The best is yet to come


It’s almost time!  I am sitting around, digesting a delicious lunch from Blues City Deli.  I keep double checking my wedding "to do" list to make sure I’m not forgetting anything, but guess what?  I’m pretty much ready.  All I have to do yet is pack my overnight bag, and SHOW UP to various events.  Everything and everybody is in place, all vendors know when and where to be and what to do, the final counts are in, a really fancy dress is in my closet, the stockings are hung by the chimney with care…it’s almost go time!


And yet it’s NOT yet.  I have to wait until Monday.  Today is Friday. 

It’s FUN time though, for sure.  Our friends and relatives are converging on us now and over the next few days and it’s just wonderful!  In the past I’ve attended a fair amount of weddings, and I always wondered how the bride felt, how the couple felt, how on earth you could pull this sort of event together, how it would feel to have all the attention on you.

Answer:  Stressed, stressed, lots of organizational skills and advance planning, and AWESOME.

People keep asking, aren’t you excited?  Well, I’m getting there.  I’m getting pumped, but I’m worried, I’m panicking we’ve forgotten something important, I’m stressed over spending enough time with friends and family, I’m stressed over the fact that some of my jeans don’t fit (before a 7 day cruise, mind you), and I’m trying to stay relaxed so my skin stays awesome and my hair stays shiny.  Also I’m cooking dinner for 14 tomorrow night…that’s something I’m starting on soon.  (How do you cook dinner for 14?  Again, organizational skills and advance planning…there are also SIX tins of cookies thawing on my table.)

Also I just can’t believe it’s almost time!  It seems like it’s been so long since we got engaged yet the time has flown.


My laughing face is both awesome and singularly unattractive. 

And with that, I leave you for now.  Wish us luck!


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