All posts by hannahviolin

I am a violinist. I also enjoy running, working out, reading, and hanging with my friends and cat.

Cliff Cave Park

It was a gorgeous weekend, weather-wise, so Louie and I took a hike one day. There had been an article in the local paper about various places to hike and it mentioned Cliff Cave Park. I had had it on my list for a bit, but it often seemed to be flooded. I assumed (incorrectly) that since the article mentioned no flooding that the park would be fine to hike.

To be fair, we were still able to hike several miles, but a long part of the hike was closed due to flooding. Dear reporters, don’t just google stuff and put together an article. Maybe go check it out.


Anyway, it was a lovely day and we enjoyed walking around near the Mississippi River. We probably walked about 4 miles total.

Otherwise, the weekend flew by. For once we didn’t have any concerts to attend, but I had a bunch of rehearsals and a few students, and before we knew it, it was Monday again.

I have now done a fair amount to “prepare” for coronavirus disruptions. We probably have two weeks of food and 3 days of water (for whatever reason) so I feel better about things. I suppose I’m tired of feeling like everything is terrible and feeling helpless and that our president is a completely narcissistic fool and yet so many of my fellow Americans are…well, fine with that. It’s upsetting.

I’m also annoyed that we don’t get to vote in the primary today. I’m annoyed that we don’t all vote on the same day: the concept of momentum is stupid, and we should all just get to vote on the same day (or week, really) for the candidate we think would do the best job. Perhaps even the top three candidates, in order, and then the one who got the most votes would become the nominee. Why does the primary season feel like it’s been going on my whole adult life?

In any case, the weather is beautiful, I don’t have to teach until 1 pm, so maybe I’ll get out for a run! Sorry there aren’t any cat pictures——I ‘ve been too busy to take any, and honestly, she just does the same things Winking smile

Popping in Again

A more positive post: I have gotten so many things done today! I’m still a bit under the weather but I’ve made various appointments, made a marmalade and a pickled mushroom recipe (really, I don’t know why, except I’m obsessed), organized my music for a concert in late March, done laundry, dishes, and I think I’ll even have a bit of time in the afternoon to both relax AND practice a bit. I won’t let the world get me down!

I am looking forward to spring break. It’s tricky to even take a break, as none of my different schedules actually line up to have a break, so I’m taking a break with the college students and Louie, by extension, and we are going to hit the road to visit my friend April. I haven’t left town in some time and I think it’s wearing on me. We are also planning a fun day this Saturday and hoping the weather forecast holds: we have plans to hike and also have a fun dinner with friends. This weekend shockingly doesn’t have ANY performances to attend, and I think we will really enjoy not seeing a concert. I have enough rehearsals on Sunday and then next week to make up for it anyway.

I think I’m doing too much, overall, but I’m not entirely sure how to stop. I have a few students who are quitting/cutting back and my impulse right now is to not fill those spaces. The only sort of annoying thing is that I do have some awkward times open on Tuesdays, and I dislike having a 30 minute spot here and there, because it ends up being 20 minutes of me just doing absolutely nothing, because the students will stretch to fill the space and then I don’t have enough time or energy to do anything useful! So I guess I’d like to fill up about 1 hour worth of students earlier in the day on Tuesday and then not fill the later times and end up having some earlier evenings some days. I may not try to do anything right now and see how things shake out over the summer and fall.

So anyway, just rambling thoughts. This post probably needs more cat pictures but I don’t have any good ones right now and she’s hiding under the desk. Smile


The good news is I’m finally staring to feel better. It’s been a rough week!

The bad news, well, we are all going to get the coronavirus, right? Or it might interrupt our upcoming travel plans. I did go down a bit of a rabbit hole yesterday learning about things, and then ended up stocking up a bit more on canned goods and bottled water than I might normally have. I suppose this fits in well with my jamming and pickling hobbies! I guess if we all get quarantined I can always teach facetime lessons? The president tweeting about fake news and stock markets and how CNN is lying about the stock market and the virus to make him look bad (yes, this just happened) probably isn’t helping anybody here feel safer…nor is it helping the stock market, I wouldn’t think. If the flu is making people panic, there’s certainly no reason to stop panicking yet. But remember, don’t cash out your 401k. Markets go up and down, and this one went up for a long time.

On other notes, since I’m feeling better I’m finally going to try to work out this morning. It snowed overnight so it’ll be an indoor workout (yes, it snowed—it was 60 degrees on Sunday and it snowed here, which would be absolutely unbelievable if you had literally never been anywhere in the Midwest before—if you had, you would shrug and say, c’est la vie!).

