The GRD continues?

So my weekend plans have been sidetracked by yet another cold.  I guess seeing over 20 new kids in a week might have been too much for my immune system.  Luckily this strain is not as debilitating as my last cold (just under 3 weeks ago 🙁 ), but it’s still causing me problems, particularly in my half-marathon training…I should be doing a long run today, but, according to the internet, if you have a fever or congestion below the neck (I have a bit of a chest cough), then you should not run. I think I can make it up on Tuesday, if I’m feeling up to par then.  This first half marathon will be just a race to complete, not for any sort of time goal.

First half marathon, you say?  Why yes, in fact I have registered for the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon in Phoenix, Arizona in January.  My sister lives there and we have decided to do the race together!  (She may be doing the full marathon though.)  So my current plan is to suffer through this first race, and then continue training/running.  And after that half marathon, there’s one back in the Lou in April, so there is absolutely no shortage of running goals for me to have.

As far as teaching goes, I am excited for my orchestra class tomorrow.  Last week I spent the time doing scales and review pieces.  This week I will have some new music for the kids to play.  I’ve chosen a few easy pieces, one or two challenging ones, plus several Christmas tunes.  The students range from third to eighth grade, but they all know each other from last year and have a good rapport.

I am not settling into the classes at my other school quite as well.  I do not teach private lessons there, just Suzuki group classes, and it will just take me longer to relate to all the students.   The students really loved their previous teacher and get upset when I don’t do things exactly the same way.  That should pass with time, as they get accustomed to my style.  The previous teacher was really good, luckily, though he seemed to use a very rewards-oriented approach to teaching, which is something that I am trying to avoid.  I think I’ll have to ease them out of that, rather than go cold turkey…

At the moment I am trying to decide what to do with a chart that tracked each child’s progress with a star (for completion). This was a nice chart last year’s teacher made, and most of the students are the same.  I found the chart in the storage and brought it out to show them (a mistake).  Of course those who were ahead were excited by this, and those who were behind were a bit downtrodden.  I suggested that we make a new chart, and to regain stars one would have to play the songs in the group together.  (My understanding had been that originally it was a solo performance, so this was much easier).  I thought this would be a fun way to review, in addition, I would want to hear all the pieces anyway to make sure that the kids hadn’t forgotten everything over the summer.  Long story short, one of the children has a mini-breakdown and spends the rest of class crying.  (He was “ahead” of the others, and I believe was worried he would lose that “status.”)  Now the question is:  do I just forget the chart entirely?  I think yes, as it’s just not worth the hassle.  I would rather focus our goals on things other than learning new songs…but will that upset the OTHER kids?  I feel like it’s a lose-lose situation right now.  Maybe I won’t mention it at all in tomorrow’s class and just see what happens.


Cayman Islands/Cozumel, Mexico

Just an update post–the last 🙁 from our cruise vacation in August.  I got the waterproof camera photos back so I wanted to post a few here.

The first few are from our jet ski tour in the Cayman Islands.  We went to Stingray City, which is not a real city–it’s a place where the water is very shallow and tons of stingrays hang around.  With the help of the guide, we were able to pick them up, hold them, and “kiss” them, which is supposed to be seven years of good luck!

On the jetski. Our guide had found some starfish for us to hold. Not the most flattering photo ever, but the best we had.
Holding a stingray!
My turn to "kiss' the stingray. I felt very silly!
Chris's turn. That was our guide on the right hand side. He was great!

The next few pictures are from our day in Cozumel, Mexico.  We went parasailing and spent the day at Nachi Cocum beach club.  I still dream about this day!  It was so beautiful, and the parasailing was fun UNTIL I started to get really nauseous.  Oops.

On the boat, getting ready to go up in the air!
Leaving the boat behind...
We took this ourselves from in the air.
Our view...the camera doesn't nearly do it justice
Safely back on the boat!
Relaxing in the pool after lunch.

There you go.  That’s the last of the photos I wanted to show off from our Excellent Cruise Vacation of 2010.  If you just happened upon this post I encourage you to look for my other posts of the cruise (Carnival Legend) from August.  If you’ve been following along the whole time, I hope you enjoyed it!

