Friday night fun

Chris and I wanted to go out for a nice dinner last night.  We were trying to decide between Eleven Eleven and Franco (two of our favorites) and since I had just seen Tom (owner of Franco) at the gym that morning, I figured that was a sign.  (He works out with another trainer, and we seem to have similar hours.)

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I wanted to wear that dress, since I bought it a few weeks ago but it had just been too hot.  Since it was actually UNDER 80 degrees last night, it seemed like the perfect night to wear it. 

I didn’t take too many pictures though—I should have asked Chris to take a full body shot of my dress to show you, but oh well, next time.  We enjoyed some Beef Tartare, and I had the Caesar Salad and Grilled Trout.  I always feel a bit lower class ordering the Caesar Salad (I order it a lot) but I just love it.  At Franco you can get it with anchovies, which is really good!  Though, when the waitress asked if I would like it with anchovies, she didn’t tell me it would cost extra.  Oh well, they were really very good.  Chris had the NY Strip Steak, though he requested something other than fries as a side (I believe he got a saffron risotto which was phenomenal.) 


(Trout.  I should have retaken this as the lighting is terrible)

After our dinner we went to the International Tap House in Soulard to meet some friends.  I was a little overdressed, but I think everybody appreciated it.  Since I had already been drinking wine, I was hesitant to start drinking beer, but I decided a peach lambic was the ideal compromise.

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So here’s where it gets really ODD.  In the background of the second picture (Kyle—I believe he’s been on the blog before.) you can see a BUNNY.  And that’s Will in the red shirt.  I like to tease him for being a redneck since he is from NC.  I find it ironic because I am from SC (and a smaller town to boot, I’m SURE) but he is never terribly amused.  Sorry, Will!


Evidently the bunny’s owner was deaf, and this was a companion bunny.  Seriously weird.  People would stop by to pet the animal or write on a paper to converse with the woman, and then she would sign at the bunny, or just generally.  It was…a bit odd. 

I didn’t even realize I had a picture of the bunny until this morning.  So pleased.  And disturbed.  St Louis people, have you seen this woman before? 

Rest and ice

Part I:

That’s what I’m supposed to do to my leg (right leg, near the ankle) for the next few days.  Rest and ice.  Compression and elevation optional.  No running.  I guess I need to somehow embrace the elliptical machine for the next few days.  I need to lose THREE more pounds to win the contest.  Yes, it’s still going on.  Yes, somehow, against all odds, I’m still winning.  (Does little happy dance)


This has been a fun week though, besides not being able to run.  Even though Chris gave me a hard time for going out with friends a bunch when he was gone, since we’ve been back we’ve been out every night!  We’ve been to Pi Pizzeria, 33 Wine Bar and The Royale, and tonight are having dinner at Franco and then meeting friends at the International Tap House.


We went to the gym together—I was working out with Mike and Chris was just spying on me (he claims that’s not what he was doing, but he made fun of my burpee form later so I know better.)  On the way home we saw this truck.


I was delighted. 

Part II:

One of the fun things about getting married is the gifts and showers, right?  My sisters are throwing me a shower at the end of the month and the invites are already out (and ladies, let’s rsvp, okay? Leslie is starting to worry…).  AND I’ve gotten (excuse me, I mean we?) a couple gifts.  I’m so excited (is it weird to show gift pictures on my blog before I send the thank you notes?  Rest assured thank you notes are forthcoming…we bought an obscene amount of thank you notes at Target today.)

I won’t say who the gifts are from, but the givers know, and I am loving everything so far.  You guys are amazing.

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First gift from C & B, a beautiful wooden cutting board!  And a cocktail shaker, sweet…now I need a good key-lime martini recipe to make in it.  Anyone??

Chris heads to Vegas tomorrow for his "bachelor party".  I use the quotes because it’s still so far away from our wedding, but he is meeting up with 6 of his good friends and they plan to do a lot of golfing and other Vegas style activities.  I told him to NOT feel like he had to call, and in fact, to not call.  I’m awesome that way.  You’d think I was really low maintenance and not actually crazy. 

Remember to "like" Hannahviolin on facebook

And on a more serious note, my friends are still in critical need of your thoughts and prayers.  Here’s the link to Andrew and Alicia’s progress.  I think of them all the time. 


Summer seems to be baby season.  My friend Jen just had a baby, and he is ADORABLE.

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Okay, well I don’t have any other baby examples at this time.  But the other thing I was going to mention is that people keep asking ME about babies.  Such as, when are we planning to have them, and (my favorite) how many. 