And then I don’t know. Wednesdays are my day to catch up on everything, and I have a lot of things I should do and will do, but I am also still recovering. I’m tired, I’m sniffly (which doesn’t even seem to be a real word!), and I have a lot of things to do that I don’t feel like doing. I’ll probably do some of them and kick the others down the road until later. Maybe productivity is overrated…if the president can spend most of his days tweeting and golfing, why do the rest of us have to do any work?


I get a lot of headaches. I’ve always gotten a lot of headaches. My eye doctor will tell me it’s my vision, eye strain, what have you. I’m used to popping an ibuprofen or two a few times a week.

The past year or so, I’ve been having a very bad reaction sometimes after drinking a glass or two of red wine. I’d wake up with an absolutely horrible headache, a dull ache that wouldn’t go away for anything…no amount of water drinking, ibuprofen, excedrin, would do anything. It would get gradually better and usually by the fourth morning I would be good as gold. Yes, three days. I didn’t mention this to my doctor because 1)I think it had only happened once or twice since I last saw the doctor and 2)because it seemed to be alcohol related and so I figured, well, I’ll just stop drinking red wine.

Which mostly worked, until Tuesday morning, when I woke up with a dull headache that I thought, well a workout will help that and then by noon was dealing with a full blown headache compounded with grips of nausea and blurriness. And I hadn’t had anything to drink for several days before hand (though I recall being tired, and having neck pain, but neck pain is a fact of life for a violinist, at least on occasion!). I felt like a loser, but I ended up having to cancel my teaching that day and just laid around doing very little, napping quite a bit. I figured by the following day I would be doing better, but then I had trouble sleeping and no matter which way I lay down my head hurt and I spent some time in the bathroom feeling like I was going to throw up.

The next morning I didn’t feel better, so I called my doctor, and they couldn’t fit me in until the following day, so I headed to an urgent care center for the first time in my life. Things that are broken in our health system: I still don’t know how much this will cost me. I have excellent insurance, except it’s a high deductible PPO plan, which means things are negotiated but I still have to pay up to the deductible, which is low for a high deductible plan, but still. And of course, nobody knows what anything costs at the point of service. Like, this isn’t news, we all know these things suck, and yet, we act like this is just fine and normal and that it’s totally acceptable that I’m sitting in an urgent care center being asked questions and the doctor thinks maybe we should do a brain scan and I’m texting with Louie wondering if that’s necessary, how much it will cost, and trying to figure out if there’s any way we could possible know if that would be in or out of network (since our deductible is different for those two options.) We decided there was actually no way to know (he is no stranger to insurance companies) and I actually opted NOT to get the brain scan. Maybe I will later, if another doctor tells me I need it.

In any case, they think it’s migraines, that I have been having migraine headaches and that I was in the middle of one. They hooked me up to an IV for what they called a “headache cocktail” and I stayed there for about an hour and half, hooked up to the tubes, watching HGTV on mute (the noise annoyed me) and being generally uncomfortable. It did help the headache slightly, and I haven’t had any nausea since, and they sent me home with some more drugs to take, and I’m supposed to do a follow-up with a neurologist or maybe my regular doctor. I’m on day 3 of the headache now, and it’s still here, but it’s very mild and I can handle it. I couldn’t sleep well last night, probably some of the drugs, and I know it’s going to be a long day of teaching today (I see 7 1/2 hours of students across 8 hours and those things tend to spread) and another long day tomorrow, so if nothing else, hopefully I can sleep tonight.

I did tell my students yesterday the gist of what was going on. I always try to pretend everything is fine, and then occasionally cancel a day of teaching, but I had already done that and really did want to teach the day for money reasons. I ended up having to cancel a couple in order to get settled after the doctor’s (and squeeze in a nap and a shower in the hopes I’d wake up from the nap magically better…did not happen). But then I taught a few hours and it was fine. I’ve taught through headaches before, but it’s just when you are wracked with nausea it’s much harder.

I don’t know what happens next, other than I will be following up. The internet is full of helpful, not helpful, and somewhat terrifying information. I think this probably happened about three times last year, maybe four, and this is the first time I’ve had an incident like this completely independent of red wine (the first few times it happened I hadn’t yet made the connection), so who knows what brought it on. It’s also possible that I’d been taking a bit too much ibuprofen the past few years—I hurt my neck during a concert/sleeping funny a couple weeks ago and I’d been taking some medicine for that. The internet says headaches can be caused by taking too much medicine, so after I nip this one in the bud I’ll try to resort to topical treatments for awhile.

