For our day in Cozumel, Mexico, we decided (in advance) that we would need to relax after our jet ski day, so I booked us at a private beach club called Nachi Cocum. For one price, you would get all you wanted to eat and drink, beach chairs and a palapa (umbrella-like thing). We also decided to reserve a parasailing time, since that was a decent deal.
The ship was scheduled to dock at 10 am, but by the time I woke up around 9:15 we were already there, so I don’t know when we got there. We took our time getting off the ship as we wanted to feel relaxed. I believe we finally walked off around 10:15, and it only took a couple minutes, no lines at all. Luckily this was NOT a tender port.
Once you get off the ship in Cozumel, there is a long walk down the pier to get to the area with all the shops. It was a very hot day, and this walk felt very long. I didn’t bring water along as I didn’t realize! We made it and then had to worm our way out to catch a taxi. There is a set rate to Nachi Cocum (along with other locations–all rates were advertised).
I had picked Nachi Cocum because people said it was very exclusive and had the best food. Even on busy days (5 or more ships in port) they limit the number of people to 100. We only had two or three (can’t recall) ships in port, and it wasn’t near capacity.
Upon our arrival, they had us put on sombreros and take a picture. Later they tried to sell us this picture for 12, then 10 dollars, but we didn’t think it was worth it. We looked funny, but my face was bright red and we were both very sweaty.
We paid the fee and then were shown to our chairs under a palapa. You could also move them of course. The water and sand were GORGEOUS!! Clear bright blue….white sandy beach…it was going to be a great day! I didn’t take that many pictures in retrospect, and I wish I had. Oh well, we’ll just have to return.

Funny thing: we ran into the family from our excursion the day before! Guess we all had similar taste.
Chris and I were to have about two hours to relax before the parasailing. We read, chatted, drank pina coladas, and dipped in the ocean to cool off. The water felt fantastic! Our waiter wanted to bring us lunch but we wanted to wait until after parasailing.
The parasailing left from a boat right nearby. We got into the boat and quickly were taken out into the water. There were two men taking us–one driving the boat, the other hooking us up to various straps and handles. It was a bumpy ride! We were hooked up to all kinds of lines, and then we went up into the air! I brought the waterproof camera for those pictures as well, since I didn’t know if we would be getting wet.
It was a fantastic ride! However, the seats started swaying back and forth, and I ended up feeling pretty nauseous. I don’t know if all parasailing is like that. I was ready to go back down, even though it was a fun time. Afterwards we walked to the restaurant area to get a ginger ale or sprite for me, and then ordered lunch.

The food was delicious, and I started feeling much better. You can see guacamole, seafood ceviche, shrimp with rice and chicken tacos in the picture. It really was great.
After lunch we decided to swim in the pool for a bit and just relax. Finally we took a cab back to the port (we could have stayed longer but we were ready). We shopped a bit in the port then walked back to the ship.
I was tired and needed to lie down afterwards. Chris went to the gym, and I ordered a pot of coffee from room service. We had been invited to the “Past Guest Party” before dinner as we were returning cruisers. It was in the Follies Lounge and they gave out free drinks and hors d’oeuvres. We also had some sushi.
Dinner wasn’t that great tonight–I ordered veal parmesan and was unimpressed, and I felt tired the rest of the night. Of course it could be that we ate off and on all day…in any case, I decided to go to bed early and Chris went with our tablemates after dinner to hang out and play blackjack.
Tomorrow: Mahogany Bay, Roatan, Honduras