Category Archives: Weddings

Honeymoon Cruise, Final Days

I’ve had this on my to-do list for awhile:  finish wrapping up the honeymoon on the blog!

Days 6 and 7 were days at sea, aka, the most awesome days ever.  Sleep in, do whatever all day, eat big fancy dinner, go to bed.  Repeat.

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Who’s that handsome man at the bar??

We made a point of exploring the whole ship during our sea days.  Usually I like to do that on the first day, but since I had been sick that threw a wrench in things.  We discovered this cool bar, "the Sunset Bar" that was on the top in the back (aft), and was surrounded by "The Lawn Club", an area with natural grass used for sunbathing, picnicking, bocce, and golf. 


You can see the grass here.  Weird, right?


We only got one towel animal all week, so I was really excited when we did!


This was my dress for the second formal night.


Chris looks very tan, tired, and probably incredibly full.


We were in "Cellar Masters" to hear the string trio play before retiring for the night.  I believe we were in our stateroom by midnight every night.  There was a late night comedian who had shows each night, sometimes at 11, 11:30 or 12, and we just never made it.  We were too tired.  You know how old married folks get.


Back at the Sunset Bar the next day, trying to get our money’s worth from the drink package.  I also got my nails done at the spa, had to get the fakes taken off so I could return home and be able to play the violin…Chris got a massage which he said was great too.


And that’s the last picture I took.  Goodbye Honeymoon, Goodbye Cruise!

Would we sail Celebrity again?  Absolutely!!!  It was a fantastic experience and I am absolutely thrilled with our honeymoon experience.  Being in Aqua class was a wonderful choice, the service was phenomenal, our stateroom was great, and the balcony was amazing.  We loved almost everything about our honeymoon and wouldn’t change a thing.

And that’s that.  The wrap up of my wedding is done, can you believe it?  It’s been over two months, and yes, we’re still married, thanks for asking.  Things we haven’t finished yet include putting together our photo album, but that will happen soon…we have the album, and the pictures.  We also STILL want to get a few more things from Sarah Crowder, but we keep getting distracted by other stuff. 

(Here’s a post about all the vendors we used, all that jazz…)

I see things on the internet where people say, oh, I wish we had just eloped, the wedding was just too much stress.  I loved our wedding:  we were lucky to be able to have exactly the wedding we wanted, and to share it with the people we loved.  I wouldn’t change a thing about it.  It was stressful and expensive, but it was well worth the stress and expense to have a special day for us, a day full of memories that I hope we will remember forever! 

Thanks for reading my wedding story! 

Cookie free day

I haven’t had a cookie all day.  I think I may have the shakes from withdrawal.

I decided I would make a mug of hot chocolate instead.  I got some chocolate peanut butter cocoa at Target a few weeks ago and tonight seemed like the perfect night to try it.  Does it beat a cookie?  Hmm…hard to say, but the hot chocolate is pretty awesome.  I think it’s good I broke the cookie streak. 

Today:  THREE WEEKS until my wedding. 

It’s been a busy day of wedding planning.  We met with our photographer (Sarah Crowder) today to discuss what pictures we wanted, who should be in them, timeline stuff and all that.  She’s going to come take pictures of us all getting ready, and then all day long!  We had a nice lunch at Bridge—some delicious sweet and spicy cashews plus a Cuban sandwich for me (see, no cookies.)

After the meeting Chris and I did a bunch of other stuff for the wedding.  Those of you who have planned weddings know what I mean, but seriously, there are just so many details to cover!  We’ve been working with our officiant on the wording and order of our ceremony, and starting to put together the rough draft of the programs.  I ordered the guest book and pens (not a completely normal guest book) and I’ve been putting together the finishing touches on my wardrobe.  We’re also planning our cruise excursions and figuring out if we need any clothes for the honeymoon (answer, yes, of course a few things!).  It’s incredibly fun and exciting, but there is just SO much to do.  Tomorrow has a entirely different "to do" list.  One item of which is to get started on the seating chart!

Funny Wedding Ecard: Please don't sit me at a loser table.

