.

Life has been super hectic and crazy these past few weeks, and it continues for a few more. I’ve had so much work, it’s been great and awful, all at the same time. I’ve had a bunch of fun gigs, taught some neat students, done a short recording session, spent a morning judging students at a contest, played a fun concert and there’s more to come!

Notice how fabulous my right and left hands look. Also notice my expression, I seemed doubtful over what I was reading, perhaps. This was an outdoor gig at the Art Museum the other week.

Recorded a few things the other day, it was super fun. I enjoy the permanence of recording, when so much of music is fleeting.

My friend April took this picture from last night’s concert of the St Louis Chamber Soloists. She is in town (one night only) for a work thing. We went to Blueberry Hill after the concert for dinner and hanging out.

So, there’s my pictures. Life: practice, teach, play, try to get some exercise in, emails, and just barely keeping up on stuff around the house. BUT it’s so nice, so DECADENT not having to get up at 5:30 am, so I can sleep until after 7 am most days (there were a few earlier mornings last week, but that’s not the norm). We did manage to get out to eat one night (we sat outside and I’m still suffering from bug bits, those ridiculous bugs even bit my finger!), and Louie and I went to see “American Idiot” one night. It’s based on the Green Day album and a friend was playing in the orchestra so we thought it would be fun.

I’m very much in “get things done” mode, as you can probably tell. This week is baroque violin prep for a concert this weekend, in addition to a gig on viola in Paducah, Kentucky (!!). Also a couple of weddings, plus the dentist, probably book club (if I finish the book, which I’m a little behind, gah) and the usual students. My parents are popping in this weekend and will come to a concert, so I’m super excited about that! And the day they are here I’m not as busy, so I’ll be able to hang out mostly. But getting to that day will be a bit busy…

I had sort of forgotten how car rides to gigs with friends can be a fun diversion. I had a few out of town things the past weekend, and while I hate wasting the time, it was actually quite fun and relaxing to spend the time in the car chatting before and after. I used to spend a lot more time carpooling and driving to gigs–when I lived in Cleveland I played in a variety of regional orchestras that were a drive away, so each week I might drive 45 minutes to over an hour each way for rehearsals and concerts. I had put in my head that that was awful and annoying (and it WAS) but doing a bit of driving for this or that isn’t so bad, and maybe is even a little bit fun.

Anyway! As much as I’m enjoying this time of the year and happy for all the work, I am also looking forward to mid-October when things slow down just a little bit more. I do hope to finish my last trip blog posts before then…but you’ll just have to wait longer.

It’s September, but where is the fall weather?

I’m taking a break from writing about our trip to just writing about my life right now. I’m sure you’re disappointed 😉

September is shaping up to be BUSY. I got asked to play a wide variety of concerts: several on the violin, one on the baroque violin, one on the viola! So there’s a fair amount of “I really should practice” going on, some actual practicing, and then setting up rehearsals, adjusting some students, that sort of thing. I added a chamber music coaching to my responsibilities at Wash U, and I added it on Wednesday evenings, which means that suddenly I am a night person rather than a morning person. I left the music school at 10 pm the other night and was somehow surprised by how busy it was! I also had to teach a makeup last night until 9:30 pm…and I wasn’t even that tired! My alarm didn’t go off until 8 am this morning and it was glorious.

Seriously, after teaching for 4 years in a job (which wouldn’t even have started up yet, but still) which required a 5:30 am wakeup on 4 days a week, not doing that is still a real treat. I will miss aspects of the job, but NOT the morning wakeup. I can freely add things to my evenings and nights without worrying about getting an appropriate amount of sleep, and it’s really relaxing.

The cats can never get enough of Louie. Me, they tolerate. Him, they absolutely love. For Muriel, I suspect it is partly because he does NOT play the violin, and she detests the violin. For Miles, well, they are special soul mates and that’s just how it is.

Monday we biked from St Charles to Machens on the Katy Trail, about 13 miles each way. It was probably the last long bike ride I will manage before our biking/canoing trip in mid-October, but we will get some shorter ones in. I don’t have any more days off until after that, but I do have some days with less things on them.

Sometimes I wonder if we are doing things wrong…other friends without children seem to have a lot more free time! I think often people think that if you don’t have kids that means you will have a lot of free time, and it definitely depends on what you do for your job. If you have jobs like us, which take up so much time (especially seasonally) you still end up being quite busy! I have thought maybe I should do a whole post on not having children, and perhaps I will someday soon. I wouldn’t say that my life looks exactly how I thought it would when I was a child, but whose does? I am not regretful about it in any way, and I love having so many worthwhile (to me at least) things that I do.

