I finished my early morning job! I still have to submit grades, but I’m going to do that right after I finish this post.
We had a very successful studio recital this past weekend. 21 students played, and I was proud of them all. There was a weird thing where there were three young boys running around making noise, climbing trees, and it seemed that they weren’t anybody’s there, but simply kids from the neighborhood (? which, if I had been smart and gotten a picture I would try to get them in trouble, because I found out afterwards that in addition to me, three other adults talked to them and asked them to please go further away). But it wasn’t terribly disruptive, and it definitely didn’t affect anyone’s enjoyment or performance.
Louie and I got out for a nice bike ride on Sunday. We drove out to the new Chain of Rocks park, and biked across the bridge there, the next bridge, and then on the levee for a bit and then headed back. It was windy and sunny, but not too hot yet, so an enjoyable afternoon.

It was a nice and relaxing weekend, honestly. Sunday was my first day off since Spring Break! I didn’t have anything going on other than the studio recital, so once that was done I was really relaxed. We watched “The Descendants” for our movie club, finished Killing Eve (that was actually before the weekend) and started on Shogun. We got a few things done around the house, though not as much as we probably should have (story of adulting, right?)
We missed all of the aurora stuff: the first night I didn’t know that you were supposed to go outside and take a picture even if you didn’t see anything–I had assumed that being in city we would have too much light pollution, and I supposed we might have, but who knows. The second night we tried a little but no luck, and no, we didn’t stay up late. I’m recovering from my early morning job so staying up past 11 is a real accomplishment.
But, we did see this lovely sunset on Sunday evening:

It may not be the northern lights, but a regular sunset can also be a pretty gorgeous event.