In the past month, at least three GOOD friends (not strangers, which is actually more common) have brought up that topic.  I suppose with my impending nuptials, people can no longer ask "when are you getting married?" so they have moved onto the next logical step.  Babies!  WHEEEEEE!

Let me answer the questions right here and right now.  Firstly, I have always wanted to have children someday.  I thought two or three would be really nice, since I enjoyed being one of three siblings.  (Looks around awkwardly…).  Yes…I am actually one of four siblings.  This is where the trouble comes in.  My youngest sister was born when I was 13.  She is a delightful human being, and I am extremely proud of all she has accomplished so far in her life and know she will go far and hopefully be able to support us all in our old age.  But I saw firsthand the incredible sacrifice and responsibility of raising a child, much more so than if I had been younger and perhaps less impressionable.  So now my answer is that maybe I will have one child.  Someday.  You know, when I grow up.  And can afford to hire more help.

I don’t know how people do it.  I heard on the Today Show yesterday that raising a child costs approximately a quarter of a million dollars.  I am not sure if that includes college, probably not.  Plus the time, the lost sleep, never again being able to truly let go and do something for yourself.  Then, people tell me I look 25…I’d completely lose my youth.  I’ve worked SO hard to get in shape.  I’d probably lose all that.  Yes, those are incredibly selfish reasons (sorry, Mom) and the fact remains that I might actually be a good parent and bring an exemplary child into the world, one who would be a true asset to society, perhaps even cure cancer.  But more likely they would be somewhat neurotic, lazy, and decide to become a musician.  And plenty of people bring children into the world that SHOULDN’T, and for them I believe having children is selfish because they are simply burdening society.  Selfish if you do, selfish if you don’t.

So that’s the answer.  Perhaps someday we will have a child.  And I know it isn’t so easy as that, that often when people decide to have a child they can’t.  Yet they still get asked those questions—when are you having children? 

It boils down to this.  Just as it was annoying to be constantly asked, "when are you and Chris getting married", I anticipate it will be equally annoying to be constantly asked when we are having children.   Obviously it takes us a long time to do anything, so we’ll probably get around to it in our 80’s.  Ultimately…it’s none of your business.


And don’t get me wrong.  I love children.  I teach them to play the violin every day.  Then I send them on their way!  *evil laughter* 

ImportantI started a facebook page for my blog, come "like" it if you haven’t already.  You’ll get all my blog posts right in your newsfeed (and if we are facebook friends, in a few days or weeks you won’t get them from me anymore).

Facebook Page

I made a facebook page for Hannahviolin (finally?).  Here’s the link, not sure if this works. Come "like" me so I feel like I have friends.

I am testing out a couple things here.  Most of what I do online is total trial and error, just so you know. 


(From last summer.  I think my arms are more muscly now!  Spellcheck doesn’t think muscly is a word, but we all know better.)

More updates on my friends Alicia and Andrew.  They are taking donations.

Urban Heat Island

So far the excessive heat warning is still set to expire at 7 pm this evening…keep your fingers crossed.  Yes, it will still be hot, but I suppose not excessively so?  Yesterday on my way to work (late afternoon) they were warning that temperatures were something like 103 with heat index of 115.  CRAZY.


Did you read that?  URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT.  I feel like they are just making stuff up at this point.  Except it exists on Wikipedia so it must be true.


Either way I’m not running today because my leg is very sore on the side of the calf (I am not an anatomy expert so I can’t tell you the name of the muscle or whatnot) so I figure a day off is in order.  I haven’t taken a day off since I returned home from Chicago.  I probably should have taken Monday off rather than walking for 4 miles, but oh well.  *spoiler alert* You know the end of the HP 7.2 movie when Neville is limping around due to injuries?  I walk that way a lot, especially when I first get up or when I’ve been sitting for awhile, or after a long run or particularly tough workout.  Is that wrong? 

In addition to the ridiculous heat, it can make you angry (this is definitely true.)  Here’s an article about the heat wave in Oklahoma causing heat rage for people!  I think it must be like road rage but far sweatier.  I am so over the heat.  I am tired of the oppressive feeling you get walking outside, and I’m tired of feeling like I am going to throw up or pass out when I am trying to run outside. 

Here’s some other interesting stuff I’ve read recently (and likely posted to facebook):

Scientists Suggest Red Wine Helps Prevent Sunburn

"Pumpkin Pasties" from the Unofficial HP Cookbook (I love you, serious eats!)

How I feel about "adulthood"

And a few entries from the "blogosphere" that I starred in my reader:

Life Lessons

I was trying to remember not to run

How to handle praise

All right, dear readers.  That’s it for this morning. 

thoughts about violin, teaching, running, life.