All posts by hannahviolin

I am a violinist. I also enjoy running, working out, reading, and hanging with my friends and cat.

Oklahoma! Not just an amazing musical.

After Louie’s graduation, we wanted to take a road trip. For various reasons, we haven’t had a good Rocky Mountain road trip in a few summers, so we were really looking forward to it!

I originally started planning this road trip for last summer, but when Louie got invited to attend the Oslo conference, we nixed the plans. So I said, let’s do it this summer instead, and replanned the whole thing, with a few minor changes. It was originally a two week trip, and then Louie got invited to do a conference in Vail, so we added that on, to make just about 3 weeks of travel.

But then I hurt my knee, and I was worried about hiking and such, but it didn’t seem like a reason not to go, so we went!

Day 1: We set out from St Louis in the morning. We had plans to stay in a small town in Oklahoma, Boise City, that night, so we had about 11 hours of driving to cover. We stopped for lunch in Olathe, Kansas, and just kept driving. I have to confess, I must have been putting the pedal to the metal a bit much at one point in western Kansas, and we got pulled over. It was in the middle of nowhere and the roads were straight and flat, and I had gotten carried away, I guess. The cop asked where we were going, and this was a tough question to answer as we were going everywhere! We said we were going to Boise City, Idaho first, and then I maybe said Las Vegas, New Mexico and the cop seemed to think we were complete idiots. Which at this point we really were. Lucky for me, he had had a roommate at the academy with the last name of Frey and seemed content to give me a warning, so I set the cruise control for the speed limit and we continued on our way.

We got into Boise City quite late, and grabbed Subway sandwiches for dinner at a nearby gas station.

Louie pulled over to take pictures of this barn.

Day 2: We had breakfast at the Farmhouse Cafe in Boise City, which was barely labeled as a restaurant, but google maps showed it to be one. It was busy enough, filled with cowboys carrying actual guns on their belts and a man who used the ladies’ room in front of me–I was about to go and then he went. He claimed it was because the mens’ room was out of order (which Louie was confused by as he had already used it) and the whole thing made me think about all the reasons we use one restroom or the other and WHO CARES as long as people can use the bathroom, which is a thing that everybody has to do, and yet here we were surrounded by people who thought the whole thing was a joke and yet they wanted to use bathrooms that didn’t match their gender identity. GAH. Anyway, I had thought it would be fun to say we had spent the night in Oklahoma as neither of us could recall having done so before, and perhaps that was enough for a lifetime?

New Mexico, not Oklahoma.

Our next stop was Capulin Volcano National Monument in New Mexico. We enjoyed driving to the top of the Volcano and hiking around a bit. My knee didn’t hurt too much with some walking, but I didn’t take the second hike with Louie and rested instead.

The landscape was VERY different than St Louis!

We also saw a snake on the path!

We saw there was another NPS site nearby so we went to Fort Union National Monument after that. It was interesting as well, but the best part was seeing a whole bunch of pronghorn (sometimes called American Antelope) on the drive.

The ruins of Fort Union are in the background.

After that it was time to get to Las Vegas, New Mexico, sometimes called Little Las Vegas. No, it’s nothing like the other Vegas. But Louie has a friend, Mario, who lives there and we met him for dinner and stayed in a lovely AirBNB in the downtown area. We had dinner at the Castenada Hotel Restaurant. I enjoyed seeing that the Hotel was a former Harvey Girls Hotel, right by the train station, if you are a fan of the podcast The History Chicks, you might have heard that episode.

Day 3: We got breakfast in the downtown Plaza area of Las Vegas, at a small place called El Rialto. We were both eager to try New Mexican food, and enjoyed green chile sauce on our meals.

We had to find the door from Longmire in the Plaza as well: many shows and movies have been filmed in Las Vegas, and Longmire is one of them. The show pretends it is in Wyoming, but it is filmed in Las Vegas, New Mexico!

We then drove to Santa Fe to meet Louie’s friend again for lunch at a place called Cafecito, which was very good and was located on Shoofly Street. After lunch we said goodbye to Mario, and then walked around the square at Santa Fe for awhile until the weather became too rainy/scary looking and we thought it was a good time to drive instead.

You can see the very ominous storm clouds in the background.

After an hour or two, we headed to our next destination: a yurt in White Rock, outside of Bandelier. We checked into the yurt and got situated, then we had dinner at the Pig and Fig, a local restaurant, and took a drive up to White Rock Overlook.

The view out the top of the yurt.

