Question: are you familiar with the saying “March comes in like a lion, but out like a lamb?” Answer in the comments!
Okay, so things are busy here, as usual: gigs are heating back up, lots of Lent and Easter stuff happening, oddly a few new music concerts, and travel planning…because now we are going to NORWAY in late May/early June.
Louie is presenting at a conference, and we are taking advantage to visit Norway. I had actually been planning a different trip to New Mexico/Colorado, so I had to change gears, cancel some reservations, etc, and now I’m fully on board with our new planning. I was a little stressed at first, because I am not that great with change, but once I got my bearings, realized the planning is the same except it’s like, farther away, and started on my research…I’m so excited.
It is worth noting that is it much more expensive planning an international trip rather than a domestic trip with lots of camping. But luckily Louie’s work will reimburse parts of our trip (the conference lodgings, his plane ticket) and that does make it more reasonable.
Otherwise, I’ve been teaching, practicing, scheduling, looking forward to Spring Break. We are getting away for a weekend around Spring Break (unfortunately Spring Break, yes, always must be capitalized is actually two different weeks in our household, hence the weekend trip) to the Garden of the Gods area in Illinois. We’ve reserved an AirBnb overlooking the Ohio River and look forward to getting some hiking in, hopefully with good weather and not like, constant rain or something. Who knows!
So that’s where I’ve been. We’ve also been doing some nice stuff: Great Artists Series Concert, had a movie day where we watched TWO MOVIES in one day, hunkering down during an ice storm, enjoying 80 degree weather on the same day one week later, and more.

I heard about and then made the “famous” tiktok tomato feta pasta. Google it, make it, enjoy it.
Have you been to Norway? We are doing Bergen, Balestrand, and Oslo. Any suggestions are welcome!
Just wanted to say yes I had heard the saying about March!