Weddings in Crystal City, MO

Saturday was a busy day!  Two weddings in Crystal City, MO, and then a rehearsal with Chamber Project St. Louis for our upcoming concert.  Crystal City is about 45 minutes south of where I live.  I had never been there, but the name made me think of the Wizard of Oz…not so much.  Crystal City was not sparkling, though it did have a nice Panera where we had coffee in between weddings.

(As you can see, I decided to use my retro camera app today again to make everything look a bit fancier!)

First:  Sacred Heart Catholic Church.


The Holy Family


Front of the Church


Organ Loft

The first wedding was for trio, the second for quartet.  In between we got coffee at Panera (also known as St. Louis Bread Company here).  I have been very careful to pack snacks for this sort of thing as to not be tempted by junk, so I had my coffee and a Luna Bar, which was tasty.  We had to bring our instruments in, of course, and several people commented on this.  One employee came over to ask questions about violin lessons for his girlfriend!  We couldn’t really help him though, since we were 45 minutes south…we just suggested to ask the local music store for recommendations.

It was strange to have two weddings so close to each other.  The second wedding was literally right down the street, and we only had 1 hour in between.  Great timing!!  The location was Grace Presbyterian Church.  I only took a couple of pictures here because I was tired.

Chandelier directly over where we were playing
It was a pretty small church


Evidently we were far enough from home that it was worth mentioning!


And after that, another Saturday’s weddings were done.  The bulk of “wedding season” is behind us, but there are still plenty left this year–more often it’s just one per weekend rather than two, three, or four.

I had about 30 minutes at home before I had to leave for Ravel and Mozart rehearsal–it was a nice way to spend a Saturday evening.