Sometimes I day dream what it would be like to have a “regular” 8-5 job, but I know if I did I would just fill my evenings and weekends with music activities. There’s no way for me to not be a musician! On the rare nights that I am done early, like 5 pm, which happened here and there over the summer, it was funny, because we didn’t even know what to do with ourselves! And then sometimes we would just go to bed really early, which was pretty nice anyway, because so much of the summer felt like I was just catching up on sleep and trying to get back into a more normal sleep routine…but it wasn’t like I suddenly had all these hours free, they just went away anyway. I’m sure some people have more interesting hobbies that take up their evening hours (my friend April does aerial silks and plays the flute in addition to biking, hiking, etc) but certainly many people just watch more tv.

Anyway! Louie and I have Saturday evening off together and we may go out to see some live music Saturday night, and we also need to watch The Whale for our movie group. We also have a bike ride planned, in addition to our work: for me a few rescheduled lessons, a concert tonight, a wedding tomorrow, and a church service Sunday morning and rehearsal in the evening. This is September!

Mid July musings

I realized my last trip recap was published without a title…oops! It seems like maybe my program could have reminded me of that, like when you try to send an email in gmail without a subject. Anyway, it’s fixed now, and I may even get a few more recaps written soon: there are probably 2 or 3 posts left and I’ve at least figured out what pictures to show you.

Mostly I just take pictures here, of Miles and sometimes Muriel (you’ll see her later in the post.)

But let’s catch up in the present, shall we? I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July (for readers from the US, that is, otherwise I hope you had a wonderful Tuesday.) I had one full week of regular work, and did some fun things as well. One of my students gave me tickets to see Ben Folds (so generous!) as they couldn’t use them, so Louie and I took advantage of our new proximity to the Metrolink (our light rail) and took it downtown to see the concert.

Ben Folds with his band. The cellist and guitarist on the left are a band called Tall Heights and they sang the first set alone–I really liked them as well.

Other social activities included having dinner with a friend who is moving, having dinner with Louie’s parents, and visiting with friends who had just moved and getting to see their new house.

Miles always has plenty to say

I also played a concert at a retirement community after some MAJOR storms–we got some crazy winds around here and a lot of trees got knocked down. Luckily we didn’t have any real damage ourselves, but some people in the city were killed by falling trees, so it was a good reminder of how dangerous these storms are.

The most recent week then: my sister Carrie visited, and we did a variety of activities. We had dinner at Olio and Mission Taco (separate visits), went to the Whitaker Music Festival concert at the Botanical Gardens, the Kemper Art Museum, and spent the 4th at two different parties with friends, both with pools.

The guest room is ready for more visitors!

I’ve been working on getting things done this summer. I’ve been doing more planning on paper (I have been inspired by a podcast I started listening to called The Best Laid Plans) and have really felt like I’ve been staying on top of my to-do- list and getting things done. I do enjoy taking my weeks and figuring out how to work things out within them, though with the caveat that it is a lot easier in the summer when my actual teaching hours are lower and my overall workload is more manageable.

Though, that brings us back to my evergreen problem of, how to work less while still bringing in the income I would like and feeling job satisfaction. I don’t see many freelance/teaching musicians who do this as a good example, so it’s a tricky thing to figure out. I will be setting up my fall schedule at the end of July, and I suspect the answer for that is, no more new students for the fall, even though I will likely get a dozen queries. For gigs, I’ve been doing some things lately I really enjoy, and I want to have room in my schedule for them. I also enjoy the weird thing of looking at my calendar empty and then gradually seeing it fill up with activities, concerts, gigs, etc. I do enjoy some days off, but I also enjoy seeing colleagues at jobs and playing fun concerts, so it is a constant game of give and take. When I do too much of any one thing I tend to wish I were doing something else.

Muriel, I promised I would share a picture! She loves jumping up on this wall.

Real talk: I do have a tendency to feel overly jealous of things I see other people doing, and some of my overscheduling is caused by a bit of FOMO though. I remind myself that nobody can play everything, and that I have had many wonderful opportunities and PLENTY of work, and I have a lovely old home which I love, and Louie and the cats, and that’s plenty to have. But I am not immune to the jealously factor, especially when so many people I went to college with or know are traveling the world playing music, or getting to sub with amazing orchestras, or who knows what. But it’s all relative, and I really try to focus on what I have in my life: for instance, I still haven’t even managed to finish telling you about my last vacation since it was so long! And I have too many students, and I am getting to play viola on a chamber music concert this week and playing four straight weekends of orchestra music with the Gateway Festival Orchestra. So, really, I am sure people are jealous of me, and I in return am jealous of them, and then we should all say, hmm, that probably cancels out, but that’s far easier said than done.