That seems like a good place to stop today, so I’ll pick up with Day 4 and more White Rock next. I’m sure you are thrilled I fit 3 days in one blog post, aren’t you?

Graduation weekend

We had another weekend hosting house guests and it went very well.

Louie had gotten his PhD back in August and then participated in a recognition ceremony in December, but he hadn’t gotten to do the “hooding”, where his adviser puts his hood on. He had some family that wanted to attend the May ceremony as well, so it was on.

People arrived on Friday, and came over to the house. Saturday was spent hanging out and prepping things for Sunday, when we were hosting everybody for a dinner. Saturday night we headed over to Louie’s mom’s house for a party.

That’s where I ran into trouble. There had been a big storm, and unbeknownst to me the sidewalks were very muddy. I ended up slipping in the mud…slowly…one leg went straight forward and the other bent off to the side. At first I thought I was okay except super muddy, but by evening my knee was hurting quite a lot.

I ended up missing the actual graduation ceremony and watching it online instead.

I had trouble walking, but my knee never swelled up or anything, so I was hopeful it would be getting better on its own. Resting that day seemed to help a lot as it is definitely better but still with twinges here and there (not the knee, but the side of the knee). Hopefully it won’t negatively affect our trip too much as we plan to do a lot of walking and hiking…

When Louie’s name was called out the place erupted in cheers. Many of the graduating students have taken classes with him, so they cheered him and even stood up! It was very moving to hear. You might be able to see the videos on my Instagram. you

In any case, we managed to host a bunch of people for dinner. We had planned on using the grill but nature has its own plans and there was another huge storm and rain so we all sat around the table and cooked on the stovetop. It worked just fine.

We had Louie’s parents and stepparents, his brothers, his in-laws and me. It was a good time!

Monday morning I had my last class at my school job, and Louie took some people to the airport. I’ve been finishing up teaching, recuperating from my silly knee injury, doing grades (done!) and finishing up my summer teaching schedule. It’s been really nice sleeping in–I got up at 8 am this morning and it was so ridiculous and decadent.

We finished watching Jury Duty–I loved it, and highly recommend you watch it, so funny! We’ve been watching The Sinner lately, which is pretty good. We accidentally watched the last season first, which mostly worked but did spoil a few things, so don’t do that if you can avoid it. I have been reading some good books lately, and especially enjoyed “Cutting for Stone” by Araham Verghese and “Happy Place” by Emily Henry (though it was fairly predictable, still very fun to read). I’ve been reading a bunch of cozy mysteries by Lynn Cahoon as well.

I was happy when people seemed to think we had really done a lot with the house so far. It’s been really fun getting to show the place off (a feeling I am quite unfamiliar with!) and I am tickled and proud when people compliment my decorating choices. We still have things to do, the shelves, the walls, the kitchen, and the sunroom, but we’ve done a lot and are really happy with how the places looks and feels. We are excited to host more people this summer (both my sisters) and look forward to having this house for a long time.

Louie is glad to be done with graduation and the semester as well. I couldn’t’ be more proud of him!

End of the school year

The end of the school year is always busy with performances and such. I’ve had juries at two schools (don’t even ask), festival, the studio recital, school recitals, school concerts, and this weekend is graduation for Louie and we have people coming into town.

I am ready for some downtime and vacation. I’m worn out and exhausted! The good news is that the house is doing well and we are mostly just living in it. There is still more to do: mostly putting stuff on the walls, but we are unpacked, we have all the furniture and rugs we wanted to get, and we are finding where things work best to store and use them. It’s a delight living in this house, and it’s a delight teaching in this house. There are many things in my life that haven’t turned out the way I wanted, or perhaps as well as I wanted, but Louie and I are very happy together in our beautiful home.

Every time I come home I am so happy to be there. I love how our rugs and furniture turned out and I am so excited that we picked them out ourselves…Louie and I learned quite a bit about what our personal styles were through the process, something we had never really done before. Muriel approves of the rugs as well.

My parents visited last weekend. I realized I didn’t take any pictures, but my dad took a nice photo on his bike ride.

We had dinner with Louie’s parents, took many walks, had dinner out, went to a biergarten and enjoyed the outdoor weather, and they watched me play a solo with the St Louis Classical Guitar Orchestra and assisted with my studio recital. It was a great visit and I’m glad they were able to make it up here.

Playing a short piece with the Guitar Orchestra. It was a lot of fun and they were really nice.

A lovely gift from a student. The studio recital was terrific. We held it in Tower Grove Park at a pavilion and had a little reception afterwards as well. It wasn’t too long but everybody did well and it is always nice to get everybody together in one place for a bit.