It’s not fun, being sick, is it? And as a self-employed person I don’t  get sick days, so any time off is money lost (plus the money spent at the doctor, which again, who knows what that is going to be? Seriously, I don’t know if it’ll be $200 or $1200 or??) It’s the cost of business, and I run my budget low assuming that I’ll have some lost income  (plus my taxes are always a who knows what that will be so I save plenty), but it’s really stupid. I didn’t get to choose my doctor either since they were booked up (and the appointment that was available wasn’t with the doctor anyway, it was with a nurse practitioner who would be perfectly qualified, but a complete stranger, so all that bs about choosing your own doctor, is simply bs. You get who you get, and you can try to choose, but when you get sick, you wait in line, you get who is available, and you have no idea what it’ll cost you.) Our health care system sucks, and every time I use it I am reminded of that, and I am also reminded that I only get to have the good health care I have throughout my boyfriend’s employer. Otherwise I’d be on the exchange, and paying hundreds of dollars a month for an even worse plan and constantly living in fear of losing my health care when the GOP decides to finally pull the plug on the ACA…why is health care only something for the rich? Okay, rant over, for now.


While writing this blog I got an email that my first student has canceled. I got up early for them, but really I got up early because I couldn’t sleep any more, even though I feel like I barely slept. I am tempted to just cancel my entire morning and go back and lie down, but I think I’d better not. Ooh, on the bright side I pick up our “crop box” today, our second one. We will be getting fun stuff like mushrooms, blood oranges, watermelon radish and white turnip. I have recipes and plans in place, and don’t even plan to do much pickling as we have two jars of pickled things still left to eat (one jar of carrots/green radishes left, plus a half jar of pickled red onions.)

The week has been a bit of a bust. I planned to do a fair amount of practicing for an upcoming gig (we got the music really late and ended up having approximately a week to learn an opera before the first rehearsal) but due to my migraine, I have done no practicing. I am not too concerned, as I’m trying to let go of things I can’t change, and I’ll be fine for the first rehearsal, but it’s frustrating. You know I like planning and getting things done. And here it is Thursday again, and I feel like it should be Monday and I want a do-over of the week, but instead I’m headed into my two busiest days without having accomplished all the things I like to accomplished during my less busy days. I am basically caught up on emails though, and the other things are mostly things I’ve been pushing back anyway, so another week won’t hurt.

I think I’ll get another cup of coffee before I have to go teach, now that I have time. Or maybe a half cup, so I don’t overdo it on caffeine.


I found myself completely exhausted all weekend. I did quite a few things too, but just wanted to lie around and read. I feel like maybe I’m fighting off a cold or maybe it’s just burnout. I think I’ve been getting enough sleep and exercise, and trying to eat well.

In any case, here we are again at a Monday. How does this happen? Like, seriously, where does the time go? It’s nearly the end of February and I feel like it just started. Even the weeks that I don’t think are that busy, are. I counted up and I’m teaching about 30 hours this spring, so that might be why things are so hectic. You may think that doesn’t sound like much but remember that’s not all I do for work, and for every student there is some outside work/planning and admin, which adds up. And then I have practicing, and rehearsals, and gigs. Three out of my five weekdays are insanely busy and the other two are very light and manageable, and I can’t decide if it’s better that way. The crazy thing is that the college semester is nearly half done already—we are on week SIX of 14 which is also crazy.

So the gist is, I feel tired and a bit like time is just flying by and I’m just barely keeping up. On the other hand, I feel totally on top of things…I just feel like all I’m really doing is working and that I am not enjoying or appreciating life as much as I could be.

Then again, I spent the weekend preserving stuff. Louie is out of town and I figured since I was on a learning curve with how to preserve and pickle thing, I should push ahead and get more practice with stuff while I had the chance. So I made cauliflower pickles, apple butter (one jar didn’t seal), coffee apple jam (my first recipe using pectin and I’m not sure how well it turned out) and a triple citrus marmalade that made my dry hands sting like the dickens while cutting the fruit but might be my favorite thing. I also preserved a jar of meyer lemons for cooking this spring/summer. I’m not sure why I’m so into preserving right now, but oh well I decided to just go for it. I suppose I’m avoiding practicing or having friends or something. There’s something about making things that not everybody knows how to that is very satisfying. It is probably the same with cross stitch—it’s neat having things around that you have made yourself. Maybe it’s a mid-life type thing and wanting to leave my mark on the world in some way.


