Things nationally are bad (and internationally), but I figured, I should pop on and say hello on this sunny Monday.
Louie and I have attended quite a few events in the past few weeks: we saw two plays, one at the St Louis Repertory Theatre–Athena, and another at the Marcelle this past weekend by the Upstream Theatre, Pictures from a Revolution. Both were terrific.

We saw the symphony play with James Ehnes, and we saw two Great Artists Series concerts at Wash U: Emmanuel Pahud with Alessio Bax, and last night, Stephen Hough.

We also went for a hike one day, and I went to a needle felting class and felted a little bear.

Teaching has been good, but busy. And this week I have two performances and three rehearsals, so there’s a lot going on.

The cats enjoy the cold weather because it means cuddles and lots of radiator time. It’s been a bit warmer the past few days and I think they must be confused! “Why aren’t these hot metal chairs hotter?”

Muriel just does what she wants, and I’m so jealous.

Seen at a church near our house. We walked up to the Loop for dinner on Saturday night, Thai food at Fork and Stix, so yummy!
Anyway, that’s the quick rundown on me. Mentally, not too stressed, but I have moments of sheer panic and worry: Louie and I waffle between whether we need to get OUT and what that would mean, or whether we need to just take some deep breathes. I’m heartened by seeing protests, and I find that contacting my (useless, but still) senators and representative helps my mental state. Do what you have to do, but don’t give up.
And go see a play! We really have been enjoying it!