This summer we’ve been having a bike ride every weekend, for the most part. Today was a high of 80 degrees and overcast, which for those of you following at home, is insanely cool for July in St Louis. We loaded up the bikes and biked Grant’s Trail, which isn’t terribly shady but didn’t matter today: I didn’t even need my sunglasses! It was a lovely ride and I forgot to take even a single picture. My legs are getting stronger but my rear end was still sore by the end. We did about 16 miles round trip.
Right at the end we learned that Biden had dropped out of the race, and while I had been apprehensive about it and thought Biden was being railroaded, this gave me hope, and I hope you all feel that as well. We need some hope!
After that we got lunch and stopped by our old house to set out some things for bulk pickup. We are still in the process of clearing it out and fixing a few things up to put it on the market. Louie has been working on some trouble sections in the walls.

I’ve been playing Fiddler on the Roof and yesterday also had a lovely wedding out in Weldon Spring.

This is the onstage fiddle for the Fiddler on the Roof. It doesn’t make a sound but the actor actually does know how to play the violin!
I have a bunch of performances this week plus Gateway Festival Orchestra on the weekend as well as one wedding to play. Student wise it’s probably my lightest week of the summer: only 21 students! Things are winding down and soon we will be in Sweden! I’m sure I’ve mentioned, but we are going to Sweden, Finland, and Estonia soon, just Louie and I. I am super excited and looking forward to eating seafood and potatoes, along with who knows what else. I think it will be a lot of fun and really interesting.
Have any readers been to that part of the world? Have you done any biking recently or seen Fiddler on the Roof?