Funny Wedding Ecard: Let's focus on pairing single guests to avoid the reality of spending eternity as a couple.


It’s going to be awesome. 

How was your weekend?  Mine was great!  I attended two different Christmas parties (and took NO pictures, sorry!).  The first was at my friend Megan’s house on Saturday night.  It was pretty low key—lots of chit chat and mulled wine.  I really loved the mulled wine.  The second party was a drop in on Sunday afternoon at a friend’s house in Lafayette Square.  The house was GORGEOUS (they are renting, but did a fantastic job decorating) and the snacks were excellent.  There was a delicious buffalo chicken dip that I want to get the recipe for and also some candied bacon cashews.  SO tasty! (Cashews are the greatest thing ever.)

In between parties I ran about 5 miles uphill and downhill with Vanessa.  We’re running a 12K this weekend in Tower Grove Park.  It was a tough run—I was really out of breath for most of it.  I think that means it was a really good workout!

I have one more week of teaching before Christmas/wedding/honeymoon break.  Seriously, it’s crazy that I’ll be on vacation from teaching for approximately 4 weeks!  My poor students will probably do no practicing at all :(  (If any are reading, let this be a challenge to you, keep up on your practicing over the break!!) 

I debated cooking a nice Christmas dinner, but Chris and I have decided to go out instead.  That way we won’t have a ton of leftovers around tempting us, but we can still eat a really nice dinner.  We are on our own for Christmas Day, which I am honestly looking forward to!  After last year’s blizzard that almost trapped us on Long Island for weeks, I’m really excited to just stay in town and relax.  There will be plenty of family time at the wedding.  Maybe we’ll be extra fancy and go out for Christmas Eve dinner as well, before my gig.  Recommendations on where to go, anybody?  We will probably see the new Sherlock Holmes around that time as well.

(VOTE for my blog for best personal blog in St Louis)

More makeup or less makeup?

I think, in case there was any wonder, I have officially turned the corner into vanity-land.  Today I had a makeup "trial" for my wedding.  During that the makeup artist suggested that I consider doing a series of microdermabrasion facials (or something like that) to really clear up my skin.  I thought, you know, why not?  You only get married once!  (fingers crossed).  So between hair, makeup, and skin care, I’m going to the salon almost every week between now and the big day.

Which is six weeks from Monday.


I look a little unlike me in this photo, I think.  I’m thinking about the eyeliner.  I’m told it will make my eyes pop in the photos, but it’s a lot!  I also feel like I look older.  Then again, self portraits are not my forte.


After that I went to teach.  I left the makeup on to see how it would hold up. 

One of my students asked why I was so tan and wearing so much makeup.  I told her it was because I was getting married.  At which point she squealed "Your boyfriend asked you to marry him??"  The thing is, I didn’t start teaching her until after I was engaged.  She must have heard that somewhere.  Thank you society! 

I’ve been getting more comments that have the sentence "When YOU have children."  I suppose as a woman, that is my only next move.  Engaged, check.  Married, soon.  BABIES.

I suppose it never ends.  People will never be happy.  Because one baby is never enough.  Plus then that baby has to grow up and get married.

Couple of fun quotes.  The first one I saw recently and loved.  I don’t remember it from the books?


This one I love.

I’ve been thinking about that one recently.  And here’s an article about somebody who just wouldn’t quit.

(When did I start being a motivational type person?  What’s wrong with me?)

30 days of Thanksgiving:  I’m thankful for my loyal blog readers and friends (don’t care if I’ve used that already, you guys are the best, and I love the comments lately).  I’m also thankful for my fuzzy velour pants that I am wearing right now. 

Sore legs, sore hips

I am pretty sore this morning from yesterday’s race.  I suppose it could be worse. but right now I’m sitting on the couch with my feet up rather than walking. 

Honestly I’m not as sore as I’ve been in the past.  I guess the body gets used to that sort of torture…

I’ll write a full recap post of the race in a few days, after I process.  In a nutshell, I feel great about my time and my race.  I met my goal of breaking 2:30, and I almost met my secondary (secret) goal of breaking 2:25.  Knowing how much I would be made at myself if I didn’t make my goal really helped me keep pushing through the pain. 

