Joy #reverb10

Prompt: Ordinary joy. Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?

(December 27 prompt)


I love this prompt as it really speaks to my outlook on life.  Like the earlier post about a sense of wonder, finding joy in ordinary moments is a similar concept.  I find joy in many small things.

If I had all day to ponder this prompt, I’m sure I’d come up with tons of ideas, but right now I am thinking of winter smells and sights (fireplaces/snow), Christmas decorations and lights, and children playing the violin.  But I’m having trouble thinking of joyful ordinary moments—hmmm….

In all honesty, what brings me the most joy is my adorable cat.  She is so warm, furry, squashy, and pleasant natured that it is impossible not to feel joyous when I see her sleeping on the corner of the bed or rolling around on the kitchen floor.  I know that’s not one moment, but many, throughout each day.  It is amazing how much a pet adds to my life!


I call her Fatty—and this picture represents a joyful ordinary moment in our lives together.