Weather here is crazy. Warm, cold, ice, snow, warm, cold, etc. We had all the seasons from Wednesday to Friday of last week, according to one of my college students. I argued that we didn’t see summer (if we had there wouldn’t still be ice around). In any case, the weather keeps us on our toes, doesn’t it? Today is supposed to be warm by afternoon, but then snow is in the forecast again for later in the week.
We’ve had some fun activities this weekend–dinner at Louie’s mom’s on Friday night (a takeout beer dinner from the Whittemore House) and then we went to Jazz at the Bistro last night with our friends Ben and Roz. We had pizza with them beforehand, and then hung out again afterwards since the second Jazz show was sold out and we couldn’t stay. The show was great: Christian McBride on bass, Benny Green on piano, and Gregory Hutchinson on drums. I would have watched it again if it wasn’t sold out (if there are tickets available for the second show you can trade in for new seats, no additional charge.) Tonight we are going to see a play at the Rep called Stick Fly: they sent a code for discount tickets which were a really good deal and I didn’t want to pass it up. It’s nice getting out and about again.

I have tomorrow morning off from my school job due to President’s Day, but this week we have a big concert on Wednesday. The school is going “masks recommended” starting Tuesday rather than “masks required” so it’s a little stressful. No, there is no vaccine mandate for any employees or students or anyone. They do have protocols in place to put masks back in if the number of COVID cases gets above a certain percentage at any one school, but seeing as we teach students from 5 different schools at a 6th school, it doesn’t really make that much sense to me. The COVID cases are only known because of self-reporting, as well, so I suspect they are underreported. Oh well! We are told there are resources to help with our anxiety and that N95/KN95 masks protect the wearer…
You might ask, how do I feel comfortable going to shows and such but not being at work with unmasked people. The shows ask for vaccine proof or a negative test, and people are required to wear masks. The jazz shows do serve food and drink, but I can choose to keep my mask on, and they require masks and testing, which means that people have had to make extra effort to be there and aren’t likely to show up fully symptomatic, as they might be for school. Also, if I’m going to catch COVID, as I’ve said, I want it to be from something fun. We should be safe at our jobs, at our schools, etc.
I canned some pickled beets with beets from the CSA. I had to get a new canner to go with our induction stove, and the awesome thing is that it’s a steam canner, so it uses way less water.

I’m doing a practice contest with my students starting on March 1. I’ve been working out the details all week, and I got it sent out (well, scheduled to send for tomorrow). I am hopeful it will encourage more practicing and be fun. In a nutshell, the students track their practicing until the end of the semester, and the top three practicers win automatic prizes. In addition, each student gets a “raffle ticket” for each 15 minutes they practice, and then I’ll do a drawing and pick three more winners. I don’t have the prizes yet but am planning on $10 gift certificates to a variety of places, some ice cream places, maybe target, that sort of thing. I think it will be really interesting to see how it goes and to see how much some students practice. It’s a good incentive as we head into contest/recital season. I’ve got several students doing Solo and Ensemble, and 12 students doing the NFMC Festival, and then probably a bunch playing on the recital at the end of April.
I’ve also been trying to get ahead on my summer planning, and setting up stuff for the summer/fall. This month doesn’t seem as busy as March/April look to be so I wanted to use my time to make plans for the future. I’m working out how I want the summer to look and how to streamline my teaching schedule so I’m teaching less time when I’m teaching less students. I think it’ll be the best summer yet as far as those things go.
How is your February going? Did you witness the ridiculous women’s figure skating final night of crying?