When you have to wake up around 5:30 am several days a week, waking up after 7 am feels like an absolute delight. I didn’t need to get up today at any particular time, so I didn’t get up to make coffee until nearly 8 am. WEEKENDS.
I ordered seeds last night for the garden. I am planning on green beans, lima beans, and Swiss chard (Louie loves chard.) I think that’ll be it as I planted too many different things last year and only a few worked. I learned from some mistakes though, and look forward to fresh green beans as well as making some dilly beans, which are a pickled green bean with loads of garlic and dill and after they are done pickling, you can eat them right out of the jar and they are delicious.
Last weekend I made a quiche. I had broccoli and mushrooms on hand so I used those, along with a frozen pie crust I’d bought before the holidays but never used.
It was delicious!
I also made Rhubarb muffins last weekend. I felt like doing some baking I guess! This weekend I have no baking plans, but the preserved lemons are ready so we may make my favorite chickpea and preserved lemon dish (Double it and serve with rice). We found last summer it is excellent with chutney on the side, and since I have some canned chutney that we should be eating as well, that will work. I haven’t been doing any canning lately because we have enough still.
I have a long online class tomorrow and today we are expected to get some bad weather, so I don’t know if we will make it out of the house much this weekend. I guess we will see! I am not looking forward to the cold weather this week: we are looking at weather in the teens and lower, which we have been fortunate enough to avoid so far. Leaving the house at 6:30 am in that weather will not be fun!
I’m looking forward to next weekend: we are celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday night with a dinner from Stone Soup Cottage. They deliver to the house, and by the time I went to order (a few weeks ago!) Saturday and Sunday were already sold out. Friday is our takeout night anyway as it’s a nice way to end the week, so we’ll celebrate that night. Stone Soup drops the food off at your house between 4 and 7 pm, then they leave directions on how to reheat everything, so it isn’t cold and soggy. We’ve done it at Louie’s mom’s house once when it was nicer outside (ate outside together) and once at our home for Louie’s birthday. I’ll let you know how it goes! Spoiler alert: it does contain steak.
I saw that the National Park Service has an app that you can download that tells you about all the various parks. I downloaded it and now I’m wanting to go visit more places. We are hoping to do a little traveling this summer, visiting some family members and maybe some sightseeing along the way, if we are vaccinated by then (and them, though pretty much everybody in my family and Louie’s dad have their first shots), and now I’m looking up random NPS sites along the way. I realized we haven’t even been to all of the NPS sites in St Louis, so that’s on the list (the Ulysses S Grant Home) once we have a decent day for it. Also COVID concerns, so maybe that’ll be something for a bit later…I know people go inside for things, but it’s a question of limiting our risk. But I especially want us to go west, as there are many parks west (Utah, Nevada, California) that we need to visit. I suspect the next few years will be particularly busy, as people get to travel again, and maybe it’ll always be busy.
Anyway! It also looks like maybe today it won’t snow until later in the day, if at all, so maybe we’ll bundle up and do something after I teach my improvisation class this morning.