Sometimes Miles and Muriel share the hammock. They spend HOURS a day on the cat tree looking out the window. I would too if I were them.

Peonies blooming in our yard.

I have to say, I’m feeling much better about the progress we’ve made on our move after having people over. I tend to be pretty hard on myself, but I realized, we moved in less than two months ago and basically are done (except for the walls) so, that’s actually pretty good. I tend to compare myself too negatively to others and have been trying to focus more on the positive. I feel good about what’s going forward with my career and jobs, and I’m looking forward to a summer filled with family visits, vacation, events, and relaxing, as well as teaching.

It’s easy to see what other freelance musicians are doing and feel jealous of them: I don’t sub with the symphony, I am part time in my jobs, I don’t have any really fancy titles, I don’t have any summer festivals I go to, etc. But I have what I have and nobody can do everything, nor should they! I try to remind myself to count my own blessings (cheesy, I know) and to not compare my inside to other people’s outside!

I keep thinking I’ll write here more often. Perhaps I will going forward, now that things are settling down. How is May going for you?

April Showers

I am counting down the days left that I have to get up really early! School is nearing an end, everything happens all at once, and then we are hitting the road for a bit and seeing some mountains.

I got to see my favorite current performing violinist, Augustin Hadelich, play a solo recital Sunday night at the 560 Center at Wash U as part of their Great Artists Series.

A program which includes Bach’s Partita no. 3, Ysaye Obsession Sonata, and Bach’s Partita no. 2!

He played entirely from memory, of course, and even had an encore: the slow movement from Bach’s A Minor Sonata. It was an unbelievable night, and at times it felt as if the entire audience was holding their breath.

I was lucky enough to be able to meet him after the concert as well. Louie was kind enough to take a picture.

The next day Augustin did a masterclass with some students at Wash U which I attended as well. In addition to experiencing such an amazing performance, it was fun to see various friends and colleagues from the violin (and viola) community here. I got to catch up and chat with several people that normally I only see in passing here and there, and it was really nice.

We have seats right up front and we adore them. I highly recommend any concerts that the Great Artists Series puts on, but this was a highlight. Thank you Jen!

Other stuff going on: Jazz Saturday night with friends (and dinner before at Brasserie), Dim Sum with Louie’s parents on Sunday, lots of stuff around the house, and lots of teaching!

We’ve been opening the windows when the weather is nice and of course the cats love this.

I forget if I shared our new living room set up with you yet. We put the finishing touch on the furniture the other week when we got the orange chairs, which I love. When I walk in the front door, I am just so happy every time.

It’s always one of those “I can’t believe we live here” moments. I was never a person who wanted a big house or cared too much, but I might have been wrong. Having this lovely home has made the past month so phenomenal. I am sure it will wear off, but we are both just so happy to be here. To be fair: I hope the feeling doesn’t wear off, because we need to appreciate our privilege and how lucky we really are to be able to afford a lovely home like this one. There is still more to organize and unpack (mostly pictures, some books) but I can’t believe how much we have done in just over a month.

If any local readers need any cardboard boxes or know anyone who does, please let me know. We have a few. Also packing materials.

Muriel has started climbing up on the stair railings. This makes me very nervous when she does it on the higher floors! I suppose she’ll be fine…

Recovering from Holy Week

It’s been a crazy time. Unpacking, work, decorating, shopping, work, trying to get fresh air and enjoy the spring…it’s always a crazy time of year.

Holy Week was insane this time: I ended up with an extra gig fairly last minute and between that and all my teaching it was exhausting, but in retrospect, fun and satisfying. I played at 4 different churches and 5 different services! Probably overdid it, but I’m still here.

The cats enjoy open windows. There are screens as well.

We are working on getting our house even more in order. I won’t say I’m done unpacking yet, but I’m getting really close. We’ve gotten quite a few new things, but that’s slowing down soon. We just have a couple more rugs we need, some little lamps, and maybe a light fixture, and then we are really doing well. I’m sure there will be other things overtime, but as far as initially getting the house how we want it…we are almost there. Today the last of the chairs we’d ordered for the living room arrived, and I’ll share pictures with you later.

Teaching at my house has been going really well. Sometimes I ask myself why I even leave: it’s a wonderful place to teach and it’s so nice just to be at home to work! But then I go and play with other people and that’s a lot of fun, to interact with colleagues.

People ask if we are getting settled. Yes, but I still feel like I’m on some sort of vacation in this house. It feels like home, but nicer. I pinch myself pretty often to be so lucky to have purchased this place! The cats enjoy it too.

