Recovering from Holy Week

It’s been a crazy time. Unpacking, work, decorating, shopping, work, trying to get fresh air and enjoy the spring…it’s always a crazy time of year.

Holy Week was insane this time: I ended up with an extra gig fairly last minute and between that and all my teaching it was exhausting, but in retrospect, fun and satisfying. I played at 4 different churches and 5 different services! Probably overdid it, but I’m still here.

The cats enjoy open windows. There are screens as well.

We are working on getting our house even more in order. I won’t say I’m done unpacking yet, but I’m getting really close. We’ve gotten quite a few new things, but that’s slowing down soon. We just have a couple more rugs we need, some little lamps, and maybe a light fixture, and then we are really doing well. I’m sure there will be other things overtime, but as far as initially getting the house how we want it…we are almost there. Today the last of the chairs we’d ordered for the living room arrived, and I’ll share pictures with you later.

Teaching at my house has been going really well. Sometimes I ask myself why I even leave: it’s a wonderful place to teach and it’s so nice just to be at home to work! But then I go and play with other people and that’s a lot of fun, to interact with colleagues.

People ask if we are getting settled. Yes, but I still feel like I’m on some sort of vacation in this house. It feels like home, but nicer. I pinch myself pretty often to be so lucky to have purchased this place! The cats enjoy it too.

Muriel is working on her murder ideas. Step one, hide on top step. Step two, trip up Hannah. Step three…surely not profit?
Muriel will go anywhere she can!
Miles and Muriel cudding on a chair (facebook marketplace find!)
Muriel even got into the dishwasher one day. Silly cat.

Just some updated cat photos for you! Life will settle down here once school is done, but until then, it’s crazy (as always). I’m really looking forward to this weekend: Augustin Hadelich is playing a solo violin recital as part of the Great Artists Series at Wash U. I also have a fair amount of free time, and we are going out to dinner on Saturday night with friends and then going to Jazz St Louis. AND Friday and Monday my morning job is off school so I may finally get to sleep in a little bit. It’s a happy time!

I’m trying to manage my stress and remind myself that the house is terrific, that it doesn’t need to be perfect yet or ever, and it’s okay if my garage is full of boxes (hey, if you need any and you are local, let me know!) but there is so much work…I can’t wait for vacation and for things to settle down a bit. Until then, I will sit on my velvet couches when possible and enjoy the windows and watching the cats!

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