I won’t say I always did this, but in recent memory I take Labor Day entirely off and it’s wonderful. Yesterday had that amazing feeling of, it’s Sunday but we have another day off! Maybe someday I will only teach four days a week and make Monday a second day off (or a day off, in the case of gigs.) In any case I’m looking forward to my day, though I have a few errand type things to do this morning (including grocery shopping).
The past two weeks have been good but busy. Work is ramping up, and there have been ups, downs, stressors, and relaxing/fun activities. Stressors include playing viola on a chamber music concert and feeling inadequate about it, some other performance things, and of course generally worrying about having overextended myself this semester with my teaching schedule. Ups include getting to teach the Tchaikovsky and Mendelssohn Concertos both TWICE last week, having a fun wine dinner with friends at the Whittemore House Friday house (this would doublecount as a relaxing/fun activities), feeling valued by being asked to teach more students than every at Wash U, finding out both of my students who auditioned for orchestras at the Community Music School got in, and more.
Downs are things like: worrying about a friend’s upcoming surgery, feeling inadequate at the viola and sort of missing out on playing the violin on the concert instead, sometimes feeling left out in social settings (though I’ve been working on it), feeling overly tired some days and not giving students my best (I was BRAINDEAD by Friday evening.)
Relaxing and fun activities: Other than the Whittemore house wine dinner, we had dinner at a new to us restaurant called Diego’s Cantina. It was fine but not my favorite, but we sat outside and the weather was lovely…but then the table next to us started playing music on their phone, I kid you not, even though there was already music playing over the speakers. It was infuriating and ridiculous. In any case, we ate and left and then went home to relax and watch Suits, which Netflix finally convinced us to start watching.
We’ve also hosted some friends for brunch AND dinner recently, as well as having gone out to eat with various other friends and Louie’s family-the end of August was a flurry of social activities and I hope to continue hosting people and seeing friends. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of the fall season (this is truly the post-COVID schedule, not that COVID is gone, but that any ill affects COVID put on concert scheduling are gone, and perhaps more people are playing violin than ever) and it’s nice to keep seeing friends and feel like there is slightly more to life than fixing bow holds and telling people when to taper a phrase more.
I know I go back and forth on this blog about what I want to do with my schedule. In June I was thinking I wanted to cut back on teaching a bit, and while I actually haven’t added many new students to my private studio, I am teaching my highest college workload ever. This is a variable thing, and I figured the opportunity might not present itself again (I usually have 4-6 hours and I’m actually at 10) so it was worth doing, especially to get to teach some more advanced students, and I always love my Wash U students. But it’s a lot on top of other things…I will make it work, but I think it’ll be an exhausting fall. I’m a little stressed about my before school job starting and the early morning hours: I feel like right now I have plenty going on but I’m not overwhelmed yet, and I worry it’ll push me over, but I also know I can fit it in because I’ve done it before. This may be my last year there, but I haven’t decided for sure–we’ll see in April or May.