Category Archives: Random thoughts

Election Day

Happy Election Day!

I did vote today–I think this was the second time in my life I voted in a midterm election.  The polling place is an easy two block walk from my house.  It was less hectic than last time (two years ago), and less exciting.  But that’s okay, I did my civic duty, right?  I even brought my sample ballot along with the answers marked down so I would know how to vote, very responsible of me!

I remember voting in 2004 in Cleveland–that was the year the voting places were completely overrun.  I was lucky and only had to wait in line (in a smelly, damp, very crowded hallway) for about 30 to 45 minutes before getting to vote.  Others had to wait for hours.  It was raining that day.

Today is very sunny, as was Election Day in 2008.  Hmm. I can’t recall 2006.  I remember it was cold.

I mention this all MAINLY because I’m sure most people are just sick and tired of the campaigning.  I know I am.  So much negativity all the time on the radio, tv, computers, etc.  So today, what I am thankful for is this:  the campaigning is over!  (for now).  THANK YOU!!  Of course, it’s bittersweet as I know tomorrow the word referendum will just be used over and over again…but nonetheless at least the campaigning is done.  So that is something to be thankful for 🙂


St Louis Magazine Party

Friday night was great fun!  I went with my friends to this party:

My friend Jen Gartley was chosen as one of St. Louis’s Top Singles for 2010.  Congrats Jen!  The party was at Lumen Event Space on Locust. I had a good time getting dressed up with my black and silver dress that I hadn’t had a chance to wear since the cruise.  I met at my friend Laura’s and she drove us downtown.  There was valet parking at the event, and there were stacks of the magazine by the door.  We had to buy tickets to get in, but otherwise food and drink were included.  I didn’t know what to expect (naturally had all sorts of Sex and the City ideas–was not like that) but I figured people would be pretty dressed up and standing around.  That’s basically what happened!  There was loud music, some talking we couldn’t hear (where evidently all the “singles” were announced/introduced) and then a “fashion show” which was a bit lame as there was no catwalk or anything like that, and the models weren’t great (have watched too much ANTM I suppose).  However, the event was fun overall, and I had a great time hanging out with my girlfriends!

Jen and I--didn't really know where to look, apparently!
My friends!

My camera didn’t fit into my bag so I had to depend on friends.  There may be more photos later, we’ll see 🙂

Tower Grove Concert

I had a great time at Tuesday night’s concert.  It was a STL Symphony sponsored concert:  “Symphony Tuesdays at Tower Grove Park”, part of the Community Partnership Program.  The concert was free and was really well attended—the Piper Palm House was almost completely full!  Chris (along with some other folks:  Erin Schreiber, Asako Kuboki, and Bjorn Ranheim) played the Ravel String Quartet.  Then Asako, Bjorn, and two other musicians played some Piazzolla and other tangos.  Afterwards there was a small wine and cheese reception. 


I didn’t get to take any pictures during the concert because firstly I didn’t want to distract the musicians, but also because I was WAY in the back as by the time I arrived that’s all that was left.  So I made Chris pose as he was about to fold up his stand afterwards.



You can see why it’s called the Piper Palm House. Well, at least the “Palm” part of the house!  I’ve played weddings there and attended a reception, but this was the first official concert I attended. 


You can see the crowd of folks in line for wine and cheese.  This is taken from the front of the stage—all those chairs were filled along with even more in the back half of the room. Chris and his group played very well 🙂


Our friends had an Oktoberfest party. (The party I made the apple kuchen for.)  Unfortunately the party was on a Sunday, and I was busy till evening and also had to get up early the next day to teach, so we only got to stop by for a bit.  The invitation had said to wear your best lederhosen.  Well, unfortunately neither of us had lederhosen, so we decided to order fancy hats off the internet instead!  Never underestimate the power of an awesome themed hat.



Very festive!!


The chicken hat doesn't look as good on me, but this is a better view of the hat. (I was doing the "zoolander" pose.)


Doesn't Chris look dapper?

We have several more parties next weekend.  I love bringing food to these gatherings, so I have been doing quite of bit of brainstorming/research for ideas of new things to make.   Next on the docket:  something pumpkin based ;).

Free concert tonight!

Symphony Tuesdays at Tower Grove Park 

Tuesday, October 19 at 7 pm

Piper Palm House, 4256 Magnolia Avenue

You are cordially invited to…


This is a fun and free-style concert. Please stay afterwards for a reception!

RAVEL String quartet

Erin Schreiber (violin I)
Asako Kuboki (violin II)
Chris Tantillo (viola)
Bjorn Ranheim (cello)

PIAZZOLLA Nightclub 1960, Libera tango
RODRIGO Concerto de Aranjuez

Asako Kuboki (violin)
Farshid Soltanshahi (guitar)
Bjorn Ranheim (cello)
Willem Von Hombract (bass)

Free admission.

Free SLSO concert for students on Friday

Just wanted to post this link about Friday’s concert.  It’s free for high school and college students (with valid ID, I guess?) on Friday night at 7 pm.  Powell Hall, Friday night, October 15,  7 pm, FREE FREE FREE.

Program is:

Copland Clarinet Concert (with principal clarinetist Scott Andrews)

Stravinsky Symphony in Three Movements

Britten Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings (with Andrew Kennedy, tenor, and principal horn Roger Kaza)

Shostakovich Symphony no. 9

It’s the same program as Saturday night will be (which I might attend if I’m not too tired).