Another thing that really helped was seeing so many friends along the course!  I knew Chris was going to be at mile 9.5 with some people, and even though that happened really fast it gave me a huge push.  I didn’t appreciate his sign at the time, but he had it displayed when I got home as well.


He said watching was really stressful, because there were SO many people coming by, and they just seemed like a big blur of people.  He said it was starting to give him a headache!  I knew where HE was going to be, though he was on the opposite side of the road (again, too many people to cross!) so when I saw him I headed towards him. 

Anyway, the thing I’m thinking about this morning is first how glad I am I met my goal and how I’m excited to start running for shorter distances for awhile.  But I also signed up for a half marathon on Nov. 6 for the St Louis Track Club.  I signed up a long time ago when the entry fee was something like $25, figuring that was practically worth it for the shirt alone.  I guess I’ll see how I feel.  I think it would be fun to do another one, just for fun, not to worry about time as much, but I’ve been feeling guilty for all my weekend racing.  I keep having to go to bed early, get up early, and then I’m a mess the rest of the day and I feel bad for Chris.  I’ll decide for sure in a week or so.

This is probably crazy (and I read too many blogs, I think) but I saw there is going to be a New Year’s Day 5k/10k.  I will probably have too much going on to do it…(day before my wedding) but then again, maybe I’ll need to work out to relax!  It’s in the back of my mind as an option, and I’d probably encourage my bridesmaids to run with me (at least Leslie and Sarah, who are runners!)  Our rehearsal is at 4 pm that day—I guess it just depends on how much is left to take care of.  I don’t know how many crazy last minute details there will be or if I can get most everything done before guests start to arrive.  (Never had a wedding before!)

What do you think?  Am I crazy to consider another half in two weeks?  Keep in mind, after that, there definitely won’t be another one until April, maybe March.  So I’ll have a long break.

Wedding planning and etsy

I haven’t mentioned my wedding in awhile, so I thought I’d do so today 🙂

Are you familiar with the website  It is a GREAT place to buy handmade and unique items at reasonable prices.  I have spent SO much time browsing the website looking for neat stuff for my wedding.  So far I’ve gotten my invitation set there and my earrings and I’m considering a few other things.  I am working with a woman on creating a very special cake topper (no, no spoilers, you’ll just have to wait) and I’ve just ordered a faux fur bolero jacket. 

If you are one of the lucky few who have seen the picture of my dress or even luckier few (yes, Mom and Laura) who got to pick it out with me, you know what I mean.  If you haven’t seen the dress you still probably know that it is cold in January and that generally wedding dresses are not made of fur or wool.  So I need something to wear over it that would be at least somewhat photogenic, and it would be excellent if that something wasn’t my puffy grey Gap coat that is currently my winter coat.  (Note to self, also need new dressy winter coat for this season in addition to practically all new winter wardrobe.)



I can’t wait to get it in the mail!  If it isn’t as awesome as I am hoping the vendor does have a return policy.  Sadly I don’t get my wedding dress in hand until late November/early December so I can’t truly test it out until then.

Here’s some other cool stuff I "favorited" on the site: 


Violin and Bow Earrings

(Just for fun, not for my wedding)


Furry Purse!!


Something blue.  Then I could lend them to my sister and they would be both blue and borrowed…(sorry, I know, too far.  I need more coffee to decide on what are suitable jokes for the blog and what is just pretty gross…ugh, used underwear…ugh.)


Darth Vader cufflinks.  Perhaps a gift for the groom? 

AND today is the "pick up the invitations" day.  I am super excited to see them as I have been working on them off and on for the last couple of months.  We went a little over budget on the invitations (story of my life) but they are going to be worth it.  If YOU get an invite please don’t just toss it in the trash, at least put it on your fridge for the next couple months…

Have you ever bought anything on  Or do you sell anything there?  Leave your answer in the comments (you KNOW I want comments, dear readers!)