Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s day used to be so fun in elementary school!  I remember making large decorative envelopes or boxes for my classmates to put valentines into.  We would have wonderful parties and then come home with 30 valentines from our class!  As we grew older that became less fun and it turned into a holiday about whether or not you were dating someone.  What a stupid idea!  Valentine’s day should purely be about sugar, chocolate, and friends.


Of course here I am, a married lady, preaching about Valentine’s day.  Obviously I expect everyone to be coupled off, and now that I am married I naturally have tons of advice for you and assume that the only way to be happy is to be married as well.

Since I work late Tuesdays, Chris and I went out for dinner last night.  We went to Eleven Eleven Mississippi for dinner.  I had been teaching all afternoon, though many of my students had to cancel due to the snow—only a few came, those who live nearby (we got 2 to 4 inches of snow throughout the late afternoon/evening).  We didn’t have too far to travel for dinner, so that was good.  I had the spinach salad, the scallops, and we split the tiramisu cake and a bottle of red wine.  Chris had steak with crab, which was delicious.  The restaurant was busy enough for a Monday, and frankly I’m glad not to be dealing with all the crowds on the official day!

I participated in a couple of blog Valentine’s Day swap type things.  You can see them in my side bar. 

What do I have today?  A workout with Mike followed by 5 hours of teaching.  Woo hoo, lucky me!

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