Category Archives: Random thoughts

Rest Day

I tend to go overboard on activities and become really obsessed.  I get very excited about the activity, almost manic (but not quite!), and then after a few hours/days/weeks/months, burn out and never speak of it again.  You can even see some of that excitement in my blog, if you are a long time reader.

I don’t want to burn out on fitness and working out.  It’s a lot of fun.  I’m also having a great time training for the Rock n’ Rock Half Marathon in Phoenix.  It means I need to run 4 days a week on average plus I have two weekly training sessions with Mike.  Hypothetically, this would be plenty of activity—but I also signed up for a weekly spinning class, starting next Tuesday (just one hour a week!  for five weeks, and it was really inexpensive!)—and I still have a few days left on my Bikram pass, plus another week of unlimited that I must use by December 22 or I lose it.  (Can you tell I am terrified to gain weight after working so hard to lose it?  but working out more just makes me hungrier!)

I woke up this morning and my body ached.  I was exhausted (and I had even gone to bed early).  I realized…I have to slow down.  I need to take time to relax.  I can’t spend all my free time doing physical activities!  And Bikram…well they WANT you to be obsessed.  They want you to come in every day, even twice a day!  Each class is a minimum 2 1/2 hour time commitment (counting commute, sign-in, and a few minutes after to feel normal again.  not counting the shower.)  I just don’t have that time more than once a week (less if I am taking the spinning class, though there’s a chance it’ll be canceled.) They make you feel like doing it once a week or less just wouldn’t be even remotely enough…they make you feel like a disappointment if you don’t commit your life to it.  But I don’t have to fall for it!  I know there are people who just go sporadically!  I know they are in the class with me, forging ahead.  So I will go NO more often than I want to.  That means that I will not go again on this pass, and I will likely just go one time on the next pass, but that’s okay.  I don’t need to let them scare me away with their palpable disappointment Winking smile

So tonight I am simply relaxing.  And tomorrow morning I am going to sleep in a bit before I meet with Mike for a workout.  Then I will run on Saturday and Sunday.  And that can be enough.

HBBC:  1 point for 8 f/v: 1 point total

Self-doubt #reverb10

Prompt: Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

This is a tough one for me.  I don’t consider myself a writer.  I do some writing, I’ve been published (just a little), and I love blogging, but I really consider myself a teacher and a violinist.

That brings me right to the first answer.  What do I do each day that doesn’t contribute to my writing?  What I’m doing right now—telling myself I’m not a writer, telling myself I’m not good enough.  Self-doubt.  So I don’t write. 

Can I eliminate it?  Probably not entirely, but I can try. 

As a child I loved to write.  I also loved to play the violin. So I became a musician…and not just any musician, a SERIOUS, CLASSICAL musician.  And to be a good SERIOUS, CLASSICAL musician I was told to stop doing other things except practicing.  I was told that if I spent enough time practicing then I would be able to succeed and get a job in an orchestra, and then I would be happy. 

So I did that.  I practiced and “succeeded” and got a job in an orchestra.  And I HATED IT. So I left. 

Maybe the orchestra wasn’t good enough?  Maybe I needed to have gotten a better job in a better orchestra?  I kept trying, I kept practicing, I wanted that good job in a good orchestra that would bring personal satisfaction and happiness. But it never happened for me. I wasn’t good enough to get a job like that.

See the self-doubt?  There it is.  I wasn’t good enough to get a job like that. 

That’s a very negative way to look at MYSELF.  Not being good enough.  Not, for instance, saying, I didn’t work hard enough, or had a different personal style, or didn’t deal with performance anxiety very well.  Nope.  Wasn’t good enough.  And for awhile I felt that since I hadn’t achieved my goal, I didn’t deserve happiness.

The fact of the matter is, orchestral musicians are among the most unhappy people in the world (there have been studies, I will try to find a link later.) 

But it’s just a huge bundle of self-doubt that I need to get rid of (in particular, in order to make 2011 the year of HAPPINESS). 

Final thought:  I’m writing right now, even though I am hesitant to use the #reverb10 in the title as I know people will come and read this…and likely judge me NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  But I do it anyway.  Who cares what they think!  I want to share!

I want to write.

