Today is the last day of November. It is the end of a month during which each day I blogged about something I was thankful for.
Each day—what I chose and the link to the corresponding blog post.
1 My cat
2 No more election campaigning
3 Being able to afford to buy food
9 Days off
10 Being able to go on cruises (on occasion)
11 Hummus
12 Comp tickets to the Symphony
13 New clothes
14 Chris
15 My students
17 Tivo
18 Family
19 Women
20 Having a wedding free weekend
23 Vacation
24 My health
25 A wonderful, bountiful Thanksgiving dinner with dear friends
26 Not being forced to go Black Friday shopping
27 Living in a small, easy to clean, house
28 Being in good enough shape to exercise for over 2 1/2 hours
29 Cookies
So here I am at the end. I have one more day to do…today I am thankful that I was able to work with my first trainer, Joe. He inspired me to lose weight and get in shape, much more so than I could have thought. I mean, really, a year ago I was hardly the sort of person who voluntarily ran around the park twice (7.5 miles) or went to Bikram Yoga where the point is to sweat for 90 minutes. But here we are, and it’s all thanks to Joe. THANK YOU JOE!
So how was the month then? Since each day I had to think of a specific thing to be thankful for, I have been reminded repeatedly of how lucky I am to have everything I have in my life. It’s a good life! Sometimes I complain or feel like a loser, but this month has helped remind me that I have so much to be thankful for.