Other real talk: I think I mentioned that I slipped on the mud in May and hurt my knee? It had healed somewhat but was still bothering me so I went to the doctor last week. It looks like I sprained or strained my MCL, on the inside of the knee. It will likely heal up just fine but I am going to be doing some physical therapy, which unfortunately won’t start until later in the month. I did have the go ahead to continue running, which I have been trying to get back into, so I was glad to know that was okay to do. Hopefully the PT will get things back to normal over time!

I’m off to do some errands around the house, as one does: laundry, and probably more laundry. Oh, and for local readers, tonight is the first Gateway Festival Orchestra Concert, and the weather looks great!

Storm predicted

This month, you guys. This month has been insane.

It’s been absolutely nonstop since we returned from Thanksgiving. I’m not sure where things went wrong. I mean, on the one hand it’s been great having so much to do, but on the other hand it’s been stressful and I’ve had to spend more time than I would want to dealing with some difficult people (professionally.)

I look back to all of my COVID thoughts of, let’s do less, isn’t this great! And then I got back into things, and I just didn’t feel like a professional performer anymore, and I realized I wasn’t happy with that either, I didn’t want to only teach, and so I have been doing other things too, but only adding them on, and not taking away from any of the teaching I’m doing. The issue I run into is that I CAN do this schedule, mostly, and that the playing work is irregular and the teaching work is regular, and I want the regular income during the times without as much playing work. Sigh. I expect I will spend the next 20 years trying to figure this all out, but I’ll tell you, this past week almost did me in.

I tried to take a picture of my Christmas displays in the dark but my phone made it look kind of crazy!

I was supposed to do a few social things on Friday night and I told Louie I just needed a night in, so I did that (he had something to do and went without me) and I enjoyed dinner in the quiet and read all evening. That helped me get to yesterday in a better state and I really enjoyed all the activities I did yesterday, and I’m looking forward to today.

It’s been a lot. I was thinking about the last week, what did I do in addition to my normal teaching schedule? Well, I played for a funeral, had my last physical therapy session for my rotator cuff (it’s doing MUCH better), I had 3 additional lessons at Wash U to teach to finish up the semester, I had a jury to attend at St Louis Community College, I had a rehearsal and concert with The Beach Boys (super fun show, so energetic!), a rehearsal for this morning’s church service, some errands including picking up my violin from being cleaned and fixed up, and then a holiday party at work (which was super fun, but still an extra thing). Then yesterday was Saturday and I had a morning rehearsal, afternoon makeup lessons, and then drove Louie to the airport for a trip he is taking to visit his family (we are doing different things over the holidays due to work schedule issues).

You can find me onstage with The Beach Boys in this picture if you look carefully.

Last night I was exhausted and would have just crashed, but I’d bought a ticket to go see two of my students in Elf with Insight Theatre, and I’m so glad I went. It was fun to see the production, which is all young people, and it was delightful to watch my students onstage doing something different than playing the violin. Their dad played violin in the orchestra too, so it was a big family thing for them, and I had a great time. Today is a church service, then I’m stopping at a friend’s for his birthday party, then a church choir concert, then I am relaxing tonight and possible baking cookies. My mom said not to bring anything down to SC, but I haven’t baked any cookies this season and wanted to do at least one batch! It’s the first night of Hanukkah but since Louie is out of town I won’t be doing anything until he gets back, but Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate!

Oh, and last weekend Louie walked in a recognition ceremony for his doctoral degree. He is still eligible to attend the big graduation ceremony in May with the hooding by his advisor, but he thought it would be fun.

I feel like this blog post is a bit overwhelming to the reader, but that’s where I am right now. I have another week of fairly intense craziness and then I’m driving home to SC on Christmas Day. It looks like we’ve got some potential snow messing up plans here on Thursday, so fingers crossed everything gets worked out with that. This week’s agenda: 3 more days of early morning classes, regular private student teaching (finishing up this week for the year of course), hair appointment, dermatologist appointment, a lunch date, a coffee date, seeing my friend April who is visiting from Atlanta (!!!), rehearsal for Christmas Eve, three Christmas Eve services, and that’s about it.

Oh, and one of my rehearsals yesterday and the concert today, I’m playing viola. I was a little stressed about it, but the rehearsal was a lot of fun, and I’m sitting with a colleagues who I really like and I’ll tell you what, playing with another violist is very different than playing with another violinist. The vibe is just more relaxed. I can’t explain it, but it’s there. And the conductor just pays no attention to you at all and it’s wonderful 🙂 Hopefully I will get to do more viola stuff in the future, as I enjoyed it, I have a viola, and the best way to get better at it is to do things under pressure, like in front of other people.

Anyway, I’m off to start my workday. I am playing this morning at Ladue Chapel, which I love doing: the music director is unbelievably kind and wonderful and the people are also so nice.