We are having so much snow this winter. Yesterday ended up being another snow day—I was supposed to have a few students and an opera dress rehearsal and ended up having a day off. I’m trying not to freak out about the lost income and just go with the flow…the weather wasn’t nearly as bad as earlier in the month, but the roads were pretty bad for several hours. I drove over to a friend’s house after rush hour and it was pretty slow going…I didn’t have too far to go so it was doable though.
February is shaping up to be busy with all kinds of good stuff. There are tons of articles going around the internet about how “busy” isn’t a good answer for “how are you?” and how “busy” isn’t an answer, or a way of life, but the fact of being a freelancer and private teacher is: “busy” often means “making more money” and that’s certainly a good thing. “Busy” also often means feeling more worthwhile and getting a lot of great work done, so I’m not afraid to say “busy” when somebody asks how I am. I like “busy” when it’s for good reasons rather than just for “busy”’s sake.
Okay, I’m done with quotations, I promise!
This weekend:
Falstaff by Giuseppe Verdi: Friday night at 8 pm, Sunday afternoon at 3 pm. We had to move our dress rehearsal but I think that will only make the show better! It’s cold outside and there isn’t too much to do: come see an opera. For those of you who think opera isn’t for them, I suggest you reconsider. If you like movies or musicals, you’ll like opera. It’s dramatic, beautiful, silly, and it has subtitles so you can follow the story easily. I’m in the pit, so come say hello.
And Saturday morning:
I’m running with a friend for sure, and possibly more people I know are doing it. Are you? This is part of a series of events all day allowing folks to be out on the new bridge before it opens for traffic. It’ll be cold, but I’ll be there NO MATTER WHAT. (This is a personal response to my chickening out of a race in December, but I’m feeling far more hard core these days.)
I know it’s only Wednesday, and I’m already talking about the weekend, but let’s not fool ourselves: the older we get, the faster time flies. Lots going on in St Louis this weekend and lots of rehearsals and teaching to get through before then!
Oh, and I went to the gym and did squats the other day. I hadn’t been for awhile, and I’ll tell you what. I’m sore.
And busy. Did I mention busy? 🙂