I am feeling guilty for not attending the Wash U orchestra concert last night. I meant to, and planned to, and then just couldn’t do it. I was too worn out and needed the night to recuperate and not work for a day. Even though attending a concert is ostensibly not working, it still is. I do like to encourage my students, and I know some teachers are like family members to their students, and I just am not that sort of teacher. Maybe if I cut my studio in half, or stopped doing playing gigs, but I am who I am, and I love playing.

I am looking forward to Spring Break and having a few days off from teaching. It takes a lot out of you, always trying to figure out the best way to relate to each student and help them learn the best they can. Sometimes my students just want to chat and avoid playing entirely! Other times they can’t wait to show off their hard work and other times they are desperate for my help to figure something out…but then often ignore my advice on how to practice because it sounds like a lot of work!

I told Louie last week I’d love to just quit working and spend my days cooking, doing stuff around the house, reading, etc. He said I’d probably start hating it, and I said sure, but not for a week or two at least! I do feel like I just had a vacation, but I need another one. Or a sabbatical. How do other musicians keep going all the time? I feel like I’m constantly being pulled in different directions and that there are always people wanting things from me, and sometimes I just need a break, but I’m not sure how to really take a break. Even on a day off I end up having to send emails, fill out paperwork, and practice (that was yesterday) and then feel guilty for not doing all the things I’d planned!


I probably am doing just fine though. Don’t we all have too much on our plates, and yet we soldier on? I will try not to worry about whether I’m meeting every need of every student, or being the best violin teacher ever, and simply be the best I can be, meet my needs, and do the best I can for my students.

You can pickle anything

I’ve been on a kick this week of pickling things. I’ve pickled red onion and a green radish/carrot combination (got a green radish in the CSA so that was fun). I’ve also been eating the jam I made the other week, (not this exact recipe but from a cookbook, same recipe but smaller scale) and wow is it good!


There’s been exciting things happening. My dad stopped by for a surprise overnight visit last week en route to Yellowstone National Park. It was good to see him, albeit briefly. He’s doing a fun but a little scary sounding trip, driving out west to see some of these places in the winter. Evidently you can’t go into the park, but you can take a snow bus tour.


My band raised $600 at a concert to benefit two charities related to helping those affected by the Bushfires in Australia—one is a group in Australia and the other is a local group working to combat climate change which is the big issue causing fires and other natural disasters. $600 may seem like small potatoes, but we were pleased with it.


Since I last talked with you, we have gone to a Jazz at the Bistro show, a St Louis Symphony Concert (a fantastic rendition of Beethoven Ninth Symphony), a Zafira Quartet show (some friends of mine), and saw Aaron Diehl play at Wash U. We’ve had dinner at Indo (quite good, though we probably spent too much), dinner at La Catrina (newish Mexican place nearby), made a few more breadmaker loaves of jam, made homemade granola, visited the Arch, and probably a bunch more things, but mostly, taught students.

Oh, and we had a wonderful Perseid Quartet concert last weekend. I keep feeling like, ugh, too many things to do and then I just have a great time. I suppose I always enjoy the after-concert glow! I keep waffling between whether I want to try to do a solo recital (well, with piano) next year, or not commit yet. I don’t want to go downhill with my playing—I want to continue to challenge myself and improve.

So life is busy, but not without time for a few fun things. We’ve also been watching The Crown and I’ve been reading a few good books. And exercising, mostly indoor stuff lately as the weather has been pretty crappy outside. I definitely feel like I’m into the swing of the semester, and back into the “getting things done” part of the semester—it’s hard to get adjusted, but once I do I’m good at planning out my week to accomplish what I need to, mostly. There’s a lot of to-do lists, and scheduling a lot of things for Tuesday and Wednesday, which are my freer days. This weekend I don’t have too much going on, so I’m looking forward to a bit of relaxation and maybe even a day to sleep in, not that I can do that much these years. They don’t tell you (well, I think they do but I wasn’t listening) that when you get into your 40’s you don’t sleep like you used to.  In case you are reading this and you are younger: you’ll wake up more, and your feet will hurt at first when you walk to the bathroom. You will be glad to sleep past 8, and you’ll be glad when you don’t remember waking up too many times. Or at least, that’s how I feel. Maybe I should transition into blogging about how it feels being in your 40’s without having kids…most of the time you learn how people with kids feel and they always blame their kids for things (not sleeping being the main one I’m thinking of) that might also be just a natural part of aging.

I’m off topic though. Today’s topic is really “how to pickle.” Did I mention I bought a mandoline slicer (with a thumb saver part as well) to slice things to pickle? I was using it to slice the carrots and radish, but Louie took over because he really enjoyed it. It made great slices and I think we’ll use it more in the future!

That’s is for now as I need to get going on my day. How was your weekend?