New House

We made it through the move! It was a stressful time leading up to it, but the actual moving day was easy and smooth. Trick: hire movers.

The day started rainy and we were nervous about having all our things moved in the rain, but by the time the truck arrived it had stopped raining. Since we aren’t getting rid of the old house yet (planning to do some fixing up first before dealing with it) we didn’t have the added pressure of having to get absolutely everything out and clean as well…I’ve done plenty of those moves in the past!

The movers were great: quick and professional. The whole move took just over 4 hours and then it was time to start unpacking! And (other than some gigs) that is what I’ve been doing for the past week. I’ve spent hours unpacking, moving boxes around, all of those fun things, and I have to say, the house is better and more amazing than I even thought it would be.

One of the more stressful parts of moving day was moving the cats. While the movers were at the old house, we put them in the bathroom to wait. Then we tried to load them into their carriers. Muriel went easily, but Miles was doing that cat thing where he became basically liquid and it was very challenging to get him into his carrier!

I drove the cats over ahead of the truck and got them settled into a basement room. Muriel seemed thrilled that we hadn’t arrived at the vet, but Miles was terrified and frantically looking for a hiding place in the room I placed them.

After the move was done Muriel was ready and eager to explore. I’m not sure if she is brave or stupid, but she couldn’t wait to get out and see where she was. Miles needed some time to hide, so we let him do his thing, and by evening he was venturing out a little bit.

By now the cats are super comfy here and chasing each other all over. We got a few new cat trees and scratchers for them to use as well, so it’s basically cat heaven.

One of the two new couches I ordered has been delivered and it’s fantastic! I read mixed things about Joybird, but their couches looked awesome and comfortable, and I hoped that the delivery issues people complained about were pandemic related, and it turned out well. Our couch was delivered during the week they said it would be, and the color, texture, and feel is amazing.

There’s still work to be done unpacking, particularly in the kitchen. We had a painter do a lot of the walls, but we decided to do a few things in the kitchen ourselves, mostly because we plan to remodel in the next few years. There is an amazing pantry, but it was this blue color that I didn’t care for, so we finally finished painting it white yesterday. I would spend today unpacking the kitchen and getting it set up, but I have a rehearsal and a concert, so that will have to wait, though I’ll manage a bit this morning.

I start teaching here tomorrow though, so I’ve done a lot of the office set up.

This was from a few days ago: it’s even more set up now, but I will get a new picture later.

I feel lucky in that all my students have agreed to come to have lessons at my new house. It’s not terribly far, but for some of them it will add 10 to 15 minutes each way. I am looking forward to getting back to work–I told Louie yesterday that if I weren’t starting up this week I don’t know if I ever could again: I enjoy teaching and love my students, but I’ll tell you, it’s been nice to just be doing stuff around the house all day and playing some gigs.

However, it’ll be back to teaching, but there is just 7-8 weeks left until summer vacation. Less for my college students, more for my private students, and everything else in between. There’s a lot happening between now and then: NFMC Festival, my studio recital, school concert, college recital, Holy week services (SO many!), several concerts and performances on my end (more being added all the time, gah!) and some visits from family. It’ll be a busy time, but nothing too terrible for the most part. I can’t believe it is almost April!

Miles enjoying the gas fireplace. Or more likely, wondering why on earth the hoomans are lighting a fire inside the house.

I’ve got laundry going right now and I do want to get some work in the kitchen, so I’d better go. What have you been up to lately?

2 thoughts on “New House”

  1. Congrats! Your new house looks beautiful – can’t wait to see what else you guys do with it!

    After a several-years hiatus, I recently started teaching again…a weird feeling after not doing it for so many years!

    Good luck with everything. Hopefully you get some rest time in there, as well as time to enjoy your new home:)

  2. I’m so glad you got the cats moved… it’s hard on them so I’m glad they are settled and are enjoying it. I love the pic of Miles in front of the fire.

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