Muriel is working on her murder ideas. Step one, hide on top step. Step two, trip up Hannah. Step three…surely not profit?
Muriel will go anywhere she can!
Miles and Muriel cudding on a chair (facebook marketplace find!)
Muriel even got into the dishwasher one day. Silly cat.

Just some updated cat photos for you! Life will settle down here once school is done, but until then, it’s crazy (as always). I’m really looking forward to this weekend: Augustin Hadelich is playing a solo violin recital as part of the Great Artists Series at Wash U. I also have a fair amount of free time, and we are going out to dinner on Saturday night with friends and then going to Jazz St Louis. AND Friday and Monday my morning job is off school so I may finally get to sleep in a little bit. It’s a happy time!

I’m trying to manage my stress and remind myself that the house is terrific, that it doesn’t need to be perfect yet or ever, and it’s okay if my garage is full of boxes (hey, if you need any and you are local, let me know!) but there is so much work…I can’t wait for vacation and for things to settle down a bit. Until then, I will sit on my velvet couches when possible and enjoy the windows and watching the cats!

New House

We made it through the move! It was a stressful time leading up to it, but the actual moving day was easy and smooth. Trick: hire movers.

The day started rainy and we were nervous about having all our things moved in the rain, but by the time the truck arrived it had stopped raining. Since we aren’t getting rid of the old house yet (planning to do some fixing up first before dealing with it) we didn’t have the added pressure of having to get absolutely everything out and clean as well…I’ve done plenty of those moves in the past!

The movers were great: quick and professional. The whole move took just over 4 hours and then it was time to start unpacking! And (other than some gigs) that is what I’ve been doing for the past week. I’ve spent hours unpacking, moving boxes around, all of those fun things, and I have to say, the house is better and more amazing than I even thought it would be.

One of the more stressful parts of moving day was moving the cats. While the movers were at the old house, we put them in the bathroom to wait. Then we tried to load them into their carriers. Muriel went easily, but Miles was doing that cat thing where he became basically liquid and it was very challenging to get him into his carrier!

I drove the cats over ahead of the truck and got them settled into a basement room. Muriel seemed thrilled that we hadn’t arrived at the vet, but Miles was terrified and frantically looking for a hiding place in the room I placed them.

After the move was done Muriel was ready and eager to explore. I’m not sure if she is brave or stupid, but she couldn’t wait to get out and see where she was. Miles needed some time to hide, so we let him do his thing, and by evening he was venturing out a little bit.

By now the cats are super comfy here and chasing each other all over. We got a few new cat trees and scratchers for them to use as well, so it’s basically cat heaven.

One of the two new couches I ordered has been delivered and it’s fantastic! I read mixed things about Joybird, but their couches looked awesome and comfortable, and I hoped that the delivery issues people complained about were pandemic related, and it turned out well. Our couch was delivered during the week they said it would be, and the color, texture, and feel is amazing.

There’s still work to be done unpacking, particularly in the kitchen. We had a painter do a lot of the walls, but we decided to do a few things in the kitchen ourselves, mostly because we plan to remodel in the next few years. There is an amazing pantry, but it was this blue color that I didn’t care for, so we finally finished painting it white yesterday. I would spend today unpacking the kitchen and getting it set up, but I have a rehearsal and a concert, so that will have to wait, though I’ll manage a bit this morning.

I start teaching here tomorrow though, so I’ve done a lot of the office set up.

This was from a few days ago: it’s even more set up now, but I will get a new picture later.

I feel lucky in that all my students have agreed to come to have lessons at my new house. It’s not terribly far, but for some of them it will add 10 to 15 minutes each way. I am looking forward to getting back to work–I told Louie yesterday that if I weren’t starting up this week I don’t know if I ever could again: I enjoy teaching and love my students, but I’ll tell you, it’s been nice to just be doing stuff around the house all day and playing some gigs.

However, it’ll be back to teaching, but there is just 7-8 weeks left until summer vacation. Less for my college students, more for my private students, and everything else in between. There’s a lot happening between now and then: NFMC Festival, my studio recital, school concert, college recital, Holy week services (SO many!), several concerts and performances on my end (more being added all the time, gah!) and some visits from family. It’ll be a busy time, but nothing too terrible for the most part. I can’t believe it is almost April!

Miles enjoying the gas fireplace. Or more likely, wondering why on earth the hoomans are lighting a fire inside the house.

I’ve got laundry going right now and I do want to get some work in the kitchen, so I’d better go. What have you been up to lately?