Adulting is hard

Fun fact: I don’t think that I’m a millenial. But I do enjoy using the phrase “adulting.” I spent last week trying to get in touch with various concrete companies to get an estimate on my front steps…and it looks like that project will continue. I also stuck my toes into two other home related issues and am working on moving some bank accounts around, so I have a lot of adulting happening.


But, it’s Monday. I had an open rehearsal at a student strings camp with my quartet (we did a rehearsal with them observing…we probably got a lot more done than usual!) and then I hit up Target. I bought four new cat toys, so naturally they are fighting over the same toy. And I should say, 4 cat toys but 2 of each are the same! I also am trying to get on top of the cat litter situation. Cats are cute. But they do go the bathroom in a box in your house and my god the second cat has exponentially added to the litter situation. I’m having to clean it out more than once a day (we have two boxes, one is very popular, the other less so) which is frankly ridiculous. I’m hoping this settles down as he grows up? Is more than once a day normal?


What else is going on…I have a “light” week this week, but the weekend is busy. I just added it up to see how crazy I am and my “light” week looks to be about 38 hours of rehearsals/teaching. Maybe that isn’t so light after all…then again I have an entire day off, so that’s good enough! A few weeks ago I was having an existential crisis about no one hiring me (or was it yesterday?) but now I’ve gotten back into having a few gigs, and I realized that I am just a little bit insane and should have relaxed. Somebody remind me of that next summer, okay? That it’s okay to have a little time off, even three weekends in a row is okay and doesn’t mean you are unhirable.

Mostly I have been relaxing with the cats. They are highly entertaining, and you know, they grow up so fast. My band had a recording session on Saturday morning which went really well.


Three weeks from today we hit the road for another trip. And after that, school is back in session and we are back to it…part of me feels like summer has been going on forever and another part of me says it’s flying by! Probably a bit of both. I’ve been reading more than anything else—I just haven’t wanted to practice…just tired of it, I guess—and doing well creating an exercise habit. I’m also chipping away at my summer to-do list, so that’s the adulting part. I think I’ll start the fall in a good place mentally, so that should be good.

Blah, blah, blah. I know. It’s Monday Smile

One thought on “Adulting is hard”

  1. 1) I would love to know who you talked to for concrete. I would like to do a parking pad out back.

    2) Even when I had one cat, I did once in the morning and once when I got home. Now we have three and it doesn’t get done near as much (cause I’m not in charge). Sigh.

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