Day 1 #reverb10

I received this in my email this morning:

Prompt: One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

I had an early morning drive out to St. Peters this morning so I racked my brain the whole time.  I reflected on the past year, and thought about what I was focused on. 


That’s really what my year boils down to.  I started a serious workout regimen, lifting weights, running, and more.  I became very focused on my diet, making sure I was using proper serving sizes and providing good nutrition for myself.  Why?  Yes, of course, to look good, but as the months went by, primarily to feel good, to have energy, to be in good health.  And that’s where I am.  I feel better than I ever have! 

So what do I want next year?  I know my answer, but I worry it’s totally clichéd (blogging itself is clichéd, so I don’t know why this concerns me.)


I AM happy now.  But I want to maintain that happiness throughout the year.  Yes, I know there are life events that are out of my control. 

My response and reaction to those events is under my control. 

And I want to choose to be happy.

New Project for December

I saw this on another blog I follow and thought it looked like fun.  It’s called Reverb 10.  I am going into it fairly blind (I decided not to do my usual overkill of internet research, primarily because I am tired, but also don’t want to spoil it), but it will involve writing and reflecting on my year and what is to come. Each day the participants are given a prompt to follow…

I wanted a new project and this looks perfect.  Hopefully it won’t be too time consuming!


Final Thoughts on Thankful-ness Month

Today is the last day of November.  It is the end of a month during which each day I blogged about something I was thankful for. 

Each day—what I chose and the link to the corresponding blog post.

1 My cat

No more election campaigning

Being able to afford to buy food

Gorgeous fall weather

Processed cheese

Good friends

My strong legs

My pumpkin bread recipe

Days off

10  Being able to go on cruises (on occasion)

11  Hummus

12  Comp tickets to the Symphony

13  New clothes

14  Chris

15  My students

16  My hair towel

17  Tivo

18  Family

19  Women

20  Having a wedding free weekend

21  Tower Grove Park

22  Being employed

23  Vacation

24  My health

25  A wonderful, bountiful Thanksgiving dinner with dear friends

26  Not being forced to go Black Friday shopping

27  Living in a small, easy to clean, house

28  Being in good enough shape to exercise for over 2 1/2 hours

29  Cookies 

So here I am at the end.  I have one more day to do…today I am thankful that I was able to work with my first trainer, Joe.  He inspired me to lose weight and get in shape, much more so than I could have thought.  I mean, really, a year ago I was hardly the sort of person who voluntarily ran around the park twice (7.5 miles) or went to Bikram Yoga where the point is to sweat for 90 minutes.  But here we are, and it’s all thanks to Joe.  THANK YOU JOE!

So how was the month then?  Since each day I had to think of a specific thing to be thankful for, I have been reminded repeatedly of how lucky I am to have everything I have in my life.  It’s a good life!  Sometimes I complain or feel like a loser, but this month has helped remind me that I have so much to be thankful for. 


I have eaten about four cookies today.   I just can’t stop!  And this is before a dozen of my closest friends descend upon my house bringing cookies to swap. 

Maybe it’s due to the ridiculous amount of work outs I’ve done today.  I went to a spinning class at my friend’s gym.  It was GREAT!  My gym is expanding sometime in the near future and will offer spinning then.  In any case, I really enjoyed it, and plan to go again soon.  I was jealous of the other class members’ fancy spinning shoes  (I love workout clothes/gear.)  I will be able to attend class with my friend another time or two before having to figure out my own thing (or joining her gym which is super expensive!). 

Then I didn’t want to derail my training, so I still needed to get in a long run.  I somehow managed to run 7.5 miles…now my feet hurt, my thighs ache, and I have a feeling by tomorrow I will be VERY sore.  But nonetheless I burned a lot of calories, tried a new workout (which I am looking forward to continuing…perhaps a bit more so than Bikram Yoga?), and now I suppose will just try to stop eating cookies!  I made another pot of coffee to quell the snacking temptation.

Today:  What am I thankful for?  I’m thankful I’m in good enough shape to exercise for over 2 1/2 hours and live through it! 

HBBC:  1 hour spin class: 4 points, 7.5. mile run:  7.5 points, Total:  11.5 points