We are definitely having the weather whiplash this month! Winter, spring, winter, spring, tornados, winter, etc.
It’s been a busy month for me, which is partly why I haven’t written here. I haven’t felt creatively inspired either, just sort of busy and like what I am doing is the same thing over and over…teaching, concerts, watching tv, reading, teaching, concerts, watching tv, reading, etc.
But a few highlights! Or lowlights, depending. I had a wedding in Paducah, and Louie came along for the ride. He had a lovely time exploring downtown Paducah while I played the wedding and we had a great time in the car chatting and listening to a podcast together. Then I headed to Cape Girardeau for a few nights to play with the symphony there–I played viola and carpooled with a few friends. It was a nice respite from the usual schedule, so I’m glad I did it, even though it was a pain to get my schedule organized.

Pictures of me walking along the flood wall in Cape Girardeau. It was a nice time and I would do it again in the future. I met some wonderful people and got to know people I already knew a bit better, and played some fun music.
Oh, and we had tornado warnings Friday night. I was playing a concert with the Irish tenors and we had to stop the concert and evacuate the entire audience to the basement. This luckily went very smoothly and after the storm passed (an hour or so) we played the second half of the concert and then we all went home.
One thing that is finally in progress here is that we are getting the old house ready to sell. It’s been a slog and there were a lot of decisions to be made (by Louie, as it is his house, not mine, I am just support), and now the decision is made and we are cleaning it out and hope to have it on the market by the end of the month, ahhh! Louie spent most of his spring break there doing stuff. We are selling as is which was part of the decision making. I think it will do wonders for our mental health to unload that property and be able to fully move forward and not have it hanging over our heads.

The cats enjoy the sun but get confused when the radiators aren’t warm anymore. Full disclosure: I don’t actually know how they feel, but I imagine they wonder why sometimes they are warm and other times they aren’t. Perhaps they even forget over the summer that they used to be warm and then are pleasantly surprised all over again? Oh to be a cat for even an hour to understand them more.
Remember how I mentioned we are going on a cruise? When we first booked it, we invited a couple we are friends with and have traveled with before and they said the dates didn’t work out, but we just found out their schedules changed and now they are coming! So they will be there too, which we are excited about! We will do some things together and other things apart and it will be great fun.
This week is lighter on teaching since many students are on spring break, or is it Spring Break, but of course since when I see a blank space in my calendar I fill it, I have a variety of extra gigs: two concerts this weekend, one with Brahms Requiem and another with Bartok Concerto for Orchestra, so lots of fun!