I’ve been a union member for a long time. Currently I’m a member of the AFM Local 2-197, which is the musician’s union here, as well as a member of the SEIU Local 1, which is the union I belong to for my adjunct teaching. Unions certainly don’t solve all the problems in the world, and certainly many of the union jobs I play should pay more than they do, but being in a union is still better than not being in one, and we definitely have the labor movement to thank for so many things many take for granted, things like weekends (though as a musician, that isn’t a thing for us) and ending work on time and getting paid for overtime and more. So, Happy Labor Day!
I’m taking today off from teaching, ostensibly because everybody wants to have barbecues or cookouts on Labor Day and nobody wants violin lessons, but it’s a gloomy rainy day and nobody wants anything really. It’s my last day off before the craziness of September really hits.
I know you are all wondering, how did my first week back after surgery go? Pretty well. The first few days were the hardest and then I was super happy I had taken Saturday totally off again and really got to rest some more. Yesterday I had the first rehearsal for something since before, and it went okay too, though I realized I cannot yet move while playing in the way I might want to. My incisions are healing well, but the stuff on the inside is still healing and that’s what I still need to be careful of. I have been frustrated sleeping sometimes because I can’t yet lie comfortably on my stomach but I really want to sometimes. But all in all, everything is going well. I’m glad to be back to teaching again, and I am looking forward to a bit of a busy September.
Things that are happening: chamber music concert with friends, starting up college teaching this week, starting up before school classes NEXT week, and then adding two weeks of a musical at the Fox the following week. Once that’s done, I think October will be a bit less hectic…I have never played a Fox show while doing the early morning classes, and while I’m excited about it, I know it will require more coffee than I usually drink–I’ll be getting home between 10:30 and 11 (depends on the length of the show) and then getting up to be at the school to teach by 7:15 am. It’s only two weeks though, and only 6 days of doing both so I’m sure I’ll manage. There is a bit of dancing/choreography for the show, so if you go (Ain’t Too Proud at the Fox) look for the musicians onstage at the end!
Louie has been doing great things around the house lately, or I should say, outside. He has dug a few drains to help our house and garage stay drier. He has done a ton of yard work as I sit inside, recuperating, learning Norwegian or Spanish on Duolingo, and reading. He has also taken over my usual house chores such as laundry and grocery shopping, though hopefully not much longer. He has been invaluable to me during the last few weeks and I am so grateful to him for his assistance, love, and patience. (He doesn’t even read here!)
I’ve been catching up on my music reviews as well the past week. I write reviews for the American String Teacher Journal. Every few months I get a half dozen or so pieces in the mail (this totally varies) and I am supposed to write a review of them for the journal. I tend to leave them in a pile and ignore them until I’m right up against a deadline and then I quickly sit down and write a few and it really isn’t a big deal. I’m trying to clear out my pile (two down this month, two more remaining) by the end of September, which should be easy enough. It’s quite fun to see all the music being published and getting to have my say, and of course it’s always great to see my writing in print. (It is a volunteer position, though I get to keep the music.)
In honor of starting teaching my college students this week, let me share this tweet.