A Brilliant Run

I love the smell of a new pair of shoes.  Women’s size 10, Mizuno Inspires.  Thanks to Mizuno Running and the Mezamashii Project.


I took a lot of pictures of my new shoes inside.


But, I figured I’d better try out my new shoes on the road.

(Free shoes courtesy of the Mezamashii Project from Mizuno Running, but I wasn’t required to write anything at all.  I am because I love them and primarily because the soles of the shoes are purple.  Want your own pair of free shoes?  Apply here.)



What beautiful shoes.  Mike asked me something about the soles the other day, and I looked at him blankly.  I said, um, I don’t know, but they are purple on the bottom.  He laughed at me, and said, well, of course you know that.


Have you ever tried to take a picture while running?  Now I have.  It’s harder than you’d think.


I went to the park, ran all the way around Tower Grove Park and Missouri Botanical Gardens.  I cut down that street by the Gardens with the wonderful shaded dirt and grass path.  The dirt was very dry, and so was the grass.  We really need some rain.

The shoes were great.  They don’t feel too different from what I’ve been running in, and they look fantastic.  Yes, I’m aware that is not actually what matters in a shoe.  But I can’t deny that I enjoy the look of them.

I felt great running.  I felt like myself again.  There is just something about running that makes me feel alive, that makes me feel like anything is possible.

photo (35)

Oh, yeah, that’s sweat.

(It’s funny that that is my default attitude.  I can do anything.  Anything is possible.)

I’m already thinking about my next run.

4 thoughts on “A Brilliant Run”

  1. i’ve been running in mizunos for a while now and i LOVE them! unfortunately they’re not nearly as cool a color 🙂

  2. Hey there,
    So I signed up and was picked to win a pair of sneakers. When you called to claim them did you tell them that you normally use Mizunos?

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