Things I love about teaching

I love that one of my students at the Ballet School has dyed her hair blue.  It’s dirty blonde with blue underneath and is wonderful!  It’s the sort of thing I used to joke about in high school but never had the nerve to do.

I love when a new student is so excited to learn to play violin that she practices every day for a week.  I love it more when she keeps practicing like that.

I love when the student has that “light bulb moment” when they really understand (thanks to Susan Kempter for the phrase)!

I love when a child gives me a drawing they made of me!

I love when I finish a long day of teaching and finally get to let my guard down and relax.  Today I taught 12 students.  Whew!

Tuesday night randomness

Just a couple random thoughts:

I have now taught over 20 new students in the past week.  I used to get nervous about new students.  Not anymore!  I guess experience is the key 😉

I ran three miles today–still not all in a row (meaning I take walk breaks) but it was easy.  I could have gone longer.  Which is good…as my half marathon is looming.  Due to various things (vacation, illness) I am behind on my training.  My goal is to finish, that is all.  I’ve only been running since May or June, so this will be an awesome accomplishment.

Sometimes my cat is so cute she makes me cry!

I got our waterproof camera photos back today (from the cruise).  Some of the pictures are great!  I will be posting them soon, just not tonight.  Too tired to deal with it.

I found out one of my students and his family are going on a cruise in November.  It’s a NCL cruise with a very similar itinerary to mine.  SO JEALOUS!  I know they will have a fantastic time.

Magic markers

The music stores are always trying to give me folders.  Actually, I need to pick some up from my nearby music store, St. Louis Strings.  But, the one that is closest to my school out in St. Peters had given me a stack of folders, and today I handed them out to my students to use.  I asked them to write their names on them, and since I teach in the music/art room, magic markers were plentiful.  After the students started on the task, I realized the marker was going to smear on the glossy folder.  I told the students, “Write your names, then DON’T TOUCH IT until it dries.”  But it was too hard to follow this instruction, too tempting to touch the shiny marker ink. Before I knew it…magic marker smears EVERYWHERE, fingers covered, one girl had marker on her face, the papers I had handed out (to put in the folders) were ruined.  I had to send them all to the bathroom to wash off.  Keep in mind, these were third graders!

What did I learn?  It only takes a few seconds to be completely covered in magic marker.

New year…

I’m exhausted.  I’m just going to say it.  Maybe it’s because I subbed this morning for the SIUE program and had to teach from 8:30 to 2:00, then ran over 4 miles.  Maybe it’s just been a long week.

The SIUE kids were a treat, as usual.  I coached the tour group plus 4 private students.  The tour group is making a recording soon which will include Sleigh Ride and Pachelbel Canon, the two pieces the regular teacher asked me to work on.  I should tell you, as I told the students, I have an unhealthy obsession with Sleigh Ride.  I have loved it for a VERY long time, and really enjoy playing it and listening to it.  I feel robbed if I don’t get to play it in a particular year. This particular arrangement was for three violin parts (with piano) and is a bit tricky.  They were doing a pretty good job already (fairly new to the group), and it’s a really nice arrangement.  No wood block though…I did try to make it work with my feet–I was wearing good shoes for that.

Let me backtrack–when I coach the tour group, which is made up of the advanced violin students from the SIUE Suzuki program, I have learned that I need loud shoes to occasionally stomp the beat.  I can lead with my violin, I can lead with my body, and I can stomp while playing the violin.  What I cannot do is conduct.  Not that it matters because they don’t really follow a conductor.  They do follow another violinist, at least someone who is jumping around like crazy and turning red in the face, and also stomping her feet.  I can stomp while playing, which I find very helpful.

Other than today…ah, what a week!  I had 8 new students at Good Shepherd, and they were each enjoyable.  I would classify them all as ranging from beginner to intermediate (few) but we will improve!  Many of them I can tell already are unique, creative, gifted students, and I think it will be a good year.  The same with the Child of God students, though my experience there is in classes, so it will take me longer to get to know the students.  They are well behaved and polite, in addition to being curious and energetic (which takes a little away from the polite but it’s okay–our room is separated from the other classrooms).

Now I’m recuperating before I go to a friend’s birthday gathering.  Tomorrow is two hours of wedding/cocktail hour all by my lonesome, and then we are back to the week.  Wish me luck 🙂

thoughts about violin, teaching, running, life.