My title is a bit of an exaggeration as I’ve been working plenty, but this morning was my last day of Spring Break at my early morning job. I believe there are 26 more days of getting up early, starting tomorrow. This post will be interspersed with pictures of the cats, taken by our lovely cat sitter while we were gone.

This month has been a challenge! We had a nice break and a good time visiting with my parents in Tennessee, but otherwise it’s been a lot. You’d think Spring Break would have allowed for some catchup but it went by too quickly and there was too much to do. I’ve had a lot of frustration with trying to give things away on the Buy Nothing group and so I’ll probably just have to do a large donation elsewhere. I did get my taxes mostly done, which is always a big thing, and I’m still mostly up to date on all my teaching responsibilities and paperwork. I’m waiting for festival dates and times still so I can hire the pianist, which is also always a stressful thing. But I can choose NOT to be stressed about it, and say, there will be somebody. (deep breathes)

The end of the school year is near though! And summer is upon us soon, and I’m so looking forward to it. We are trying to work out a trip to visit various family members in NYC and Philly and it has been a challenge, but I’m sure we will get an itinerary worked out eventually. It’s starting to feel like herding cats. Except minus the cute and cuddly part!

Summer work will include three shows at the Muny, I’m excited to say! Plus I’m sure weddings and lots of teaching, as always.

But there is plenty to do before then, and it’s always a balance between looking forward to things and wishing away time, right? I have fallen down on the job of getting anything done other than getting through the days, and maybe that’s okay. We did go to a show at Jazz St Louis Thursday night, but didn’t manage to get ourselves to the Great Artists Series concert last night due to a variety of factors…I think the series is terrific, but maybe there are too many concerts all in a row. Or I was just having a bad weekend.

I’ve got a lot going on this week, with services to play on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for various churches. Most are places I play every year, which is always nice (I feel old saying that, ha!). Anyway, it’ll be a good week, hopefully.

Is this a typical thing to say in Finland?
How is your March going? Does it feel like it just started but yet, it is almost over? What a time to be alive!
LOVE the cat sitter photos! That’s the most active I’ve seen them!! I might need to hire the cat sitter to entertain our cats while I work…