It has been a LOVELY week. I should have vacation every week!
I’ve slept in, I’ve woken up early without an alarm, I’ve stayed up late and gone to bed early. I’ve read, watched tv, organized, cleaned, hung out with friends, watched a movie, snuggled with Louie and the cats, decorated for Christmas (more to do), baked bread, planned baking for Christmas, hiked in the woods, eaten lots of great food, enjoyed the snow, and just plain old relaxed.
It’s been fabulous. And today is the last day, sad!
But, that’s okay. Three weeks more of work and then I get to spend Christmas hosting my family, and then I get more vacation after that, and really, life isn’t bad at all. (If you ignore the news, easier said than done.)

Thanksgiving dinner was lovely. We met Louie’s family and some of their friends at the Whittemore House for a buffet, and enjoyed several hours of eating and conversation. It was a little sad not to have leftovers, but I think Christmas will be enough of that.

We met our friends Michael and Heather at Pere Marquette. It was sunny but very cold. We hiked about 3.5 miles and then went to the Old Bakery Beer Company for lunch.

I snapped this picture of the house getting home from a wedding yesterday (I did play one gig over the “break”). While we were eating dinner some young girls stopped by to ask if we needing our snow shoveled so we paid them a little to do so. One shoveled off the porch edges which wasn’t necessary at all but we don’t like to micromanage 🙂
Anyway, I’m doing laundry and probably going to pickle some cranberries now. Later we are hitting up the old house and then eating dinner out somewhere in the old neighborhood, and then back to work tomorrow. How has your Thanksgiving been?