Ah, the sweet feeling of freedom! Three whole days off. Tonight I’m doing a long blog post, and I’m going to cover a bunch of stuff.
Firstly, that’s what I’m thankful for today: vacation time! I am thankful to have three days off from work. I am going to be super busy though, but it’s all fun stuff like running, baking pies and cookies, getting ready for a party, that sort of thing. And really I have FIVE days off, because Saturday’s itty bitty wedding should hardly count. So I am VERY thankful for the awesome holiday (Thanksgiving) that gives me a long, long weekend. I shall return next week refreshed and ready to face all of my students again..for three weeks!
Okay, so what have I been up to lately? My weekend was good, though it didn’t turn out quite as expected—after the mac and cheese class at the Kitchen Conservatory, Chris and I were just too full to continue onto our friend’s party. With bursting stomachs and mild regrets, we had to head home. But let me tell you a bit about the class.

We wore these aprons… There were 12 in the class, and each couple was responsible for a different item. The menu for the meal was as follows:
Rum & Ginger Cocktail (pictured above, in Chris’s hand)

Fennel Apple Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette

Ultimate Baked Macaroni & Cheese with Peas & Bacon

Orzo with Mascarpone & Butter-Poached Lobster

Souffléed Mac & Cheese with Gouda & Smoked Paprika

Key Lime Sorbet
Chris and I ended up being responsible for…the salad. Which was a little boring, but we ended up being glad because we didn’t have to shred a ton of cheese. We got to take all the recipes home, so we can recreate them (if desired). My favorite was probably the Lobster Mac, but they were all pretty tasty in my book
I also really enjoyed the rum cocktail, though Chris didn’t care for it. It was a mix of Ginger Beer and Rum.
So, that was Sunday.
Monday: Taught all day, and then went to the new Harry Potter movie! We went to see the movie at an Imax theater, so the screen was huge. I loved the movie! *SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT* I was so broken up when Dobby died…I always lose it when that happens in the book, and the movie did a great job with that scene. Just awful! Also, I am *scared/delighted* that we have the answer to the question nobody asked: “What sort of underwear does Harry Potter wear?”
Tuesday: Semi-crazy day! I have been hanging onto a coupon for one week of unlimited Bikram Yoga for a few months now. For those of you who don’t know, that Yoga that is done in a super hot room. A friend of mine swears by it, but I have been pretty nervous about giving it a try. I decided that this would be a good week to do the unlimited week. Well, I showed up for class today, and they tell me I CAN use my coupon, or I could save that and purchase two weeks of unlimited for $39, for new students only. So I can’t do that the other way, I must purchase the two weeks first if I want to use it. I thought about it a bit, and decided to go all the way and really commit myself to three weeks of Bikram. I figure, that way I’ve definitely given it a shot, and then I’ll either keep it up somewhat (probably more like one class a week or less) or chalk it up to experience.
I had talked to enough people who have gone to the yoga classes to know what to expect. They are pretty strict there as far as arrivals, no talking, no drinking water during poses, no leaving the room except in emergencies, etc, and I knew that going in. Anyway, the class was TOUGH. I would do a few poses, then have to sit/lie down due to feeling overwhelmed by the heat (dizzy, faint, nauseous). They say that is good, however… I was drenched in sweat (and yes, the room stinks!) from the beginning…by the end sweat was a part of me. I made it through the class—I didn’t leave, I didn’t die…and I’m going back tomorrow for more. I’m told the second class is easier, and the sooner you return the better.
After that I had a quick lunch with my friend at a smoothie/salad place right nearby (brilliant marketing plan—people feel that they have burned tons of calories so can eat “healthy” foods that are likely stacked with calories…), went to teach my final students before break, and then to the gym for running. Got a Thanksgiving race coming up! I did 3 miles running then logged six miles on the bike waiting for Chris to finish his workout.
Tomorrow’s plan: Bikram Yoga, pick up race packet for Thanksgiving race, last minute grocery shopping, workout with Mike, BAKE PIES AND CAKE, potluck dinner…pretty busy day for my vacation, don’t you think? Should be great fun!
So for the HBBC: 90 minutes of Yoga: 4.5 points, Treadmill Running 3 miles: 3 points, Stationary Biking 6 miles: 2 points. Total points for day (only got 5 fruit/veggie servings
): 9.5 points. I hope half points are allowed!