What a week it has been. Thursday I tested positive for COVID (symptoms, sore throat, congestion, chills) and then I spent some time telling various contractors for weekend gigs and that was a whole thing. I was really quite disappointed about missing stuff, but that’s the way of it, right?
So then I did some online teaching, not a lot, which was good for a few days because I definitely had two days of feeling quite lousy. But now I’m feeling much better but possibly still contagious, as I’m still congested. I haven’t taken a new test yet but might today.
It’s been a lot. This whole “living through an administrative coup” is tough, and takes a lot of emotional bandwidth. And today they are talking about how judge’s can’t tell people what to do, so I guess we know what that’s all about.
We are pretty stressed in the house, worrying about what these cuts to the NIH and NSF will do to Wash U and Louie’s job and our health insurance, but we also don’t want to let them win, so it’s a lot. A LOT. I left a whole bunch of voicemails on my senator’s voicemail boxes last night telling them how I felt about them ending cancer research, and I suggest you do to. If you don’t think this will decimate medical research, you are wrong.

My quartet played a concert at the Kemper Art Museum last week–isn’t that a fantastic backdrop? Also, I believe it was made with legos, if I’m remembering correctly. (The brain fog is real!)

We had a nice crowd and had a fantastic time. We played a piece by a fairly unknown composer named Maddalena Laura Sirmen and Debussy’s String Quartet. Side note: when I was a girl I was told that we didn’t play music by women because women didn’t write music that was any good. I have since learned that of course that wasn’t true at all. And IN REAL TIME I am seeing how the men of the current regime are making people cover up evidence of women and people of color achieving greatness…if that isn’t a true lesson as to how much women and people of color have truly accomplished, yet these white men are so fragile that they can’t handle it…anyway, the piece by Sirmen was lovely and we plan to play more of her quartets. And of course Debussy was lovely as well, because women can write music and men can write music, and neither need to compete with one another.

While I was sick, which I arguably still am, I spent a lot of time lying in bed reading and petting these cats. I also spent too much time doomscrolling.
Things to do: make sure you are calling your reps. Yes, they may not care, but you may also give them strength to do the right thing, who knows. Protest if you can. Do nice things for others. And be sure to take time for yourself as well: do not let them destroy your mental health. They love making you upset! We can still have joy through our troubles.
I hope the cats helped make you feel better!!